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2019 Nebraska State Fair Marathon - 5K Overall--Text Results

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 24, 2019
                             Grand Island, NE
                         Official 2.7 Mile Results
          (Shortened to 2.7 Miles due to course flooding in 2019)
Place Div/Tot  No.   Name                   Age Sex City             St  Gun Tim Net Tim      
===== ======== ===== ====================== === === ================ === ======= =======   
    1   1/10    2429 Todd Vlieger            32   M Aurora           NE    15:23   15:23 | 
    2   2/10    2276 Thomas Dwyer            34   M Omaha            NE    16:16   16:14 | 
    3   1/7     2249 Ryan Broshar            41   M Elkhorn          NE    16:55   16:53 | 
    4   3/10    2245 Nick Bray               30   M Colorado Springs CO    17:07   17:07 | 
    5   4/10    2347 Matt Loeffler           33   M Columbus         NE    17:20   17:16 | 
    6   1/5     2300 Jesus Guerrero          29   M Grand Island     NE    17:44   17:39 | 
    7   1/4     2378 Andrew Rathjen          49   M Grand Island     NE    17:47   17:46 | 
    8   1/2     2379 Lynn Rathjen            74   M Grand Island     NE    17:51   17:51 | 
    9   1/5     2329 Kim Kaliff              58   M York             NE    17:57   17:55 | 
   10   1/4     2294 Jaden Gonnerman         18   M York             NE    18:21   18:20 | 
   11   1/8     2362 William Moninger        13   M Arnold           NE    18:20   18:20 | 
   12   1/9     2263 Kylie Cheetsos          40   F Grand Island     NE    18:44   18:43 | 
   13   2/5     2304 Calvin Hassel           55   M Grand Island     NE    19:10   19:04 | 
   14   2/8     2436 Ashon Willey            13   M Grand Island     NE    19:25   19:21 | 
   15   1/16    2328 Lindsey Jorgensen       39   F Paxton           NE    19:32   19:25 | 
   16   1/5     2324 Randall Jarzynka        60   M Cairo            NE    19:52   19:52 | 
   17   2/4     2360 Kaleb Minton            15   M Lincoln          NE    20:31   20:17 | 
   18   2/16    2398 Andrea Simpson          36   F Grand Island     NE    20:32   20:26 | 
   19   1/14    2256 Cortney Bullington      29   F Kearney          NE    20:53   20:44 | 
   20   2/9     2380 Maelisa Rodriguez       44   F Alda             NE    20:51   20:46 | 
   21   5/10    2438 Dylan Wilson            33   M Lincoln          NE    20:56   20:51 | 
   22   2/5     2275 Danny Dubbs             63   M Wood River       NE    21:04   20:58 | 
   23   1/14    2327 Megan Johnson           32   F Grand Island     NE    21:08   21:05 | 
   24   3/4     2356 Tyler Means             16   M Lincoln          NE    21:15   21:09 | 
   25   2/7     2442 Shawn Fletcher          43   M Grand Island     NE    21:26   21:17 | 
   26   1/10    2308 Jeremy Hogan            39   M Giltner          NE    21:31   21:27 | 
   27   1/7     2396 Shawna Shoemaker        49   F Hastings         NE    21:43   21:40 | 
   28   1/4      255 Ron Rauert              52   M Wood River       NE    21:54   21:44 | 
   29   1/11    2278 Kelly Erickson          56   F Campbell         NE    21:49   21:47 | 
   30   1/1     2382 Tanner Rons             23   M Grand Island     NE    22:11   22:03 | 
   31   2/7      254 Jodi Rauert             48   F Wood River       NE    22:14   22:04 | 
   32   1/13    2372 Deb Phinney             54   F Grand Island     NE    22:14   22:08 | 
   33   6/10    1746 Christopher Northup     32   M Lincoln          NE    22:16   22:08 | 
