48th Tom Karpan CC Invitational MS Boys

48th Tom Karpan CC Invitational MS Boys

VSW xc course - West Des Moines, IA

Sep. 13, 2022

70s and Sunny
Results by Cal Murdock

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                                Last updated Sep. 13, 2022 10:15 PM

  1 Johnston M S             20    1    2    3    4   10   20   29  12:37.2  1:37.0
  2 Dowling M S              59    8    9   11   14   17   24   27  13:31.2  0:39.0
  3 Valley M S               92   13   15   19   22   23   28   33  13:52.8  0:27.6
  4 Ankeny M S               97    6    7   18   32   34   36   38  13:53.2  2:02.0
  5 Roosevelt M S           120   12   16   26   31   35   39   44  14:10.3  1:22.8
  6 Urbandale M S           156   21   25   30   37   43   45   47  14:33.6  1:13.5
  7 Ankeny Centennial M S   182    5   41   42   46   48   49   50  14:56.8  2:55.2
  8 Lincoln M S             250   40   51   52   53   54   55   56  17:13.2  3:22.5

 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston M S
    1  Jack Crossland, 8        11:44.0  
    2  Charles Strauss, 8       12:28.1  
    3  Edward Yankowski, 8      12:44.3  
    4  Noah Davidson, 8         12:48.4  
   10  Tiger Heikes, 7          13:21.0  
   20  Kaden Gatton, 8          13:59.8  
   29  Logan Rector, 8          14:21.7  
Total Time = 1:03:05.8     Total Places = 20

2. Dowling M S
    8  Rob Beecher, 8           13:15.7  
    9  Benet Brown, 8           13:18.4  
   11  Nate Timboe, 7           13:28.5  
   14  Isaac Sands, 8           13:38.8  
   17  Jake Mathiasen, 8        13:54.6  
   24  Carter Haigh, 8          14:05.0  
   27  Emanue HernandezBodillo, 814:08.7  
Total Time = 1:07:36.0     Total Places = 59

3. Valley M S
   13  Taurnesh Gopinath, 8     13:37.0  
   15  Aksel Beedon, 8          13:43.5  
   19  Dillon Dorenkamp, 8      13:57.7  
   22  Graham Hart, 8           14:01.0  
   23  Jonathan Alberico, 8     14:04.5  
   28  Luca Leon, 8             14:12.4  
   33  Peter Shellenberger, 8   14:51.6  
Total Time = 1:09:23.7     Total Places = 92

4. Ankeny M S
    6  Aiden Winkie, 8          12:54.3  
    7  Cruz Lee, 8              13:13.1  
   18  Parker Sayre, 8          13:56.2  
   32  Jackson Schultz, 8       14:25.8  
   34  Brayden Nixt, 8          14:56.3  
   36  Aidan Heaton, 8          14:56.6  
   38  Marek Dessimoz, 8        15:06.2  
Total Time = 1:09:25.7     Total Places = 97

5. Roosevelt M S
   12  Cooper Briggs, 7         13:33.7  
   16  Graham Wise, 8           13:47.6  
   26  Myles Fulton, 8          14:08.1  
   31  Carver Albright, 7       14:25.7  
   35  Jack Arnold, 7           14:56.4  
   39  Sam Albright, 7          15:06.9  
   44  Rocky Hermann, 8         15:19.7  
Total Time = 1:10:51.5     Total Places = 120

6. Urbandale M S
   21  Clayton Glynn, 7         14:00.3  
   25  Joseph Giles, 7          14:06.8  
   30  Tom Coddington, 8        14:21.8  
   37  Preston Molis, 8         15:05.3  
   43  Ian King, 7              15:13.8  
   45  Emmett Lewis, 8          15:38.6  
   47  Brayden Murphy, 7        15:46.2  
Total Time = 1:12:48.0     Total Places = 156

7. Ankeny Centennial M S
    5  Brecken Allen, 8         12:52.7  
   41  Shawn Harris, 8          15:08.4  
   42  Hudson Schulz, 8         15:11.6  
   46  Levi Odson, 8            15:43.3  
   48  Ricardo Fonseca Ricke, 8 15:47.9  
   49  Aiden Paulsen, 8         15:50.1  
   50  Kade Arends, 8           16:19.6  
Total Time = 1:14:43.9     Total Places = 182

