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2022 Run Crazy Horse - Marathon Relay Results

                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2022
                          Official Overall Results - Relay
Place Tea No.   Team                                    Category   Gun     Net        
===== === ===== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= 
    1   1   322 What the HILL?                          Coed       3:32:29 3:32:22 
    2   1   306 Philip's "Finest"                       Male       3:32:40 3:32:25 
    3   1   301 MHOSH PT Cruisers                       Female     3:40:07 3:39:44 
    4   2   329 Katinyan                                Male       3:40:06 3:39:56 
    5   2   323 BeerGuts&BouncyButts                    Coed       3:40:16 3:40:11 
    6   1   318 Steinhaus Track Club                    Masters    3:45:51 3:45:34 
    7   3   315 SaturdaysPhil_Dubois                    Male       3:47:29 3:46:47 
    8   3   319 Mni Wiconi Runners                      Coed       3:49:51 3:49:42 
    9   2   305 Blister Sisters                         Female     3:52:05 3:51:47 
   10   3   327 Avo-Cardio                              Female     4:02:40 4:02:17 
   11   2   317 Distance Matters                        Masters    4:15:10 4:14:20 
   12   4   314 Highmark                                Coed       4:15:28 4:15:07 
   13   4   308 Get Er Run                              Female     4:16:36 4:16:03 
   14   5   309 Tori s Turtles                          Coed       4:20:54 4:20:36 
   15   6   330 LANDBACK                                Coed       4:26:28 4:25:53 
   16   7   307 Lactic Acid Trip                        Coed       4:29:09 4:28:54 
   17   5   316 Scrambled Legs                          Female     4:30:40 4:29:41 
   18   3   326 Perfect Strangers                       Masters    4:31:26 4:30:50 
   19   8   321 Momentum                                Coed       4:42:16 4:41:07 
   20   6   310 Bomber Babes                            Female     4:41:56 4:41:09 
   21   7   303 RUN.                                    Female     4:48:46 4:47:06 
   22   9   304 Grid Iron Gang                          Coed       4:53:46 4:53:10 
   23   8   312 Will run for beer                       Female     5:03:20 5:01:52 
   24  10   313 MOS                                     Coed       5:07:03 5:06:32 
   25  11   302 Pour Training                           Coed       5:21:39 5:20:32 
   26   9   320 Native Women Running                    Female     5:22:34 5:21:51 
   27  10   325 Mixing Pot                              Female     5:29:37 5:28:09 
   28  11   324 SWO                                     Female     6:13:52 6:09:48 

results by Precision Race Results


                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2022
                                 RELAY RESULTS - FEMALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim    
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   301 MHOSH PT Cruisers                       Female     3:39:44 
    2    2   305 Blister Sisters                         Female     3:51:47 
    3    3   327 Avo-Cardio                              Female     4:02:17 
    4    4   308 Get Er Run                              Female     4:16:03 
    5    5   316 Scrambled Legs                          Female     4:29:41 
    6    6   310 Bomber Babes                            Female     4:41:09 
    7    7   303 RUN.                                    Female     4:47:06 
    8    8   312 Will run for beer                       Female     5:01:52 
    9    9   320 Native Women Running                    Female     5:21:51 
   10   10   325 Mixing Pot                              Female     5:28:09 
   11   11   324 SWO                                     Female     6:09:48 

                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2022
                                  RELAY RESULTS - MALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim    
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   306 Philip's "Finest"                       Male       3:32:25 
    2    2   329 Katinyan                                Male       3:39:56 
    3    3   315 SaturdaysPhil_Dubois                    Male       3:46:47 

                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2022
                                RELAY RESULTS - COED
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim    
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   322 What the HILL?                          Coed       3:32:22 
    2    2   323 BeerGuts&BouncyButts                    Coed       3:40:11 
    3    3   319 Mni Wiconi Runners                      Coed       3:49:42 
    4    4   314 Highmark                                Coed       4:15:07 
    5    5   309 Tori s Turtles                          Coed       4:20:36 
    6    6   330 LANDBACK                                Coed       4:25:53 
    7    7   307 Lactic Acid Trip                        Coed       4:28:54 
    8    8   321 Momentum                                Coed       4:41:07 
    9    9   304 Grid Iron Gang                          Coed       4:53:10 
   10   10   313 MOS                                     Coed       5:06:32 
   11   11   302 Pour Training                           Coed       5:20:32 

                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2022
                              RELAY RESULTS - MASTERS
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim    
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   318 Steinhaus Track Club                    Masters    3:45:34 
    2    2   317 Distance Matters                        Masters    4:14:20 
    3    3   326 Perfect Strangers                       Masters    4:30:50