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44th Tom Karpan XC Invite JV boys

44th Tom Karpan XC Invite JV boys

Valley Southwoods, West Des Moines, IA

Sep. 11, 2018

70s and clear skies
Results by Cal Murdock

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                                 Last updated Sep. 11, 2018 6:16 PM

  1 Johnston                 26    2    3    5    7    9   10   11    18:41    0:28
  2 Ames                     62    6    8   15   16   17   18   19    19:02    0:30
  3 Valley                   81    1    4   12   30   34   42   54    19:06    1:31
  4 Dallas Center-Grimes    125   21   22   23   28   31   49   51    19:33    0:25
  5 Roosevelt               128   13   14   29   33   39   47   48    19:33    0:49
  6 Waukee                  145   20   24   27   36   38   43   44    19:38    0:35
  7 Southeast Polk          201   26   35   41   46   53   57   64    19:57    0:40
  8 Indianola               205   25   32   37   55   56   58   66    20:00    0:48
  9 Ankeny Centennial       282   50   52   59   60   61   62   63    20:24    0:20
 10 D M Lincoln             309   40   45   71   73   80   83   86    21:12    2:39
 11 C B Jefferson           353   65   67   72   74   75   76   84    21:29    1:17
 12 Adm                     412   69   78   85   88   92  100  102    22:34    1:47
 13 D M East                415   70   79   81   87   98   99  101    22:47    2:27
 14 Lewis Central           441   77   89   90   91   94   95   97    23:00    1:22
 15 Marshalltown            442   68   82   93   96  103  104  105    23:18    3:53

Incomplete Teams: 

 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston
    2  Jason White, 3             18:26  
    3  Kyle Battani, 2            18:33  
    5  Drew Schmidt, 3            18:39  
    7  Zach Anthofer, 4           18:51  
    9  Kiernan Adair, 4           18:53  
   10  Matthew Kliegl, 3          18:54  
   11  Grant Allen, 2             18:55  
Total Time = 1:33:22     Total Places = 26

2. Ames
    6  Brayden Bergum, 4          18:43  
    8  Cameron Campbell, 4        18:52  
   15  Ryan Smith, 4              19:10  
   16  Caleb Kong, 4              19:12  
   17  Carter Robinson, 4         19:13  
   18  Charles Arroyo, 2          19:13  
   19  Sam Taylor, 4              19:14  
Total Time = 1:35:10     Total Places = 62

3. Valley
    1  Eric Reding, 3             18:18  
    4  Landon Denker, 3           18:33  
   12  Alex Traynor, 2            19:06  
   30  Luke Carroll, 2            19:43  
   34  Sukhman Virdi, 4           19:49  
   42  Jake Umble, 3              19:58  
   54  Jack Westemeyer, 4         20:18  
Total Time = 1:35:29     Total Places = 81

4. Dallas Center-Grimes
   21  Caleb Rhoads, 4            19:20  
   22  Jacob Storey, 1            19:27  
   23  Jacob Hochstetler, 3       19:29  
   28  Logan Herbsleb, 4          19:42  
   31  Cooper Pierce, 4           19:44  
   49  Will Augspurger, 2         20:12  
   51  Max Hull, 4                20:14  
Total Time = 1:37:42     Total Places = 125

5. Roosevelt
   13  Connor Crabill, 4          19:07  
   14  Beckett LaPrade, 1         19:09  
   29  Henry Nagle, 1             19:42  
   33  Jaden Johnson, 3           19:47  
   39  Nick Jackson, 1            19:56  
   47  Marcko Dalay, 2            20:08  
   48  Mohamed Kordeir, 4         20:09  
Total Time = 1:37:41     Total Places = 128

6. Waukee
   20  Ethan Robus, 3             19:18  
   24  Josh DeJohn, 1             19:30  
   27  Andrew O'Connell, 2        19:40  
   36  Jacob Christensen, 2       19:50  
   38  Connor Barry, 2            19:52  
   43  Grant Shaw, 4              19:59  
   44  Arnav Anegondi, 1          20:02  
Total Time = 1:38:10     Total Places = 145

7. Southeast Polk
   26  Nathan Parker, 3           19:36  
   35  Eli Hanson, 4              19:49  
   41  Jacob Martin, 2            19:57  
   46  Zach Person, 4             20:07  
   53  Nick Cheung, 4             20:16  
   57  Hudson Frank, 1            20:24  
   64  Nathan Zook, 1             20:48  
Total Time = 1:39:45     Total Places = 201

8. Indianola
   25  Wyatt Woodruff, 2          19:36  
   32  Justin Seifrig, 4          19:45  
   37  Owen Fix, 3                19:52  
   55  Andrew West, 3             20:22  
   56  Nicholas Koenig, 3         20:23  
   58  Eli Ross, 2                20:25  
   66  Ryder Downey, 1            20:50  
Total Time = 1:39:58     Total Places = 205