8. Lincoln M S
   40  Alex Quinn, 8            15:07.6  
   51  Jorge Cardenas-Bravo, 8  16:50.6  
   52  Devon Toledo-Comer, 8    17:12.2  
   53  Warren Mead, 8           18:25.4  
   54  Kieron Sharp, 8          18:30.1  
   55  Chase Smilich, 7         18:48.9  
   56  Antonio Green, 7         18:52.9  
Total Time = 1:26:05.9     Total Places = 250
 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Jack Crossland, 8 11:44.0 Johnston M S 2 2 Charles Strauss, 8 12:28.1 Johnston M S 3 3 Edward Yankowski, 8 12:44.3 Johnston M S 4 4 Noah Davidson, 8 12:48.4 Johnston M S 5 5 Brecken Allen, 8 12:52.7 Ankeny Centennial M S 6 6 Aiden Winkie, 8 12:54.3 Ankeny M S 7 7 Cruz Lee, 8 13:13.1 Ankeny M S 8 8 Rob Beecher, 8 13:15.7 Dowling M S 9 9 Benet Brown, 8 13:18.4 Dowling M S 10 10 Tiger Heikes, 7 13:21.0 Johnston M S 11 11 Nate Timboe, 7 13:28.5 Dowling M S 12 12 Cooper Briggs, 7 13:33.7 Roosevelt M S 13 13 Taurnesh Gopinath, 8 13:37.0 Valley M S 14 14 Isaac Sands, 8 13:38.8 Dowling M S 15 15 Aksel Beedon, 8 13:43.5 Valley M S 16 16 Graham Wise, 8 13:47.6 Roosevelt M S 17 17 Jake Mathiasen, 8 13:54.6 Dowling M S 18 18 Parker Sayre, 8 13:56.2 Ankeny M S 19 19 Dillon Dorenkamp, 8 13:57.7 Valley M S 20 20 Kaden Gatton, 8 13:59.8 Johnston M S 21 21 Clayton Glynn, 7 14:00.3 Urbandale M S 22 22 Graham Hart, 8 14:01.0 Valley M S 23 23 Jonathan Alberico, 8 14:04.5 Valley M S 24 24 Carter Haigh, 8 14:05.0 Dowling M S 25 25 Joseph Giles, 7 14:06.8 Urbandale M S 26 26 Myles Fulton, 8 14:08.1 Roosevelt M S 27 27 Emanue HernandezBodillo, 814:08.7 Dowling M S 28 Warner Leman, 7 14:09.5 Dowling M S 29 28 Luca Leon, 8 14:12.4 Valley M S 30 29 Logan Rector, 8 14:21.7 Johnston M S 31 30 Tom Coddington, 8 14:21.8 Urbandale M S 32 Zachary Wessling, 7 14:22.5 Johnston M S 33 Carter Dyer, 8 14:25.2 Johnston M S 34 31 Carver Albright, 7 14:25.7 Roosevelt M S 35 32 Jackson Schultz, 8 14:25.8 Ankeny M S 36 Adam Wey, 8 14:26.4 Johnston M S 37 Johnny O'Halloran, 8 14:27.0 Dowling M S 38 Logan Hazel, 8 14:34.9 Dowling M S 39 Evitt Fitzgerald, 8 14:35.4 Johnston M S 40 Jose Vega, 8 14:44.4 Dowling M S 41 Beau Beck, 8 14:49.7 Dowling M S 42 33 Peter Shellenberger, 8 14:51.6 Valley M S 43 Bentley Burr, 8 14:52.8 Dowling M S 44 Patrick Marsh, 7 14:54.9 Dowling M S 45 34 Brayden Nixt, 8 14:56.3 Ankeny M S 46 35 Jack Arnold, 7 14:56.4 Roosevelt M S 47 36 Aidan Heaton, 8 14:56.6 Ankeny M S 48 37 Preston Molis, 8 15:05.3 Urbandale M S 49 38 Marek Dessimoz, 8 15:06.2 Ankeny M S 50 Garrett Weichers, 8 15:06.9 Ankeny M S 51 39 Sam Albright, 7 15:06.9 Roosevelt M S 52 40 Alex Quinn, 8 15:07.6 Lincoln M S 53 Elias Stein, 8 15:08.0 Dowling M S 54 41 Shawn Harris, 8 15:08.4 Ankeny Centennial M S 55 42 Hudson Schulz, 8 15:11.6 Ankeny Centennial M S 56 43 Ian King, 7 15:13.8 Urbandale M S 57 44 Rocky Hermann, 8 15:19.7 Roosevelt M S 58 David Shi, 8 15:27.3 Johnston M S 59 45 Emmett Lewis, 8 