   34   2/10    2330 Brian Kennedy           37   M Louisville       KY    22:26   22:16 | 
   35   2/14    1813 Brittany Stamer         32   F Grand Island     NE    22:41   22:35 | 
   36   3/8     2302 Darcy Hansen            14   M Grand Island     NE    22:58   22:52 | 
   37   2/11    2305 Patricia Henrichsen     56   F Lincoln          NE    22:59   22:56 | 
   38   1/3     2017 Martin Aguilera          9   M Grand Island     NE    22:58   22:58 | 
   39   3/16    2435 Amy Willey              36   F Grand Island     NE    23:12   23:00 | 
   40   1/8     2332 Deb Kluthe              61   F Scotia           NE    23:17   23:07 | 
   41   3/5     2333 John Kluthe             64   M Scotia           NE    23:26   23:16 | 
   42   2/5     2062 Eduardo Ascencion       28   M Grand Island     NE    23:21   23:18 | 
   43   4/8     2432 Tyler Ward              13   M Crete            NE    23:26   23:24 | 
   44   2/4     2269 Darrell Detlefsen       48   M Grand Island     NE    24:01   23:26 | 
   45   3/14    2293 Megan Gilkey            32   F Waco             NE    24:00   23:29 | 
   46   5/8      728 Joe Sutherland          11   M Grand Island     NE    23:39   23:33 | 
   47   2/13    1863 Jennifer Zimmerman      51   F Kearney          NE    24:01   23:39 | 
   48   2/14    2006 Griselda Aguilera       27   F Grand Island     NE    23:43   23:43 | 
   49   2/3     2345 Brigham Loeffler         9   M Grand Island     NE    23:48   23:44 | 
   50   3/14    2158 Jenny Augustine         27   F Gretna           NE    24:13   23:44 | 
   51   4/14    2403 Libby Spotanski         34   F Grand Island     NE    24:06   23:46 | 
   52   3/4     1685 Jeff Krejdl             48   M Oxford           NE    24:04   23:47 | 
   53   1/5     2355 Emma Means              18   F Lincoln          NE    24:05   23:59 | 
   54   1/4     2262 Olivia Chapman          13   F Grand Island     NE    24:16   24:10 | 
   55   3/13    2311 Kari Hooker-Leep        54   F Grand Island     NE    24:20   24:10 | 
   56   4/14    2283 Heather Rae Faimon      28   F Hastings         NE    29:30   24:14 | 
   57   3/3     2314 Keegan Inks             10   M Grand Island     NE    24:48   24:14 | 
   58   3/11    2383 Marcelline Ross         59   F Grand Island     NE    24:17   24:15 | 
   59   1/4     2361 Vaughn Minton           67   M Grand Island     NE    24:30   24:16 | 
   60   5/14    2445 Tonya Waldmann          32   F Grand Island     NE    24:35   24:32 | 
   61   4/16    2342 Mandy Lauck             37   F Columbus         NE    24:47   24:36 | 
   62   5/16    2412 Maria Thames            39   F Grand Island     NE    24:51   24:41 | 
   63   7/10    2359 Jacob Meyer             34   M Kansas City      MO    24:53   24:48 | 
   64   3/10    2286 Chad Fickes             35   M Roca             NE    25:01   24:49 | 
   65   3/7     2287 Kevin Fickes            43   M Grand Island     NE    25:02   24:49 | 
   66   3/5     2444 Jim Koenig              59   M Grand Island     NE    25:06   25:02 | 
   67   4/10    2346 Jeff Loeffler           39   M Grand Island     NE    25:13   25:09 | 
   68   4/4     2385 Mark Rozendal           46   M Grand Island     NE    25:29   25:12 | 
   69   5/10    2426 Joe Vavricek            37   M Grand Island     NE    27:05   25:22 | 
   70   6/16    2427 Julie Vavricek          36   F Grand Island     NE    27:05   25:22 | 
   71   6/10    2419 Curtis Tomasevicz       38   M Raymond          NE    25:34   25:26 | 
