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2021 Havelock Charity Run by Pinnacle Bank - Team Results by Alpha Results

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                            Lincoln Track Club
                           Havelock Charity Run
                     June 5, 2021 - Lincoln, Nebraska

Team                 Rac Teamd Time     Name                    Sex Ag Charity                                     
==================== === ===== ======== ======================= === == ======================================== 
Adventure Ready      10K WOMEN   43:57  Alana Sesow             F   22 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
Adventure Ready      10K WOMEN   48:49  Katie King              F   33 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
Adventure Ready      10K WOMEN   54:34  Hana Waisserova         F   47 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
Adventure Ready      10K WOMEN   56:44  Jana Sesow              F   57 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
Adventure Ready      10K WOMEN   57:24  Janelle Arthur          F   41 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
Adventure Ready      10K WOMEN   58:46  Bonita Sharif           F   45 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
AVaaSE                3K CORP    31:38  Shawna Svatos           F   39 Nebraska Children's Home Society         
AVaaSE                3K CORP    31:39  Sarah Ihrig             F   42 Nebraska Children's Home Society         
AVaaSE               10K CORP    57:27  Matthew Ihrig           M   43 Nebraska Children's Home Society         
AVaaSE               10K CORP  1:33:48  Dan Svatos              M   39 Nebraska Children's Home Society         
AWOL                 10K WOMEN   56:26  Therese Liegl           F   63 Lincoln Parks Foundation                 
AWOL                 10K WOMEN 1:01:16  Karen Green             F   60 Lincoln Parks Foundation                 
AWOL                 10K WOMEN 1:04:22  Peg Ogea-Ginsburg       F   62 Lincoln Parks Foundation                 
AWOL                 10K WOMEN 1:32:02  Beth Arens              F   37 Lincoln Parks Foundation                 
CAC #1                3K OPEN    15:51  Christy Prang           F   37 Child Advocacy Center                    
CAC #2                3K OPEN    15:51  Asher Darling           M    9 Child Advocacy Center                    
CAC #2                3K OPEN    26:40  Liam Darling            M    7 Child Advocacy Center                    
CAC #2                3K OPEN    33:34  Braegan Darling         F   41 Child Advocacy Center                    
CAC #2                3K OPEN    33:35  Justin Darling          M   44 Child Advocacy Center                    
CAC#3                 3K YOUTH   19:33  Jordan Cartwright       M   36 Child Advocacy Center                    
CAC#3                 3K YOUTH   19:33  Max Cartwright          M    7 Child Advocacy Center                    
CAC#3                 3K YOUTH   27:22  Maja Cartwright         F   37 Child Advocacy Center                    
CAC#3                 3K YOUTH   27:22  Ellie Cartwright        F    3 Child Advocacy Center                    
Crohn’s Kickers      10K WOMEN   47:46  Nancy Stanley           F   58 CenterPointe                             
Crohn’s Kickers      10K WOMEN   48:33  Kristi Newcomb          F   58 CenterPointe                             
Crohn’s Kickers      10K WOMEN   49:24  Janelle Coady           F   50 CenterPointe                             
Crohn’s Kickers      10K WOMEN   49:46  Mary Amen               F   56 CenterPointe                             
Crohn’s Kickers      10K WOMEN   51:00  Jackie Woodruff         F   44 CenterPointe                             
Crohn’s Kickers      10K WOMEN   52:11  Sue Hartman             F   55 CenterPointe                             
Dadderday             3K YOUTH   32:09  Cameron Guenzel         M   35 Food Bank for the Heartland              
Dream Team           10K MIXED   50:16  Brandy Escamilla        F   40 Make-A-Wish Nebraska                     
Dream Team           10K MIXED 1:00:33  Abby Detweiler          F   36 Make-A-Wish Nebraska                     
Dream Team           10K MIXED 1:11:49  Ryan Escamilla          M   40 Make-A-Wish Nebraska                     
Dream Team           10K MIXED 1:11:49  Brandon Tienken         M   37 Make-A-Wish Nebraska                     
Find Your Happy Pace 10K WOMEN 1:06:55  Dena Noe                F   52 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