15:38.6 Urbandale M S 60 46 Levi Odson, 8 15:43.3 Ankeny Centennial M S 61 47 Brayden Murphy, 7 15:46.2 Urbandale M S 62 48 Ricardo Fonseca Ricke, 8 15:47.9 Ankeny Centennial M S 63 Caleb Vaughan, 8 15:48.1 Johnston M S 64 Andrew Royal, 7 15:49.2 Dowling M S 65 Zac Howe, 8 15:49.5 Ankeny M S 66 49 Aiden Paulsen, 8 15:50.1 Ankeny Centennial M S 67 William Riesberg, 7 15:50.5 Dowling M S 68 Andrew Coles, 7 15:51.6 Johnston M S 69 Cameron Bauman, 8 15:52.0 Valley M S 70 Cyrus Zadeh, 8 15:53.1 Ankeny M S 71 Logan Peterson, 8 15:56.2 Ankeny M S 72 Jude Hamilton, 8 15:57.4 Ankeny M S 73 Charlie Leder, 8 16:01.9 Valley M S 74 Gavin Lienau, 7 16:04.6 Dowling M S 75 Hank Murphy, 8 16:06.4 Roosevelt M S 76 Henry Stamets, 8 16:08.7 Valley M S 77 Lucas Marso, 8 16:12.7 Dowling M S 78 Michael Black, 8 16:19.3 Ankeny M S 79 50 Kade Arends, 8 16:19.6 Ankeny Centennial M S 80 Treyton Riesberg, 8 16:27.4 Ankeny M S 81 Kade Theobald, 7 16:28.8 Johnston M S 82 Manatt Broderick, 7 16:29.4 Johnston M S 83 Berritt Sipes, 8 16:32.6 Ankeny M S 84 Lincoln Kruse, 7 16:33.1 Roosevelt M S 85 Max Curnyn, 8 16:36.3 Ankeny Centennial M S 86 Liam Lord, 8 16:37.8 Valley M S 87 Jak Kleene, 8 16:38.9 Valley M S 88 Jack Kloberdanz, 8 16:41.6 Roosevelt M S 89 Cullen Arnold, 8 16:43.6 Roosevelt M S 90 Ryder Langenfeld, 8 16:46.6 Ankeny M S 91 Paul Martin, 8 16:49.6 Roosevelt M S 92 51 Jorge Cardenas-Bravo, 8 16:50.6 Lincoln M S 93 Robert Widtfeldt, 7 16:53.2 Johnston M S 94 Gabe Van Hemert, 8 16:54.8 Johnston M S 95 Isaac Fisher, 8 16:55.5 Urbandale M S 96 Justus Minter, 8 16:57.8 Ankeny Centennial M S 97 Jaxon Bowlin, 8 17:01.9 Ankeny Centennial M S 98 Thomas Drummon, 8 17:10.6 Valley M S 99 Maverick Johnson, 8 17:11.5 Urbandale M S 100 52 Devon Toledo-Comer, 8 17:12.2 Lincoln M S 101 Jace Marasco, 7 17:13.1 Urbandale M S 102 Corey Wadsworth, 8 17:14.4 Urbandale M S 103 Bryce Weih, 8 17:19.8 Valley M S 104 Colton Scheper, 7 17:20.6 Urbandale M S 105 Ben Kouba, 8 17:20.9 Valley M S 106 Jack Hamilton, 8 17:23.8 Ankeny M S 107 Kameron Rutledge, 8 17:24.9 Dowling M S 108 Carson Whiting, 8 17:32.4 Valley M S 109 Tate Dixon, 8 17:35.9 Ankeny M S 110 Easton Hamilton, 8 17:36.7 Urbandale M S 111 Aaron Whiting, 8 17:43.1 Valley M S 112 Evan Smith, 8 17:43.6 Urbandale M S 113 Roman Willkom, 8 17:44.2 Dowling M S 114 Devin Zhang, 7 17:44.7 Johnston M S 115 Aiden Clark, 7 17:45.4 Johnston M S 116 Grant Smith, 8 17:49.0 Dowling M S 117 Zach Bakkie, 8 18:01.6 Urbandale M S 118 Cason Sturgill, 8 18:03.7 Urbandale M S 119 Cody Van Horn, 8 18:04.6 Urbandale M S 120 Kaiden Chavez, 8 18:09.3 Ankeny M S 121 Abraham Prince, 8 18:11.9 Johnston M S 122 Ryder Lee, 8 18:13.0 Johnston M S 123 John Glatt, 8 18:13.3 Ankeny Centennial M S 124 Drake May, 7 18:15.4 Johnston M S 125 Kaden Wilson, 7 18:17.0 Johnston M S 126 Ronan Rock, 7 18:23.2 Johnston M S 127 Caleb Porath, 8 18:24.2 Ankeny M S 128 J T Dix, 8 18:24.5 