9. Ankeny Centennial
   50  Ryland Kramer, 3           20:14  
   52  Ben Lyons, 4               20:15  
   59  Caden Rasmus, 1            20:27  
   60  Abe Brink, 3               20:30  
   61  Carter Stark, 2            20:33  
   62  Nate Burns, 2              20:34  
   63  Peter Dengler, 3           20:37  
Total Time = 1:41:59     Total Places = 282

10. D M Lincoln
   40  Anthony Nguyen, 2          19:56  
   45  Keylan Irvin, 4            20:04  
   71  Benjamin Alvarado, 3       21:40  
   73  Andres Torres, 1           21:45  
   80  Tyler Sheldahl, 1          22:35  
   83  Sam Benschoter, 2          22:40  
   86  Brian Martinez-Flores, 2   22:48  
Total Time = 1:46:00     Total Places = 309

11. C B Jefferson
   65  Trey McDaniel, 3           20:49  
   67  Alex Mosqueda, 3           20:52  
   72  D'Mitre Hedrick, 3         21:42  
   74  Cristian Moreno, 3         21:52  
   75  Aiden Keller, 2            22:06  
   76  Evan Milner, 2             22:07  
   84  Braden Keller, 1           22:42  
Total Time = 1:47:21     Total Places = 353

12. Adm
   69  Nathan Royer, 2            21:25  
   78  Patrick Origer, 4          22:23  
   85  Seth Entriken, 3           22:48  
   88  Carter Goos, 4             23:00  
   92  Nick Blum, 1               23:12  
  100  Clayton Gustafson, 1       24:12  
  102  Noah Stewart, 2            24:25  
Total Time = 1:52:48     Total Places = 412

13. D M East
   70  Dan Abimana, 4             21:39  
   79  Zachary Wallace, 3         22:31  
   81  Trenton Burkheimer, 3      22:37  
   87  Brady Gordon, 1            22:59  
   98  William Wagner, 3          24:06  
   99  Kade Dolphin, 3            24:11  
  101  Nathan Pendleton, 2        24:13  
Total Time = 1:53:52     Total Places = 415

14. Lewis Central
   77  Joey Volentine, 3          22:12  
   89  Bryan Guevara, 4           23:02  
   90  Ben Ahmann, 1              23:05  
   91  Kayden Pearson, 2          23:06  
   94  Zane Fergusen, 1           23:34  
   95  Quentin Allen, 1           23:37  
   97  Matt Shoemaker, 2          24:05  
Total Time = 1:54:59     Total Places = 441