Find Your Happy Pace 10K WOMEN 1:13:49  Nancy Howard            F   75 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
Find Your Happy Pace 10K WOMEN 1:13:52  Marlene Swanson         F   66 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
Find Your Happy Pace 10K WOMEN 1:18:37  Jan McNally             F   60 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
Find Your Happy Pace 10K WOMEN 1:18:37  Melissa Neal            F   41 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
Find Your Happy Pace 10K WOMEN 1:20:59  Tanya KieslingChristens F   52 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
Find Your Happy Pace 10K WOMEN 1:21:15  Julie Moore             F   57 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
Human Society        10K WOMEN   56:06  Claire Oglesby          F   47 Capital Humane Society                   
Human Society        10K WOMEN   56:28  Audra Hitz              F   42 Capital Humane Society                   
Human Society        10K WOMEN   57:47  Sherri Wren             F   58 Capital Humane Society                   
Human Society        10K WOMEN   58:16  Diana Jacobsen          F   47 Capital Humane Society                   
Human Society        10K WOMEN 1:00:01  Amy Cole                F   49 Capital Humane Society                   
Human Society        10K WOMEN 1:00:22  Kelly Ems-Wood          F   46 Capital Humane Society                   
Human Society        10K WOMEN 1:02:08  Gayle Jasper            F   55 Capital Humane Society                   
LRC Shoe Crew        10K CORP    31:47  Noah Rasmussen          M   22 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
LRC Shoe Crew        10K CORP    32:27  Maxx Seminario          M   19 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
LRC Shoe Crew        10K CORP    41:14  Billy Petracek          M   33 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
LRC Shoe Crew        10K CORP    42:14  Eric Heyl               M   35 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
LRC Shoe Crew        10K CORP    50:33  Ann Ringlein            F   64 The Bridge Behavioral Health             
LRCN Mixed 3k         3K MIXED   10:41  Christina Elder         F   33 MilkWorks                                
LRCN Mixed 3k         3K MIXED   10:45  Kara Schlueter          F   21 MilkWorks                                
LRCN Mixed 3k         3K MIXED   14:43  Dylan Wilson            M   35 MilkWorks                                
LRCN Open 10k (BLUE) 10K OPEN    34:13  Kyle Clouston           M   36 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
LRCN Open 10k (BLUE) 10K OPEN    37:13  Jay Oligmueller         M   39 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
LRCN Open 10k (BLUE) 10K OPEN    40:10  Darin Schlake           M   51 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
LRCN Open 10k (BLUE) 10K OPEN    42:28  Shannon Suing           F   43 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
LRCN Open 10k (BLUE) 10K OPEN    46:51  Rick Tast               M   47 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
LRCN Open 10k (RED)  10K OPEN    32:09  Nolan Zimmer            M   27 MilkWorks                                
LRCN Open 10k (RED)  10K OPEN    32:57  Clay Simpson            M   23 MilkWorks                                
LRCN Open 10k (RED)  10K OPEN    33:32  Michael Rathje          M   31 MilkWorks                                
LRCN Open 10k (RED)  10K OPEN    36:53  Kaleb Weist             M   27 MilkWorks                                
LRCN Open 10k (RED)  10K OPEN    38:26  Josh Klein              M   23 MilkWorks                                
LRCN Open 3k          3K OPEN     8:50  Tim Meyer               M   40 Civic Nebraska                           
LRCN Open 3k          3K OPEN     9:12  Matthew Cornell         M   29 Civic Nebraska                           
LRCN Open 3k          3K OPEN     9:56  Adrian Brandt           M   32 Civic Nebraska                           
Pants On Fire         3K YOUTH   12:28  Lucas Schlautman        M   13 Angels Among Us                          
Pants On Fire         3K YOUTH   12:31  Sam Schlautman          M   12 Angels Among Us                          
Pants On Fire         3K YOUTH   13:55  Mo Conrad               M   12 Angels Among Us                          
Pants On Fire         3K YOUTH   14:45  Elizabeth Schlautman    F    8 Angels Among Us                          
Pants On Fire         3K YOUTH   15:21  Henry Stempson          M   12 Angels Among Us                          
Pants On Fire         3K YOUTH   17:28  Veronica Stempson       F    9 Angels Among Us                          