   72   7/10    2244 Zach Boss               37   M Shelby           NE    25:34   25:26 | 
   73   8/10    2425 Dagen Valentine         37   M Lincoln          NE    25:56   25:30 | 
   74   3/7     2434 Kim Wiedenbeck          48   F Walton           NE    25:50   25:40 | 
   75   7/16    2124 Molly Asher             38   F Grand Island     NE    25:52   25:43 | 
   76   1/4     2123 Claire Asher             9   F Grand Island     NE    25:52   25:44 | 
   77   3/5     2393 Brad Schick             28   M Columbus         NE    25:57   25:45 | 
   78   4/5     2414 Garvin Thiele           26   M Kearney          NE    25:46   25:46 | 
   79   4/5     2366 Michael Munson          62   M Columbus         NE    25:50   25:46 | 
   80   5/14    2430 Alyssa Vogan            28   F Denver           CO    25:55   25:46 | 
   81   8/10    2376 Jake Pullen             32   M Aurora           NE    26:03   25:47 | 
   82   1/3     2413 Abigail Thiele          23   F Kearney          NE    25:48   25:48 | 
   83   2/4     2420 Cory Townsend           52   M Grand Island     NE    26:12   25:52 | 
   84   6/14    2428 Melinda Vlieger         30   F Aurora           NE    26:23   25:54 | 
   85   9/10    1793 Aaron Schock            32   M Grand Island     NE    26:28   26:03 | 
   86   6/8     2254 Levi Bruns              13   M Grand Island     NE    26:23   26:05 | 
   87   4/7     2253 Dan Bruns               40   M Grand Island     NE    26:23   26:06 | 
   88   5/5     2341 Joshua Larson           29   M Grand Island     NE    26:26   26:10 | 
   89   1/2     2322 Marcia Jarosik          67   F Fairfield        NE    26:30   26:12 | 
   90   2/8     2289 Christine Fogland       64   F Grand Island     NE    26:28   26:13 | 
   91   7/14    2407 Caitlin Stump           32   F Grand Island     NE    26:50   26:19 | 
   92   6/14    2381 Maggie Roehrich         26   F Grand Island     NE    26:57   26:26 | 
   93   8/16    2331 Danielle Kersten        37   F Grand Island     NE    26:42   26:33 | 
   94   5/5     2255 Steve Buhrman           61   M Saint Libory     NE    26:58   26:47 | 
   95   8/14    2061 Sofia Aguilera          33   F Grand Island     NE    27:06   26:55 | 
   96   9/16    2364 Kassie Morse            39   F Grand Island     NE    27:25   26:56 | 
   97   2/5     2370 Olivia Ostdiek          17   F Grand Island     NE    27:02   26:57 | 
   98   9/14    2343 Chelsey Liess           34   F Grand Island     NE    27:08   26:59 | 
   99   2/4     2344 Skyler Liess             8   F Grand Island     NE    27:09   26:59 | 
  100   2/4     2251 David Brown             66   M Omaha            NE    27:21   27:07 | 
  101   3/5     2365 Morgan Morse            19   F Grand Island     NE    27:35   27:07 | 
  102   2/4     2348 Payton Loeffler         11   F Grand Island     NE    27:17   27:13 | 
  103   3/9     2386 Terra Rozendal          42   F Grand Island     NE    27:30   27:14 | 
  104   4/5     1631 Scott Hiatt             56   M Grand Island     NE    27:35   27:26 | 
  105   4/4     2416 David Thompson          17   M Overton          NE    27:46   27:27 | 
  106   4/5     2418 Lauren Thompson         15   F Overton          NE    27:46   27:27 | 
  107   7/14    2397 Karly Simonson          27   F Saint Libory     NE    27:33   27:29 | 
  108   4/11    2440 Dee Hanssen             57   F Grand Island     NE    27:48   27:35 | 
  109   1/1     2392 Gerald Schaben          76   M Seward           NE    27:54   27:40 | 
  110   8/14    2312 Rainielle Hoover        28   F Grand Island     NE    28:02   27:43 | 