15. Marshalltown
   68  Ethan Benscooter, 2        21:25  
   82  Peyton Hilsabeck, 4        22:38  
   93  Aaron Seberger, 1          23:17  
   96  Jay Drummer, 3             23:52  
  103  Jose Vergara, 1            25:18  
  104  Ismael Segovia, 2          25:49  
  105  Diego Ordaz, 2             26:01  
Total Time = 1:56:30     Total Places = 442
 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Eric Reding, 3 18:18 Valley 2 2 Jason White, 3 18:26 Johnston 3 3 Kyle Battani, 2 18:33 Johnston 4 4 Landon Denker, 3 18:33 Valley 5 5 Drew Schmidt, 3 18:39 Johnston 6 6 Brayden Bergum, 4 18:43 Ames 7 7 Zach Anthofer, 4 18:51 Johnston 8 8 Cameron Campbell, 4 18:52 Ames 9 9 Kiernan Adair, 4 18:53 Johnston 10 10 Matthew Kliegl, 3 18:54 Johnston 11 11 Grant Allen, 2 18:55 Johnston 12 Malachi Thompson, 3 19:00 Johnston 13 Michael Schmitz, 4 19:02 Johnston 14 12 Alex Traynor, 2 19:06 Valley 15 13 Connor Crabill, 4 19:07 Roosevelt 16 14 Beckett LaPrade, 1 19:09 Roosevelt 17 15 Ryan Smith, 4 19:10 Ames 18 16 Caleb Kong, 4 19:12 Ames 19 17 Carter Robinson, 4 19:13 Ames 20 18 Charles Arroyo, 2 19:13 Ames 21 19 Sam Taylor, 4 19:14 Ames 22 20 Ethan Robus, 3 19:18 Waukee 23 21 Caleb Rhoads, 4 19:20 Dallas Center-Grimes 24 Jared Meyer, 1 19:23 Johnston 25 22 Jacob Storey, 1 19:27 Dallas Center-Grimes 26 23 Jacob Hochstetler, 3 19:29 Dallas Center-Grimes 27 Matt Borgmeier, 2 19:30 Johnston 28 24 Josh DeJohn, 1 19:30 Waukee 29 Charlie Pattinson, 3 19:31 Johnston 30 25 Wyatt Woodruff, 2 19:36 Indianola 31 26 Nathan Parker, 3 19:36 Southeast Polk 32 27 Andrew O'Connell, 2 19:40 Waukee 33 Will Henrichsen, 4 19:41 Johnston 34 28 Logan Herbsleb, 4 19:42 Dallas Center-Grimes 35 29 Henry Nagle, 1 19:42 Roosevelt 36 30 Luke Carroll, 2 19:43 Valley 37 31 Cooper Pierce, 4 19:44 Dallas Center-Grimes 38 32 Justin Seifrig, 4 19:45 Indianola 39 Carter Eckhoff, 1 19:45 Johnston 40 Jackson Marshall, 4 19:46 Johnston 41 33 Jaden Johnson, 3 19:47 Roosevelt 42 Dain Tack, 4 19:48 Johnston 43 34 Sukhman Virdi, 4 19:49 Valley 44 35 Eli Hanson, 4 19:49 Southeast Polk 45 36 Jacob Christensen, 2 19:50 Waukee 46 37 Owen Fix, 3 19:52 Indianola 47 38 Connor Barry, 2 19:52 Waukee 48 39 Nick Jackson, 1 19:56 Roosevelt 49 40 Anthony Nguyen, 2 19:56 D M Lincoln 50 41 Jacob Martin, 2 19:57 Southeast Polk 51 42 Jake Umble, 3 19:58 Valley 52 Lucas Bleyle, 4 19:58 Ames 53 43 Grant Shaw, 4 19:59 Waukee 54 44 Arnav Anegondi, 1 20:02 Waukee 55 Vincent Hodges, 2 20:03 Waukee 56 45 Keylan Irvin, 4 20:04 D M Lincoln 57 Carson Stanley, 2 20:06 Johnston 58 46 Zach Person, 4 20:07 Southeast Polk 59 47 Marcko Dalay, 2 20:08 Roosevelt 60 Jake Sterling, 3 20:08 Johnston 61 48 Mohamed Kordeir, 4 20:09 Roosevelt 62 Forrest Laprade, 4 20:10 Roosevelt 63 49 Will Augspurger, 2 20:12 Dallas Center-Grimes 64 50 Ryland Kramer, 3 20:14 Ankeny Centennial 65 51 Max Hull, 4 20:14 Dallas Center-Grimes 66 52 Ben Lyons, 4 20:15 Ankeny Centennial 67 Andy Kramer, 4 20:15 Roosevelt 68 53 Nick Cheung, 4 20:16 Southeast Polk 69 Issac Holtz, 3 20:16 Waukee 70 Tyler Merhar, 1 20:17 Waukee 71 54 Jack Westemeyer, 4 20:18 Valley 72 Andrew Liesland, 1 20:19 Valley 73 Joe Kerber, 1 20:21 Johnston 74 Jackson Skahill, 1 20:21 Valley 75 55 Andrew West, 3 20:22 