Prairie Thrill       10K MIXED   48:05  Jay Storz               M   51 The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska       
Prairie Thrill       10K MIXED   53:24  Rick Bevins             M   55 The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska       
Prairie Thrill       10K MIXED 1:03:15  Eileen Hebets           F   48 The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska       
Prairie Thrill       10K MIXED 1:03:45  Katherine Bevins        F   44 The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska       
Prairie Thrill       10K MIXED 1:11:37  June Griffin            F   51 The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska       
Prancing Perkins      3K OPEN    22:08  Marcus Goeschel         M   42 Capital Humane Society                   
Prancing Perkins      3K OPEN    25:23  Beth Whitaker           F   61 Capital Humane Society                   
Prancing Perkins      3K OPEN    35:27  Brandy Goeschel         F   41 Capital Humane Society                   
P-wolves             10K OPEN    47:45  Josephine Blatny        F   19 Audubon Nebraska                         
P-wolves             10K OPEN    49:18  Abby Cawley             F   20 Audubon Nebraska                         
P-wolves             10K OPEN    50:34  Kate Schoening          F   19 Audubon Nebraska                         
P-wolves             10K OPEN    52:08  Claire Kallhoff         F   19 Audubon Nebraska                         
Running on talent     3K OPEN     9:51  Garrett Lenners         M   20 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Running on talent     3K OPEN    10:05  Tyler Taubenheim        M   21 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Running on talent     3K OPEN    10:09  Javier Kenney           M   19 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Running on talent     3K OPEN    10:10  Magwire Lott            M   22 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Running on talent     3K OPEN    10:30  Pierce Pennell          M   21 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Running on talent     3K OPEN    10:38  Gabe Anderson           M   20 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Running on talent     3K OPEN    10:59  James Munnis            M   23 Autism Center of Nebraska                
RunUF                10K MIXED   46:46  Audrey Kreun            F   20 Food Bank for the Heartland              
RunUF                10K MIXED   55:58  Justin Myers            M   22 Food Bank for the Heartland              
RunUF                10K MIXED   57:07  Adeline Bergstrom       F   20 Food Bank for the Heartland              
RunUF                10K MIXED   58:44  Hannah M Rethmeier      F   19 Food Bank for the Heartland              
Stars                 3K OPEN    18:35  Elizabeth Hefley        F   40 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
Stars                 3K OPEN    18:35  Audrey Nielsen          F   44 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
Stars                 3K OPEN    23:01  Josh Gebers             M   12 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
Stars                 3K OPEN    23:13  Angie Shrader           F   44 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
Strides for Life      3K MIXED   10:39  Ashton Ivanov           M   19 Food Bank for the Heartland              
Strides for Life      3K MIXED   10:40  Ivan Ivanov             M   50 Food Bank for the Heartland              
Strides for Life      3K MIXED   11:09  Maxwell Ivanov          M   17 Food Bank for the Heartland              
Strides for Life      3K MIXED   11:28  George Ivanov           M   15 Food Bank for the Heartland              
Strides for Life      3K MIXED   12:14  Lynette Ivanov          F   47 Food Bank for the Heartland              
Strides for Life      3K MIXED   12:23  Katherine Tvrdy         F   16 Food Bank for the Heartland              