  111  10/16    2281 Mikaleh Esquitin        37   F Saint Paul       NE    28:20   27:46 | 
  112   3/4     2290 Daniel Fogland          66   M Grand Island     NE    28:08   27:50 | 
  113  11/16    2291 Ashley Garey            35   F Lincoln          NE    28:08   27:56 | 
  114   7/8     2303 Gaven Hansen            12   M Grand Island     NE    28:13   28:06 | 
  115   4/13    2301 Carole Hagen            51   F Arvada           CO    28:12   28:12 | 
  116   4/7     2337 Anita Krejdl            48   F Oxford           NE    28:42   28:26 | 
  117   5/13    2389 Patricia Salgado        53   F Grand Island     NE    28:41   28:41 | 
  118   3/8     2421 Laura Tucker            61   F Aurora           NE    29:08   28:47 | 
  119   9/14    2274 Kaytlyn Doyle           29   F Papillion        NE    29:14   28:50 | 
  120   4/9     2334 Megan Knuth             40   F Grand Island     NE    29:21   28:57 | 
  121  10/14    2336 Fallon Kostbahn         25   F Grand Island     NE    29:05   28:58 | 
  122   5/11    2326 Karen Johnson           58   F Ellijay          GA    29:39   29:26 | 
  123   5/9     2323 Tracy Jarosik           43   F Edgar            NE    29:53   29:34 | 
  124   8/8     2319 Owen Janulewicz         12   M Grand Island     NE    29:54   29:35 | 
  125   3/4     2317 Ava Janulewicz          10   F Grand Island     NE    30:02   29:42 | 
  126   9/10    2320 Steven Janulewicz       39   M Grand Island     NE    30:02   29:43 | 
  127  12/16    2318 Jenna Janulewicz        38   F Grand Island     NE    30:02   29:43 | 
  128   2/3     2299 Sarah Grigsby           24   F Central City     NE    29:49   29:46 | 
  129   6/13    2417 Jan Thompson            51   F Overton          NE    30:07   29:46 | 
  130  10/14    2340 Amanda Larson           31   F Grand Island     NE    30:02   29:46 | 
  131   4/4     2358 Merle Mendenhall        65   M Grand Island     NE    30:00   29:49 | 
  132  11/14    2443 Kate Tellus             25   F Grand Island     NE    30:11   30:04 | 
  133           2441 Lisa Thayer             55     Grand Island     NE    30:37   30:23 | 
  134   6/11    2433 Lynne Werner            55   F Grand Island     NE    30:37   30:23 | 
  135  13/16    2377 Megan Rathje            39   F Ayr              NE    30:48   30:28 | 
  136   2/2     2410 Jack Sullivan           73   M Lincoln          NE    31:13   30:44 | 
  137   4/4      713 Kayla Jones              8   F Lincoln          NE    31:04   31:01 | 
  138  10/10    1664 Kyle Jones              32   M Lincoln          NE    31:04   31:01 | 
  139   5/7     2272 Gina Doose              48   F Lincoln          NE    31:22   31:03 | 
  140   4/8     2354 Sally McCann            62   F Kearney          NE    31:30   31:09 | 
  141   6/9     2241 Doreen Berglund         41   F Grand Island     NE    31:47   31:32 | 
  142   3/4     2265 Marea Cochran           12   F Temecula         CA    32:32   32:11 | 
  143  14/16    2400 Bobbi Sorensen          35   F Kearney          NE    32:36   32:20 | 
  144  10/10    2401 Matt Sorensen           36   M Kearney          NE    32:36   32:21 | 
  145  15/16    2246 Allison Bredenkamp      36   F Omaha            NE    33:33   33:07 | 
  146  12/14    2267 Mandie Cox              25   F Hastings         NE    33:45   33:26 | 
  147   7/13    2374 Lynette Poppenberg      54   F Tempe            AZ    33:45   33:27 | 
  148   8/13    2335 Shannon Kohmetscher     54   F Lincoln          NE    33:45   33:40 | 