Indianola 76 56 Nicholas Koenig, 3 20:23 Indianola 77 Nathan Schwab, 1 20:23 Waukee 78 Nicholas Lucht, 3 20:24 Valley 79 57 Hudson Frank, 1 20:24 Southeast Polk 80 58 Eli Ross, 2 20:25 Indianola 81 59 Caden Rasmus, 1 20:27 Ankeny Centennial 82 Will Hatcher, 1 20:28 Ames 83 Vincent Vanyo, 4 20:30 Waukee 84 60 Abe Brink, 3 20:30 Ankeny Centennial 85 Harrison Yoder, 4 20:32 Ames 86 Dawson Assink, 2 20:32 Dallas Center-Grimes 87 Graham Margulies, 3 20:33 Valley 88 61 Carter Stark, 2 20:33 Ankeny Centennial 89 Tyler Rodriguez, 4 20:34 Waukee 90 62 Nate Burns, 2 20:34 Ankeny Centennial 91 Daniel Fu, 4 20:34 Johnston 92 Tyler Tice, 3 20:35 Dallas Center-Grimes 93 Connor Niland, 3 20:36 Valley 94 63 Peter Dengler, 3 20:37 Ankeny Centennial 95 Samuel Overton, 3 20:41 Valley 96 Hunter Groteluschen, 2 20:42 Valley 97 Stephen Beaman, 1 20:43 Johnston 98 Will Morlock, 3 20:44 Johnston 99 Peter Swanda, 2 20:44 Roosevelt 100 Jake Wagner, 1 20:45 Johnston 101 Cooper Majors, 1 20:47 Ankeny Centennial 102 64 Nathan Zook, 1 20:48 Southeast Polk 103 Jordan Alexander, 3 20:49 Valley 104 Paul Andersen, 1 20:49 Valley 105 65 Trey McDaniel, 3 20:49 C B Jefferson 106 Andrew Larson, 1 20:49 Valley 107 Ben Kock, 3 20:49 Waukee 108 66 Ryder Downey, 1 20:50 Indianola 109 Eric Fitzpatrick, 2 20:51 Southeast Polk 110 67 Alex Mosqueda, 3 20:52 C B Jefferson 111 David Gaunt, 3 20:53 Valley 112 Will Keck, 3 20:55 Waukee 113 Josh Meyer, 3 20:57 Johnston 114 Mircea Nastase, 4 20:58 Southeast Polk 115 Gavin Petrak, 3 20:58 Dallas Center-Grimes 116 Miles Wyllie, 3 20:59 Dallas Center-Grimes 117 Spencer Scallon, 4 21:01 Valley 118 Brendan Hinspeter, 3 21:04 Waukee 119 Noah Waldon, 3 21:04 Southeast Polk 120 Evan Wilson, 4 21:04 Southeast Polk 121 Zachary Hill, 2 21:05 Valley 122 Tyler McCormac, 1 21:05 Roosevelt 123 Bryson Illian, 1 21:06 Dallas Center-Grimes 124 Braden Sankot, 3 21:07 Waukee 125 Logan Grover, 2 21:07 Indianola 126 Theo Whitehead, 1 21:08 Roosevelt 127 Caleb Nostrala, 3 21:11 Indianola 128 Leyton Wahl, 2 21:12 Ames 129 Nolan Larsen, 3 21:12 Southeast Polk 130 Eli Followwill, 2 21:13 Dallas Center-Grimes 131 Braden Miller, 1 21:14 Ankeny Centennial 132 Warren Breeden, 2 21:15 Indianola 133 Bashar Eid, 3 21:15 Roosevelt 134 Theo Housker, 3 21:16 Ankeny Centennial 135 Jose Cordova, 3 21:17 Waukee 136 Zach Abbey, 3 21:17 Johnston 137 Alexis Castro, 1 21:18 Roosevelt 138 Nick Bechtel, 1 21:18 Johnston 139 Keene Barnes, 1 21:19 Indianola 140 Cade Cunningham, 4 21:21 Ankeny Centennial 141 Payton Griffin, 4 21:22 Ankeny Centennial 142 Trevon Kyer, 2 21:22 Southeast Polk 143 68 Ethan Benscooter, 2 21:25 Marshalltown 144 69 Nathan Royer, 2 21:25 Adm 145 Brayden Topic, 2 21:26 Valley 146 Ty Rounds, 1 21:26 Ankeny Centennial 147 Ryan Bybee, 2 21:27 Ankeny Centennial 148 Brett Wineinger, 1 21:29 Ames 149 Joel Nelson, 1 21:30 Ankeny Centennial 150 Keegan Smith, 2 21:31 Ankeny Centennial 151 Michael Romano, 2 21:31 Indianola 152 Avery Carlson, 1 21:31 Ankeny Centennial 153 Owen Hoff, 4 21:33 Ankeny Centennial 154 Jack Olson, 2 21:33 Roosevelt 155 Jack Borgmeier, 3 21:34 Johnston 156 Stephen Elliott, 3 21:34 Waukee 157 Ryland Welch, 3 21:34 Waukee 158 Andrew Benson, 4 21:35 Waukee 159 Noah Miller, 4 21:35 Waukee 