Tabitha              10K CORP    35:25  Andrew Jacob            M   34 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha              10K CORP    39:55  Bryan Sypal             M   43 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha              10K CORP    50:06  Christy Schwensen       F   46 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha              10K CORP    50:11  Alan Jolito             M   50 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha              10K CORP    56:58  Jessica Grosse          F   32 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha              10K CORP  1:08:54  Cheryl Wolff            F   47 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha              10K CORP  1:09:51  Becky Buckmaster        F   50 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Blue Tribe   10K CORP  1:48:42  Sarah Jacobsen          F   41 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Rehab         3K CORP    11:11  Cheto Cerda             M   35 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Rehab         3K CORP    18:11  Lisa Sypal              F   41 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Rehab         3K CORP    31:25  Jake Schutte            M   36 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Rehab         3K CORP    31:31  Ashley Schutte          F   33 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Trotters      3K CORP    23:10  Sharon Doeden           F   55 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Trotters      3K CORP    25:22  Kyley Al-hirez          F   29 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Trotters      3K CORP    25:22  Falah Al-hirez          M   33 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Trotters      3K CORP    32:14  Clarissa Hummel         F   28 Tabitha                                  
Tabitha Trotters      3K CORP    33:05  Amanda Krohn            F   34 Tabitha                                  
Team Niedbalski       3K OPEN    14:33  Anthony Niedbalski      M   13 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Team Niedbalski       3K OPEN    16:27  Nick Niedbalski         M   13 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Team Niedbalski       3K OPEN    17:42  Andrew Niedbalski       M   15 Autism Center of Nebraska                
Team Niedbalski       3K OPEN    19:20  Jeff Niedbalski         M   51 Autism Center of Nebraska                
The Billy Wolff Boys 10K OPEN    47:30  Lincoln Arneal          M   39 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
The Billy Wolff Boys 10K OPEN    48:18  Charlie Stephan         M   37 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
The Billy Wolff Boys 10K OPEN    48:43  Keith Wysocki           M   37 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
The Billy Wolff Boys 10K OPEN    50:21  Jeremy Sevick           M   36 Nebraska Trails Foundation               
The Speed of LI-COR  10K CORP    42:22  Brady Franzen           M   16 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
The Speed of LI-COR  10K CORP    44:19  Adam Zeiszler           M   34 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
The Speed of LI-COR  10K CORP    54:19  Larry Dietrich          M   68 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
The Speed of LI-COR  10K CORP  1:07:04  Paige Bouc              F   27 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
The Speed of LI-COR  10K CORP  1:12:37  Sallie Dietrich         F   32 Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln          
UNF All Stars        10K CORP    46:06  Justin Swanson          M   36 University of Nebraska Foundation        
UNF All Stars        10K CORP    46:19  Kasey Linde             F   32 University of Nebraska Foundation        
UNF All Stars        10K CORP    52:24  Fara Adams              F   44 University of Nebraska Foundation        
UNF All Stars        10K CORP    59:19  DeMoine Adams           M   40 University of Nebraska Foundation        
UNF All Stars        10K CORP  1:10:50  Dorothy Endacott        F   55 University of Nebraska Foundation        
We Run for Beer      10K MIXED   59:13  Dylan Bryant            M   31 The Friendship Home                      
We Run for Beer      10K MIXED   59:15  Brittany Bryant         F   31 The Friendship Home                      
We Run for Beer      10K MIXED   59:45  Kirk Bryant             M   56 The Friendship Home                      
We Run for Beer      10K MIXED   59:46  Kelli Bryant            F   56 The Friendship Home                      
We Run LNK           10K OPEN    55:14  Stephanie Huddle        F   41 OutNebraska                              
We Run LNK           10K OPEN    57:22  Mitch Jones             M   49 OutNebraska                              
We Run LNK           10K OPEN  1:00:56  Juan Jimenez            M   51 OutNebraska                              
We Run LNK           10K OPEN  1:01:15  Brian Harter            M   46 OutNebraska                              
We Run LNK           10K OPEN  1:04:32  Brock Minert            M   37 OutNebraska                              
We Run LNK           10K OPEN  1:09:57  Conner Rocole           M   37 OutNebraska                              

Number of records: 153