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Moline Middle School Invite - 8th Grade Boys Results

                    Moline Middle School Invite - 2024

                          8TH GRADE BOYS TEAM RESULTS
  1. Glenview Middle School                  
            2    3    6    9   12  (13) (17) =    32
         Wisdom Dogbe, Connor Adair, David Cobos, Aristeo Teneyuque, Kilian
         Snelling, Declan Majetic, Jay Kim
  2. Washington Jh                           
            4    5    8   11   15  (18) (19) =    43
         Boelens John, Oliver Cooley, Jackson Franks, Soren Hoffeditz, Eli
         Stanforth, Aschemann Drake, Owen Chapman
  3. Wilson Middle School                    
            1    7   10   14   16  (20) (21) =    48
         Christopher Sivertsen, Lucas Hoogheem, Malachi Devlin, Braden
         Beauchamp, Michael Patterson, Tommy Roberts, Jack McCoy

           Moline Middle School Invite - 2024 - 8TH GRADE - Boys

Place TmPl Bib   Name                   School                         Gr Time    Pace     
===== ==== ===== ====================== ============================== == ======= ===== 
    1       1534 Alonzo Bautista        Hampton School                 8  11:42.0  5:51 
    2    1  1669 Christopher Sivertsen  Wilson Middle School           8  12:08.6  6:05 
    3       1603 Charlie Shrake         Seton                          8  12:26.8  6:14 
    4    2  1461 Wisdom Dogbe           Glenview Middle School         8  12:39.2  6:20 
    5       1556 Surpicio Bracamontes   John Deere Middle School       8  12:40.3  6:21 
    6       1589 Ethan Andrus           Seton                          8  12:41.7  6:21 
    7       1690 Leo Graf               Seton                          8  12:48.9  6:25 
    8    3  1453 Connor Adair           Glenview Middle School         8  13:16.2  6:39 
    9       1563 Matthew Hoss           John Deere Middle School       8  13:27.6  6:44 
   10    4  1633 Boelens John           Washington Jh                  8  13:32.9  6:47 
   11       1554 Fernando Ruiz          John Deere Middle School       8  13:52.3  6:57 
   12    5  1626 Oliver Cooley          Washington Jh                  8  13:58.0  6:59 
   13    6  1460 David Cobos            Glenview Middle School         8  14:01.9  7:01 
   14    7  1657 Lucas Hoogheem         Wilson Middle School           8  14:42.1  7:22 
   15    8  1628 Jackson Franks         Washington Jh                  8  14:49.7  7:25 
   16    9  1481 Aristeo Teneyuque      Glenview Middle School         8  15:18.9  7:40 
   17       1414 Frank Owen             Edison Junior High             8  15:19.9  7:40 
   18   10  1653 Malachi Devlin         Wilson Middle School           8  15:23.6  7:42 
   19       1430 William Davis          Geneseo Middle School          8  16:00.7  8:01 
   20       1436 Novak Ryerson          Geneseo Middle School          8  16:01.6  8:01 
   21       1562 Brenden Hoffman        John Deere Middle School       8  16:17.1  8:09 
   22   11  1629 Soren Hoffeditz        Washington Jh                  8  16:24.4  8:13 
   23       1695 Miles Curcuru          Geneseo Middle School          8  16:37.6  8:19 
   24   12  1480 Kilian Snelling        Glenview Middle School         8  16:55.6  8:28 
   25   13  1471 Declan Majetic         Glenview Middle School         8  17:17.2  8:39 
   26   14  1650 Braden Beauchamp       Wilson Middle School           8  17:27.4  8:44 
   27   15  1639 Eli Stanforth          Washington Jh                  8  17:40.9  8:51 
   28       1416 Ethan Sierra           Edison Junior High             8  17:45.3  8:53 
   29       1412 Mj Jones               Edison Junior High             8  17:48.4  8:55 
   30   16  1664 Michael Patterson      Wilson Middle School           8  18:22.1  9:12 
   31       1409 Paul Ehimwenman        Edison Junior High             8  19:02.4  9:32 
   32   17  1466 Jay Kim                Glenview Middle School         8  20:26.5 10:14 
   33   18  1627 Aschemann Drake        Washington Jh                  8  21:22.2 10:42 
   34   19  1625 Owen Chapman           Washington Jh                  8  22:24.1 11:13 
   35       1459 Landon Brenner         Glenview Middle School         8  22:29.0 11:15 
   36   20  1666 Tommy Roberts          Wilson Middle School           8  25:29.0 12:45 
   37       1476 Myles Robertson        Glenview Middle School         8  27:09.3 13:35 
   38   21  1660 Jack McCoy             Wilson Middle School           8  31:55.2 15:58 

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