160 Chad Denadel, 1 21:35 Waukee 161 Jack Gilbert, 2 21:36 Ames 162 Musa Abd'alim, 3 21:36 Ames 163 Evan Newcomb, 4 21:36 Johnston 164 Konrad Rohlf, 1 21:38 Johnston 165 Jackson Grant, 1 21:38 Roosevelt 166 70 Dan Abimana, 4 21:39 D M East 167 Kyle Geerts, 3 21:39 Johnston 168 71 Benjamin Alvarado, 3 21:40 D M Lincoln 169 Logan Becker, 1 21:40 Johnston 170 72 D'Mitre Hedrick, 3 21:42 C B Jefferson 171 Jacob Phillips, 2 21:42 Valley 172 Sam Trabue, 2 21:44 Ames 173 Jacob Windust, 4 21:44 Valley 174 Will Blackmore, 1 21:45 Ankeny Centennial 175 73 Andres Torres, 1 21:45 D M Lincoln 176 Wiley Parks, 4 21:46 Southeast Polk 177 Charlie Peterson, 1 21:46 Waukee 178 Michael Schenck, 1 21:47 Ames 179 Jamison Cunningham, 2 21:48 Johnston 180 Aryan Prajapati, 4 21:51 Valley 181 74 Cristian Moreno, 3 21:52 C B Jefferson 182 London Hershberger, 1 21:53 Ankeny Centennial 183 Brody Greenwood, 4 21:53 Indianola 184 Noah Gumm, 2 21:54 Roosevelt 185 Andrew Phillips, 1 21:55 Waukee 186 Joseph Donahoe, 2 21:56 Valley 187 Cameron Larson, 1 21:57 Ankeny Centennial 188 Ethan Holter, 1 21:57 Johnston 189 Jack Neel, 2 21:58 Roosevelt 190 Jack Lacey, 1 21:58 Ankeny Centennial 191 Logan Eilers, 1 22:00 Ankeny Centennial 192 Ben Tope, 2 22:01 Waukee 193 Isaac Short, 1 22:02 Dallas Center-Grimes 194 Luke Trannel, 1 22:02 Valley 195 Cael Wineland, 1 22:02 Dallas Center-Grimes 196 Hunter Rose, 2 22:02 Waukee 197 Cameron Mesman, 2 22:03 Waukee 198 Tayler Ott, 2 22:03 Indianola 199 Carter Smith, 1 22:03 Valley 200 Caden Rehmeier, 2 22:04 Indianola 201 Jaden Steffy, 2 22:04 Waukee 202 Cade Nickell, 2 22:05 Southeast Polk 203 Kyle Witte, 1 22:05 Waukee 204 Zachary Zinn, 1 22:05 Ankeny Centennial 205 Miles Combs, 3 22:06 Indianola 206 75 Aiden Keller, 2 22:06 C B Jefferson 207 76 Evan Milner, 2 22:07 C B Jefferson 208 Ethan Landin, 1 22:07 Waukee 209 Sam Lanz, 2 22:10 Waukee 210 77 Joey Volentine, 3 22:12 Lewis Central 211 Kenny McAleer, 3 22:13 Waukee 212 Tovial Cayton, 2 22:14 Ankeny Centennial 213 Kell Bowen, 2 22:14 Dallas Center-Grimes 214 Isaac Anderson, 3 22:14 Southeast Polk 215 Eli Munch, 1 22:15 Valley 216 Carl Murphy, 3 22:17 Valley 217 Charlie Hoffman, 1 22:18 Ankeny Centennial 218 Nathan Waters, 2 22:19 Johnston 219 Jack Schaeuble, 3 22:19 Valley 220 Joseph Smith, 2 22:20 Valley 221 Jude Charlton, 4 22:21 Roosevelt 222 Connor Wilson, 3 22:21 Ankeny Centennial 223 Kellen Jones, 1 22:22 Ankeny Centennial 224 78 Patrick Origer, 4 22:23 Adm 225 Thomas Hansen, 1 22:23 Valley 226 Ben McFetridge, 1 22:23 Roosevelt 227 Brad Vu, 3 22:25 Johnston 228 Jonah Sterling, 1 22:27 Johnston 229 John Romo, 2 22:28 Roosevelt 230 Zach Harvey, 2 22:28 Johnston 231 Joel McCleary, 1 22:28 Ankeny Centennial 232 Tate Severs, 1 22:28 Johnston 233 Joey Koehler, 1 22:28 Johnston 234 Josh Gartin, 4 22:30 Ames 235 79 Zachary Wallace, 3 22:31 D M East 236 Jake Beattie, 4 22:32 Southeast Polk 237 80 Tyler Sheldahl, 1 22:35 D M Lincoln 238 Andrew Greene, 4 22:36 Ames 239 81 Trenton Burkheimer, 3 22:37 D M East 240 Marco Aranda, 3 22:38 Roosevelt 241 82 Peyton Hilsabeck, 4 22:38 Marshalltown 242 Luke Wellet, 1 22:39 Waukee 243 83 Sam Benschoter, 2 22:40 D M Lincoln 244 Carson Packer, 1 22:40 Ames 245 Sam Hennes, 1 22:40 