Mohican 100 Trail Run - 2021

50 Mile


June 19, 2021 in Loudonville, OH

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50 Mile - Results

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[next 40 records]

572 Alex Gold M0_29 1 1/124 6:00:18 6:30:54 7:07:31 7:49:45 8:45:04 9:41:19 10:17:27 10:55:32 12:10:57 13:04:12 7:03:54 8:28
627 Broc Martin M30_39 2 2/124 6:00:19 6:32:56 7:11:39 7:58:18 8:57:23 9:58:31 10:42:29 11:37:09 13:10:50 14:25:46 8:25:27 10:06
550 Mike Dietz M40_49 3 3/124 6:00:18 6:37:50 7:20:54 8:14:24 9:21:05 10:29:04 11:10:33 11:53:57 13:22:19 14:42:23 8:42:05 10:26
692 Nickolas Stenger M0_29 4 4/124 6:00:25 6:45:50 7:39:02 8:32:22 9:33:45 10:37:17 11:16:18 12:00:16 13:36:57 14:47:57 8:47:33 10:32
593 Peter Hogg M30_39 5 5/124 6:00:18 6:32:01 7:10:42 7:58:31 8:59:57 10:02:54 10:44:58 11:39:58 13:39:40 15:02:28 9:02:10 10:50
760 Josh Elliott M40_49 6 6/124 6:00:22 6:38:19 7:21:52 8:15:03 9:24:27 10:38:29 11:28:21 12:25:33 14:17:03 15:39:01 9:38:39 11:33
700 Andrew Suski M30_39 7 7/124 6:00:23 6:37:44 7:19:47 8:15:22 9:36:39 10:56:30 11:50:26 12:43:28 14:25:33 15:45:09 9:44:46 11:41
631 Laban Matthews M30_39 8 8/124 6:00:20 6:41:09 7:28:08 8:28:06 9:45:28 11:01:28 11:47:25 12:36:22 14:12:47 15:45:21 9:45:00 11:41
677 Alescia Roberto F30_39 9 1/55 6:00:19 6:38:10 7:28:55 8:25:24 9:43:47 11:03:09 11:55:25 12:44:35 14:29:32 15:46:50 9:46:31 11:43
506 Matthew Antoniou M40_49 10 9/124 6:00:23 6:41:06 7:28:06 8:28:11 9:45:27 11:01:27 11:54:15 12:45:47 14:29:19 15:50:29 9:50:07 11:47
598 Jessica Johnson F30_39 11 2/55 6:00:20 6:42:11 7:31:34 8:32:39 9:52:20 11:11:26 11:58:45 12:52:01 14:37:32 15:50:37 9:50:16 11:47
503 Eric Anderson M40_49 12 10/124 6:00:20 6:39:36 7:26:16 8:24:58 9:41:04 10:57:26 11:47:24 12:41:05 14:34:28 15:54:48 9:54:29 11:52
718 Andrew Waugh M30_39 13 11/124 6:00:18 7:02:35 7:44:32 8:39:36 9:48:10 11:01:35 11:47:06 12:36:11 14:27:40 15:56:05 9:55:47 11:54
521 Jessen Book M40_49 14 12/124 6:00:30 6:43:27 7:31:59 8:31:20 9:47:24 11:02:33 11:53:27 12:50:44 14:40:21 16:05:28 10:04:58 12:05
600 Kyle Jones M0_29 15 13/124 6:00:20 6:44:29 7:35:10 8:34:09 9:49:23 11:05:46 11:59:01 12:51:42 14:44:07 16:06:30 10:06:11 12:06
713 Daniel Virtue M30_39 16 14/124 6:00:21 6:42:08 7:28:08 8:28:08 9:45:29 11:01:29 11:54:16 12:45:50 14:32:53 16:07:21 10:07:00 12:07
752 Samantha Demarsh F30_39 17 3/55 6:00:30 6:45:31 7:36:32 8:39:43 9:55:51 11:11:01 11:55:35 12:46:24 14:36:36 16:09:35 10:09:05 12:10
680 Tami Sari F40_49 18 4/55 6:00:34 6:42:28 7:31:33 8:33:53 9:52:20 11:11:17 12:04:44 12:59:26 14:51:49 16:13:26 10:12:52 12:14
746 Jeffrey Schneider M40_49 19 15/124 6:00:18 6:38:13 7:23:51 8:30:46 9:47:27 11:23:11 12:27:30 13:28:06 15:09:49 16:13:31 10:13:13 12:15
500 James Abraham M0_29 20 16/124 6:00:23 6:45:48 7:34:44 8:34:08 9:47:31 10:59:54 11:50:46 12:51:58 14:52:27 16:16:01 10:15:38 12:18
