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Timothy Jenks Memorial CC Meet Boys B
ISU cc course - Ames, IA
Sep. 30, 2024
80 and Sunny
Results by Cal Murdock
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Last updated Sep. 30, 2024 5:52 PM PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Valley 44 2 3 6 11 22 35 36 13:56.6 0:48.7 2 Cedar Falls 87 8 12 14 23 30 38 42 14:15.3 0:37.1 3 Johnston 125 17 18 24 32 34 43 46 14:27.9 0:18.1 4 Dallas Center Grimes 141 1 29 33 37 41 45 56 14:23.6 1:10.1 5 Dowling 163 5 19 25 39 75 85 86 14:38.4 1:54.4 6 Ankeny Southview 182 7 10 51 54 60 67 77 14:37.9 1:16.4 7 Roosevelt 183 15 28 40 48 52 68 69 14:39.6 0:47.5 8 Waukee Prairieview 188 13 26 27 49 73 78 79 14:45.7 1:31.0 9 Ames 244 31 47 50 55 61 62 66 14:57.2 0:42.8 10 Ankeny Northview 307 9 59 74 76 89 90 94 15:22.3 2:16.3 11 Norwalk 335 57 58 63 65 92 101 102 15:28.2 1:10.5 12 Hoover 363 4 70 72 100 117 118 120 16:07.6 4:42.7 13 Waukee 376 20 44 95 106 111 123 125 16:11.7 3:26.9 14 Lincoln 430 21 82 93 115 119 121 124 16:53.2 4:57.8 15 Urbandale 454 83 87 91 96 97 108 112 16:19.1 0:36.9 16 Southeast Polk 455 81 84 88 99 103 104 116 16:27.1 1:15.2 17 Marshalltown 461 71 80 98 105 107 109 114 16:36.9 1:48.3 18 D M East 494 53 64 122 127 128 129 130 18:59.9 7:54.4 19 D M North 496 16 110 113 126 131 19:13.3 10:13.8 Incomplete Teams: Individuals PLACE FINISHER TIME 1. Valley 2 Kade Soellner, 8 13:40.1 3 George Christensen, 7 13:40.6 6 Wesley Lietz, 7 13:54.9 11 Nathan Alberico, 8 13:58.4 22 Yousuf Nasiri, 8 14:28.8 35 Leo Lensing, 8 14:36.3 36 Dylan Skeers, 8 14:36.4 Total Time = 1:09:42.8 Total Places = 44 2. Cedar Falls 8 Tito Kodiaga, 8 13:55.7 12 Sam Miller, 7 14:07.6 14 Mason DeWall, 7 14:11.4 23 Samuel Bailey, 8 14:28.8 30 Kenneth Hoover, 8 14:32.8 38 Wilson Brown, 7 14:37.6 42 Jesse Nicholson, 8 14:43.7 Total Time = 1:11:16.3 Total Places = 87 3. Johnston 17 Noah Hardin, 8 14:18.0 18 David Stork, 8 14:21.4 24 Colin Wiltse, 8 14:28.9 32 Landon Burke, 8 14:35.0 34 Audi Asokan, 8 14:36.0 43 Paxton Chancellor, 8 14:44.7 46 Max Allan, 7 14:48.6 Total Time = 1:12:19.3 Total Places = 125 4. Dallas Center Grimes 1 Hayden Ibeling, 8 13:31.3 29 Callan Hermanson, 8 14:32.6 33 Hudson Lubach, 8 14:35.5 37 Jesse Wilkens, 7 14:37.2 41 Ryan Iwig, 8 14:41.4 45 Jackson Basler, 8 14:46.3 56 Alexander Meza, 8 15:07.3 Total Time = 1:11:58.0 Total Places = 141 5. Dowling 5 Corbin Marzen, 8 13:53.6 19 Edison Flaherty, 7 14:22.0 25 Lucas Hogan, 7 14:29.5 39 Will Polley, 7 14:38.5 75 Jack Gilloley, 8 15:48.0 85 Noah Chapman, 7 16:06.5 86 Finnegan Moser, 7 16:06.7 Total Time = 1:13:11.6 Total Places = 163 6. Ankeny Southview 7 Dustin Dent, 8 13:55.4 10 Levi Crouse, 8 13:58.2 51 Gavin Marrovets, 8 14:59.8 54 Edison Olsen, 8 15:04.4 60 Vincient Meillier, 8 15:11.7 67 Soren Smith, 8 15:26.9 77 Brody Gloviak, 8 15:49.0 Total Time = 1:13:09.5 Total