Johnston 246 Spencer Dunham, 4 22:41 Waukee 247 Dominic Rivas, 4 22:41 Indianola 248 84 Braden Keller, 1 22:42 C B Jefferson 249 Isaac Kronberg, 1 22:42 Johnston 250 Ian Nelson, 1 22:44 Ames 251 Connor Schroeder, 3 22:44 Ames 252 Evan Eggland, 1 22:44 Ankeny Centennial 253 Seth Parry, 3 22:46 Roosevelt 254 85 Seth Entriken, 3 22:48 Adm 255 Aryen Clipper, 1 22:48 Ames 256 86 Brian Martinez-Flores, 2 22:48 D M Lincoln 257 Noor Noor, 3 22:50 Johnston 258 Logan Keenan, 2 22:51 Ankeny Centennial 259 Charlie Craiger, 1 22:51 Roosevelt 260 Graham Randall, 1 22:52 Ankeny Centennial 261 Luke Lacey, 3 22:54 Ankeny Centennial 262 Devon Tekolste, 1 22:54 Southeast Polk 263 Harrison Eckard-Garrett, 3 22:55 Roosevelt 264 Nate Wilson, 4 22:55 Waukee 265 Garrett Burger, 4 22:56 Valley 266 Avery Mosher, 2 22:56 Ames 267 Caleb Powell, 2 22:57 Dallas Center-Grimes 268 Liam Hostetter, 2 22:57 Ames 269 Nick Rider, 3 22:58 Roosevelt 270 Brandon Ness, 1 22:58 Johnston 271 Aric Berryhill, 4 22:58 Ames 272 Levi Schultz, 2 22:59 Valley 273 87 Brady Gordon, 1 22:59 D M East 274 88 Carter Goos, 4 23:00 Adm 275 Chanler Braman, 4 23:01 Waukee 276 Ethan Elsbernd, 2 23:01 Waukee 277 Colin Easler, 1 23:02 Roosevelt 278 89 Bryan Guevara, 4 23:02 Lewis Central 279 Brady Willis, 2 23:04 Johnston 280 Shane Esposito, 4 23:04 Roosevelt 281 90 Ben Ahmann, 1 23:05 Lewis Central 282 Jonas Gaster, 3 23:05 Roosevelt 283 91 Kayden Pearson, 2 23:06 Lewis Central 284 Roman Keahna-Harris, 1 23:07 Ankeny Centennial 285 Caedmon Crawford, 1 23:08 Ames 286 Cael Jones, 2 23:08 Southeast Polk 287 Clayton Rossmanith, 3 23:08 Dallas Center-Grimes 288 Eric Schmitt, 3 23:10 Johnston 289 Daniel Pfeifer, 4 23:11 D M Lincoln 290 Nate Hines, 1 23:12 Ankeny Centennial 291 Alex Ladner, 1 23:12 Ankeny Centennial 292 92 Nick Blum, 1 23:12 Adm 293 Andrew Ritchie, 3 23:12 Johnston 294 Isaac Helton, 2 23:13 Roosevelt 295 Sterling Mills, 3 23:13 Valley 296 James Howard, 4 23:14 Indianola 297 Karsten Newell, 1 23:15 Dallas Center-Grimes 298 Matthew Crist, 2 23:15 Roosevelt 299 Andrew Stapleton, 2 23:15 Ankeny Centennial 300 Karson Lee, 3 23:17 Johnston 301 93 Aaron Seberger, 1 23:17 Marshalltown 302 Akira Nemoto, 3 23:20 Roosevelt 303 Trevor Hulsing, 2 23:21 Waukee 304 Grant Dahlen, 4 23:21 Valley 305 Tom Giampolo, 3 23:21 Johnston 306 Ayden Lyon, 1 23:23 Johnston 307 Jesse Floyd, 1 23:25 Valley 308 Drake Downard, 2 23:26 Indianola 309 Traeton Wheeler, 3 23:26 Johnston 310 Chris Moseley, 1 23:32 Waukee 311 Kaden Ingram, 2 23:33 Ankeny Centennial 312 Gabe Vald, 4 23:34 Roosevelt 313 94 Zane Fergusen, 1 23:34 Lewis Central 314 Samuel Bonner, 2 23:35 Valley 315 Alex Kovar, 3 23:36 Ames 316 Matthew Hehr, 1 23:37 Ames 317 95 Quentin Allen, 1 23:37 Lewis Central 318 Kyle Goben, 3 23:38 Johnston 319 Alex Granados, 1 23:38 Roosevelt 320 Freddy Chavez, 3 23:38 C B Jefferson 321 Jonah Christensen, 2 23:39 Waukee 322 Andy Tran, 1 23:40 Valley 323 Hayden McCormac, 1 23:40 Roosevelt 324 Alex Owens, 1 23:40 Valley 325 Beckett Newton, 3 23:41 Valley 326 Mason DeLange, 3 23:42 Roosevelt 327 Bryce Ladd, 4 23:44 Waukee 328 Evan Bracewell, 4 23:45 Southeast Polk 329 Luke Mullen, 3 23:46 Johnston 330 Gavin Mally, 1 23:46 Johnston 331 Ben Johnson, 2 23:48 Valley 332 