580 Steven Handley M40_49 21 17/124 6:00:21 6:41:10 7:28:22 8:28:15 9:45:30 11:06:34 12:01:08 12:58:12 14:56:09 16:28:20 10:27:59 12:33
529 Elizabeth Buchman F0_29 22 5/55 6:00:30 6:45:30 7:41:13 8:41:39 10:06:00 11:30:06 12:19:29 13:17:16 15:05:30 16:29:28 10:28:58 12:34
637 Nathan McDonell M40_49 23 18/124 6:00:38 6:46:17 7:39:04 8:41:30 10:02:35 11:26:44 12:19:06 13:10:11 15:07:14 16:33:53 10:33:15 12:39
545 Jeffrey Devries M40_49 24 19/124 6:00:28 6:44:36 7:35:48 8:34:14 9:50:25 11:11:21 12:06:44 13:07:21 15:09:33 16:36:22 10:35:54 12:42
691 Christopher Staab M40_49 25 20/124 6:00:21 6:38:11 7:25:40 8:24:12 9:46:44 11:11:14 12:10:47 13:08:35 15:05:56 16:36:22 10:36:01 12:42
628 Jay Mast M40_49 26 21/124 6:00:36 6:46:59 7:41:11 8:51:19 10:21:28 11:46:24 12:39:35 13:31:46 15:16:32 16:37:00 10:36:24 12:43
646 Connor Moran M0_29 27 22/124 6:00:22 6:42:13 7:33:23 8:34:07 9:55:49 11:20:21 12:19:21 13:16:45 15:20:31 16:46:37 10:46:14 12:54
687 Walker Smith M0_29 28 23/124 6:00:22 6:42:24 7:35:24 8:39:47 10:02:36 11:21:05 12:18:42 13:16:47 15:14:42 16:46:42 10:46:20 12:55
596 Anthony Jackman M50_59 29 24/124 6:00:23 6:41:10 7:28:30 8:29:23 9:51:27 11:12:51 12:12:04 13:11:32 15:06:05 16:47:09 10:46:46 12:55
515 John Bertram M50_59 30 25/124 6:00:19 6:41:09 7:29:08 8:31:15 9:53:11 11:18:10 12:19:24 13:18:47 15:23:25 16:48:27 10:48:08 12:57
533 Stephanie Campbell F40_49 31 6/55 6:00:22 6:43:21 7:35:15 8:40:40 10:06:53 11:29:51 12:26:33 13:26:37 15:27:03 16:50:34 10:50:13 12:59
583 Amelia Herman F40_49 32 7/55 6:00:23 6:45:25 7:38:52 8:43:44 10:08:35 11:36:36 12:32:50 13:31:41 15:29:31 16:57:55 10:57:33 13:08
693 Leighanna Stephenson F30_39 33 8/55 6:00:22 6:42:11 7:31:33 8:34:01 9:55:29 11:27:01 12:22:44 13:25:41 15:28:55 16:58:16 10:57:54 13:08
675 Abram Rickenberg M30_39 34 26/124 6:00:35 6:47:38 7:41:15 8:48:56 10:15:23 11:50:46 12:46:16 13:46:30 15:44:22 17:08:23 11:07:48 13:20
655 Matthew Palmer M30_39 35 27/124 6:00:24 6:43:40 7:35:46 8:40:07 10:05:21 11:36:29 12:37:00 13:36:09 15:40:17 17:10:07 11:09:43 13:23
556 Michael Dowdell M40_49 36 28/124 6:00:21 6:44:39 7:36:01 8:39:42 10:04:08 11:36:38 12:33:46 13:33:05 15:41:08 17:11:22 11:11:01 13:24
734 Derek Brock M30_39 37 29/124 6:00:26 6:50:56 7:47:59 8:54:37 10:18:47 11:43:46 12:49:51 13:57:20 15:52:49 17:13:14 11:12:47 13:26
736 John Chambers M50_59 38 30/124 6:00:24 6:42:50 7:34:04 8:35:25 9:58:27 11:21:08 12:28:47 13:30:23 15:40:28 17:17:23 11:16:58 13:31
535 Ashley Cearbaugh F50_59 39 9/55 6:00:34 6:48:45 7:42:43 8:55:32 10:24:28 11:55:38 12:54:01 13:51:18 15:53:12 17:17:45 11:17:11 13:31
735 Todd Brown M50_59 40 31/124 6:00:23 6:44:44 7:39:20 8:46:13 10:13:00 11:39:54 12:41:48 13:41:50 15:52:36 17:20:55 11:20:32 13:35

[next 40 records]

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