  149   5/5     2387 John Rust               59   M Hastings         NE    34:24   34:02 | 
  150   7/11    2309 Janelle Holmes          56   F Grand Island     NE    35:27   35:13 | 
  151   3/4     2310 Randy Holmes            54   M Grand Island     NE    35:27   35:14 | 
  152   7/9     2395 Amber Schuppan          42   F Doniphan         NE    36:03   35:48 | 
  153   5/7     2288 Chris Flodine           40   M Holdrege         NE    36:05   35:50 | 
  154   5/8     2406 Terri Steinhauer        64   F Stuart           FL    36:08   35:58 | 
  155  13/14    2280 Holly Ernst             28   F Grand Island     NE    36:35   36:18 | 
  156   8/11    2279 Amy Ernst               55   F Grand Island     NE    36:36   36:19 | 
  157   9/11    2285 Lynn Ficken             57   F Grand Island     NE    37:49   37:23 | 
  158  11/14    2373 Samantha Pool           31   F Grand Island     NE    37:49   37:24 | 
  159   8/9     2270 Lisa Detlefsen          43   F Grand Island     NE    37:58   37:25 | 
  160   2/2     2409 Anna Sullivan           65   F Lincoln          NE    39:20   38:59 | 
  161   5/5     2349 Danneeka Lorimer        19   F North Platte     NE    40:51   40:05 | 
  162   9/13    2371 Meredith Papasian       54   F Lambesc          FRA   40:29   40:29 | 
  163  12/14    2408 Jennifer Stump          33   F Grand Island     NE    41:20   40:43 | 
  164  13/14    2352 Nikki Mader             32   F Grand Island     NE    41:21   40:45 | 
  165  16/16    2405 January Starman         36   F Phillips         NE    41:23   40:46 | 
  166  14/14    2368 Naomi Olson             31   F McCook           NE    41:23   40:47 | 
  167  10/13    2264 Laura Clark             51   F North Platte     NE    42:27   41:40 | 
  168   6/7     2282 Lynette Exum            47   F Lincoln          NE    42:30   42:08 | 
  169   6/8     2423 Mary Unrein             63   F Grand Island     NE    42:23   42:10 | 
  170   7/8     2369 Jan Ortega              60   F Grand Island     NE    42:26   42:13 | 
  171   8/8     2391 Sandy Sarnicke          62   F McMurray         PA    42:29   42:25 | 
  172   7/7     2394 Janna Schrunk           49   F Elgin            NE    42:51   42:46 | 
  173  10/11    2240 Debbie Bentley          56   F Neligh           NE    42:51   42:46 | 
  174   4/4     2297 Perry Greenwood         50   M Lincoln          NE    43:30   43:07 | 
  175  11/13    2296 Amy Greenwood           50   F Lincoln          NE    43:40   43:16 | 
  176   3/3     2239 Steven Beed             21   F Grand Island     NE    44:12   43:43 | 
  177   6/7     2363 Dan Morse               41   M Grand Island     NE    44:11   43:44 | 
  178   4/4     2384 Macey Rozendal          11   F Grand Island     NE    44:29   44:06 | 
  179   9/9     2339 Tricia Kutschkau        44   F Lincoln          NE    44:29   44:06 | 
  180   7/7     2338 Jason Kutschkau         44   M Lincoln          NE    45:00   44:38 | 
  181   1/1     2247 Chin Brendel            79   F San Diego        CA    46:42   46:17 | 
  182  12/13    2307 Marrie Highsmith-Hampt  52   F San Diego        CA    46:42   46:17 | 
  183  14/14    2268 Shelby Davlin           27   F Plattsmouth      NE    52:46   47:35 | 
  184  13/13    2261 Julie Carraher          50   F Spalding         NE    52:46   47:36 | 
  185  11/11    2402 Dorene Spies            56   F Grand Island     NE    54:05   48:55 | 
  186   1/1     2266 June Cords              81   F Dannebrog        NE  1:07:30 1:07:04 | 

results by Precision Race Results