Ean Cummings, 2 23:48 Roosevelt 333 Brenden Merical, 1 23:48 Indianola 334 Jack Wanamaker, 1 23:50 Ames 335 Eli Hull, 2 23:52 Dallas Center-Grimes 336 Yogesh Gurung, 3 23:52 D M Lincoln 337 96 Jay Drummer, 3 23:52 Marshalltown 338 Liam Stamper, 2 23:53 Roosevelt 339 Will Pixley, 1 23:53 Valley 340 Ethan Hauschildt, 2 23:55 Ankeny Centennial 341 Mason Slack, 3 23:56 C B Jefferson 342 Derek Marsh, 1 23:57 Johnston 343 Jacob Peters, 4 23:57 Ames 344 Wyatt Kacmarynski, 3 23:59 Johnston 345 Aidan Buske, 2 24:00 Waukee 346 Chase Koletzke, 2 24:01 C B Jefferson 347 97 Matt Shoemaker, 2 24:05 Lewis Central 348 Cj Wilson, 3 24:05 Lewis Central 349 Jackson Davis, 3 24:05 Johnston 350 Nate Stone, 2 24:05 Roosevelt 351 Dj Barnes, 4 24:06 Southeast Polk 352 Krishyon Grabouskis, 1 24:06 Indianola 353 Noah Segar, 1 24:06 Ankeny Centennial 354 98 William Wagner, 3 24:06 D M East 355 Simon Janelle, 1 24:07 Ankeny Centennial 356 Vir Patel, 2 24:07 Johnston 357 Brome Churchill, 2 24:08 Southeast Polk 358 Zach Corsbie, 1 24:09 Johnston 359 Ryan Williams, 2 24:10 Roosevelt 360 99 Kade Dolphin, 3 24:11 D M East 361 Jerry Peng, 1 24:12 Waukee 362 100 Clayton Gustafson, 1 24:12 Adm 363 101 Nathan Pendleton, 2 24:13 D M East 364 Isaiah Loaisiga, 1 24:18 D M East 365 Ian Gaunt, 1 24:20 Valley 366 Jack Wilson, 2 24:22 Waukee 367 Cody Vansylalom, 2 24:23 D M East 368 102 Noah Stewart, 2 24:25 Adm 369 Cameron McNally, 3 24:27 Roosevelt 370 Sam VanRyswyk, 1 24:31 Ames 371 Will Greteman, 3 24:33 Waukee 372 Drew Schindel, 1 24:34 Ames 373 Tyler Rickets, 1 24:35 Waukee 374 Jonah Larrison, 4 24:36 Waukee 375 Sam Higginbotham, 2 24:38 Lewis Central 376 Slater Caudle, 1 24:40 Adm 377 Kase Murphy, 1 24:46 D M Lincoln 378 Matt Bendinger, 1 24:46 Valley 379 Jack McKinney, 3 24:48 Waukee 380 Caleb Campbell, 1 24:50 Lewis Central 381 Keegan Overton, 1 24:50 Ankeny Centennial 382 Daniel Pinero, 1 24:50 Roosevelt 383 Henry Mitchell, 1 24:51 Roosevelt 384 Karsten Holm, 1 24:51 Ames 385 Sam Burns, 2 24:53 Valley 386 Alex Ruhaak, 2 24:54 Lewis Central 387 Matthew He, 1 24:54 Johnston 388 Tate Marsh, 3 24:55 Waukee 389 Gavin Moran, 3 24:57 Dallas Center-Grimes 390 Luke Amspaugh, 2 24:59 Johnston 391 Nic Beaudet, 1 25:00 Dallas Center-Grimes 392 William Thompson, 1 25:07 Valley 393 Spencer Jones, 2 25:08 Roosevelt 394 Owen Barstad, 2 25:08 Roosevelt 395 Rocky Vizcarra, 3 25:11 D M East 396 Mitchell Wood, 2 25:15 Waukee 397 William Zheng, 3 25:15 Ames 398 Tate Meinhard, 1 25:16 Ames 399 Anthony Arroyo, 4 25:17 Roosevelt 400 Ryan Derrick, 3 25:17 Waukee 401 Pradyumna Dahal, 2 25:17 Valley 402 Grant Brown, 2 25:17 Roosevelt 403 103 Jose Vergara, 1 25:18 Marshalltown 404 Cael Fitch, 2 25:23 Roosevelt 405 Jacob Thome, 4 25:23 Roosevelt 406 Drew Anderson, 1 25:23 Dallas Center-Grimes 407 Ian Coffman, 2 25:25 Ames 408 Jacob Sorenson, 1 25:26 Ames 409 Ajani Patton-Imani, 1 25:28 Roosevelt 410 Zachary McDaniel, 3 25:29 Lewis Central 411 Cade Bergantzel, 4 25:30 Lewis Central 412 Hans Bunn, 3 25:33 Valley 413 Derek Shanno, 4 25:35 Dallas Center-Grimes 414 Ethan Ver Helst, 1 25:38 Ankeny Centennial 415 Anthony Rivera, 2 25:41 D M Lincoln 416 Sam Kellen, 1 25:45 Ames 417 Matthew Monsivais, 1 25:46 Ankeny Centennial 418 Nate