Roosevelt M S 129 53 Warren Mead, 8 18:25.4 Lincoln M S 130 54 Kieron Sharp, 8 18:30.1 Lincoln M S 131 Jack Weaver, 7 18:33.9 Valley M S 132 Jack McCarthy, 8 18:38.0 Valley M S 133 Aydrian Simmons, 7 18:39.4 Johnston M S 134 Mason Scheiber, 8 18:39.7 Valley M S 135 Levi Lientz, 8 18:40.2 Valley M S 136 Derek Boettcher, 8 18:43.4 Ankeny Centennial M S 137 55 Chase Smilich, 7 18:48.9 Lincoln M S 138 Ethan McFarland, 8 18:50.1 Johnston M S 139 56 Antonio Green, 7 18:52.9 Lincoln M S 140 Noah Small, 8 19:03.8 Urbandale M S 141 Ethan Pewe, 7 19:04.1 Johnston M S 142 Ben Nelson, 8 19:05.7 Ankeny Centennial M S 143 Ali Ali, 8 19:06.7 Valley M S 144 Luke Lientz, 7 19:07.7 Valley M S 145 Mateo Cancino, 7 19:20.4 Johnston M S 146 Drake Shadwick, 8 19:24.7 Ankeny M S 147 Jamaurea Amaya, 7 19:36.0 Johnston M S 148 Zadok Perry, 8 19:45.9 Valley M S 149 Brogan Smith, 8 19:50.7 Ankeny M S 150 Cooper York, 8 19:54.1 Johnston M S 151 Jacob Sickles, 8 19:58.4 Urbandale M S 152 Jack Bryant, 7 20:08.9 Lincoln M S 153 Ethan Peterson, 8 20:14.0 Ankeny M S 154 Elijah Downs, 7 20:20.4 Lincoln M S 155 Kellen Boelman, 7 20:25.8 Valley M S 156 Ely Juelfs, 8 20:28.2 Ankeny M S 157 Michael Israel, 7 20:29.1 Johnston M S 158 Brian Meir, 7 20:34.3 Urbandale M S 159 Ray Van Steenhuyse, 7 20:36.7 Urbandale M S 160 Curtis Lester, 8 20:49.3 Johnston M S 161 Braeden Cox, 8 20:50.8 Urbandale M S 162 Thomas Kelsay, 8 21:04.3 Valley M S 163 Ethan Boobyear, 8 21:23.1 Urbandale M S 164 Cooper Slump, 7 21:25.7 Urbandale M S 165 Wolfie Holst, 7 21:30.2 Valley M S 166 Calvin Law, 8 21:33.2 Valley M S 167 Bradley Buehler, 7 21:41.7 Lincoln M S 168 Brody Galloway, 7 22:04.6 Valley M S 169 Jack Breese, 8 22:26.5 Lincoln M S 170 Kabeer Khanna, 8 22:30.4 Johnston M S 171 Peyton Schuler, 8 22:35.3 Urbandale M S 172 Conner Dummermuth, 8 22:59.3 Johnston M S 173 Carsten Tylavsky, 7 23:00.5 Johnston M S 174 Ian Hays, 7 23:16.7 Johnston M S 175 Tavian Rop, 8 23:26.8 Johnston M S 176 Mehul Chatterjee, 8 23:33.3 Johnston M S 177 Ryan Boothe, 8 23:48.9 Ankeny Centennial M S 178 Harrison Gilroy, 8 23:48.9 Johnston M S 179 Cobey Cutler, 7 23:59.8 Lincoln M S 180 Colton Sisomphane, 8 24:03.0 Lincoln M S 181 Knolin Baccum, 7 24:12.0 Urbandale M S 182 Oliver Moehlis, 8 24:16.9 Urbandale M S 183 Gabe Terrazaz, 8 25:06.0 Lincoln M S 184 Connor Whitney, 7 25:34.1 Valley M S 185 Noah Sloan, 8 25:38.3 Ankeny M S 186 Cameron Alley, 8 26:47.8 Lincoln M S 187 William Huff, 7 26:51.9 Lincoln M S 188 Tyr Holst, 7 28:05.7 Valley M S 189 Kuper Lien-Schwartz, 7 28:17.9 Urbandale M S 190 Carter Fees, 7 28:23.9 Urbandale M S 191 Dj Duntz, 7 29:19.7 Lincoln M S 192 Drew Nelson, 7 30:22.0 Urbandale M S 193 Trenton Mitchell, 7 30:44.5 Lincoln M S 194 Carson Sissel, 7 31:21.0 Valley M S 195 Nafiz Qadir, 8 31:40.1 Ankeny M S 196 Eden Baumgardner, 8 32:29.0 Urbandale M S

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