Augspurger, 1 25:47 Dallas Center-Grimes 419 Ryan VanDenover, 1 25:48 Johnston 420 Jon Weddle, 3 25:49 Dallas Center-Grimes 421 104 Ismael Segovia, 2 25:49 Marshalltown 422 Aaron Burney, 1 25:50 C B Jefferson 423 Gary Quinn, 3 25:51 Roosevelt 424 Bryce Palmer, 3 25:52 Dallas Center-Grimes 425 Charles Keitges, 3 25:54 Ames 426 Aaron Crow, 2 25:58 Adm 427 Will Copley, 1 26:00 Ames 428 Sam McGuire, 3 26:01 Dallas Center-Grimes 429 105 Diego Ordaz, 2 26:01 Marshalltown 430 Trace Markle, 3 26:02 Marshalltown 431 Timothy Cam, 2 26:03 D M East 432 Elijah Brungardt, 3 26:03 Ames 433 Lawson Marks, 1 26:04 Waukee 434 Jakob Zwank, 3 26:10 Adm 435 Brennan McGee, 2 26:11 Adm 436 Jacob Demuth, 4 26:13 D M East 437 Evan Baker, 2 26:13 Indianola 438 Tanner Beebe, 3 26:13 Dallas Center-Grimes 439 Brett Twelmeyer, 2 26:21 D M Lincoln 440 Sam Stous, 4 26:22 Adm 441 Ethan Butler, 2 26:24 Southeast Polk 442 Anthony Schwindt, 2 26:25 Roosevelt 443 Josh Dietrich, 1 26:26 Ames 444 Tucker Drury, 1 26:26 Ames 445 Ethan Book, 2 26:28 Adm 446 Carson Gillespie, 2 26:32 Lewis Central 447 Saul Pantoja, 2 26:32 Marshalltown 448 Trevor Fitzpatrick, 1 26:36 Johnston 449 Aidan Alaimo, 1 26:37 Johnston 450 Deacon Evans, 1 26:38 Indianola 451 Charley Dunham, 2 26:40 Roosevelt 452 Ethan Hannam, 2 26:45 C B Jefferson 453 Cameron Amos, 2 26:45 D M Lincoln 454 Michael Neppl, 3 26:46 Ames 455 Nick Jensen, 2 26:48 Indianola 456 Dylan Bracy, 3 26:49 Marshalltown 457 Drew Storey, 3 26:52 Dallas Center-Grimes 458 Jacob Knox, 3 27:03 Johnston 459 Jesus Rojas, 4 27:04 Ankeny Centennial 460 Dominick Vodicka, 1 27:13 C B Jefferson 461 Levi Manley, 2 27:17 Johnston 462 Brady Thompson, 1 27:18 Valley 463 Mason Fuentez, 2 27:27 Dallas Center-Grimes 464 Roman Ustler, 2 27:29 Indianola 465 Jared Rocha-Mendias, 2 27:30 D M Lincoln 466 Bway Htoo, 1 27:32 Marshalltown 467 Toan Vo, 1 27:36 D M Lincoln 468 Will Larson, 1 27:37 Indianola 469 Justin Miller, 2 27:45 Valley 470 Joel Graham, 2 27:47 Valley 471 Jacob Hamilton, 3 28:05 Lewis Central 472 Emmett Badder, 4 28:08 Marshalltown 473 Michael Babcock, 4 28:11 Southeast Polk 474 Isaac Gasior, 3 28:12 Valley 475 Colin Yuska, 1 28:19 Johnston 476 Kyle Endsley, 4 28:35 Dallas Center-Grimes 477 Harper Sullivan, 4 28:40 Ames 478 Evan Hilton, 4 28:46 Roosevelt 479 Ethan Letsch, 1 29:09 Valley 480 Carson Jones, 1 29:12 Johnston 481 Gavin Cobine, 3 29:14 Ankeny Centennial 482 Blaine Gunderson, 4 29:19 Marshalltown 483 Gage Stalzer, 4 29:24 Marshalltown 484 Jose Orozco Beltre, 4 29:57 Marshalltown 485 Nicholas Price, 2 30:02 Marshalltown 486 Ruben Gallegos, 1 30:03 Marshalltown 487 Thomas Hewitt, 4 30:04 Valley 488 Poe Hsee, 1 30:14 C B Jefferson 489 Danny Stewart, 4 30:21 Waukee 490 Eli Chow, 1 30:46 Johnston 491 Jackson Heaberlin, 1 30:46 Johnston 492 Charlie King, 1 31:24 Lewis Central 493 Andrew Wedemeyer, 2 32:10 Johnston 494 Noah Nicholson, 1 33:16 Southeast Polk 495 Jacob Knudson, 1 33:41 Waukee 496 Amer Ibar, 2 34:06 C B Jefferson 497 Carlos Pena, 3 34:27 D M East 498 Jared Knudson, 4 35:33 Waukee 499 Sam Dolde, 3 35:39 Johnston 500 Kunal Singhal, 1 37:26 Johnston 501 Marcus Msuya, 4 40:39 Indianola 502 Dan Crowley, 4 40:47 Indianola

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