Places = 182 7. Roosevelt 15 Jackson Pasakarnis, 8 14:12.5 28 Aaron Fiornza, 8 14:31.5 40 Tyler Spradling, 7 14:38.9 48 Lincoln Lawson, 8 14:54.8 52 Lyle Sievers, 8 14:59.9 68 Julian Hermann, 7 15:27.7 69 Kai Wagner, 7 15:29.3 Total Time = 1:13:17.6 Total Places = 183 8. Waukee Prairieview 13 William Green, 8 14:10.7 26 Mark Morse, 8 14:29.7 27 Cooper Hiley, 8 14:30.8 49 Owen Garland, 8 14:55.4 73 Brooks Giles, 8 15:41.6 78 Beau Militello, 8 15:49.2 79 Reid Bodine, 8 15:51.0 Total Time = 1:13:48.2 Total Places = 188 9. Ames 31 Joseph Frandsen, 8 14:33.9 47 Judah Bolles, 7 14:52.2 50 Booker Bhave, 7 14:58.5 55 Macintyre Anderson, 7 15:04.5 61 Leif Teply, 8 15:16.6 62 Nurlan Nebbe, 7 15:18.1 66 Brecken Johnson, 8 15:26.7 Total Time = 1:14:45.7 Total Places = 244 10. Ankeny Northview 9 Nicholas Barcus, 8 13:56.1 59 Grant Kirkpatrick, 8 15:11.2 74 Henry Johnson, 8 15:42.9 76 Kyler Johnson, 8 15:48.9 89 Payton Hilliard, 8 16:12.4 90 Henry Skinner-Thebo, 8 16:12.6 94 Thomas Dunne, 8 16:26.4 Total Time = 1:16:51.5 Total Places = 307 11. Norwalk 57 Nolan Koster, 7 15:09.6 58 Payton Warner, 7 15:10.0 63 Brecker Menke, 7 15:20.4 65 Colby Gunn, 7 15:20.8 92 Alex Kuball, 8 16:20.0 101 Peyton Willey, 7 17:05.3 102 Mason Beerends, 7 17:08.5 Total Time = 1:17:20.8 Total Places = 335 12. Hoover 4 Jinup Diew, 8 13:48.1 70 Ber Chamdual, 8 15:36.1 72 Evan Justice, 7 15:39.9 100 Lweso Mpenda, 8 17:03.1 117 Bryan Cardenas, 8 18:30.8 118 Benjamin Musa, 8 18:36.6 120 Dj Lemons, 8 19:33.8 Total Time = 1:20:38.0 Total Places = 363 13. Waukee 20 Charlie Harbaugh, 8 14:26.5 44 Josiah Parrino, 8 14:45.2 95 Pete Bittok, 8 16:31.1 106 Cadyn Valdez, 8 17:21.9 111 Trig Mumm, 8 17:53.4 123 Beckett Showalter, 8 19:47.1 125 Nishchal Nandimandalam, 820:27.0 Total Time = 1:20:58.1 Total Places = 376 14. Lincoln 21 Nhan Vo, 8 14:28.1 82 Ian Moyer, 8 15:58.5 93 Pedro Ortiz, 8 16:20.7 115 Carlos Carmona, 7 18:12.5 119 Pryderi Ramirez, 8 19:25.9 121 Tyrus McCuller, 7 19:40.0 124 Brody Osterhaus, 8 20:16.6 Total Time = 1:24:25.7 Total Places = 430 15. Urbandale 83 Cristiano Bojdol, 7 15:58.7 87 Erick Perdomo-Realegeno, 716:07.8 91 Brody Argotsinger, 8 16:19.4 96 Levi Kinsey, 8 16:34.1 97 Gavin Howell, 8 16:35.5 108 Henry Thompson, 8 17:39.0 112 Alexis Reyes-Gonzalez, 7 17:55.5 Total Time = 1:21:35.5 Total Places = 454 16. Southeast Polk 81 Andrew Goldsberry, 7 15:55.8 84 Milo Ohorilko, 7 16:01.5 88 Jaden Potratz, 8 16:09.0 99 John Steinhelper, 7 16:58.0 103 Bowen Duer, 7 17:11.0 104 Ethan Thomas, 7 17:11.0 116 Nathan Alayola-Fisher, 8 18:23.9 Total Time = 1:22:15.3 Total Places = 455 17. Marshalltown 71 Connor Faas, 8 15:37.4 80 Brant Coleman, 7 15:51.5 98 Eliiot Heitman, 7 16:53.6 105 Ben Wirin, 8 17:16.0 107 Rowan Johnson, 7 17:25.6 109 Peter Seberger, 7 17:46.3 114 Peter Hoven, 7 18:12.2 Total Time = 1:23:04.1 Total Places = 461 18. D M East 53 Jeremiah Krah, 8 15:02.3 64 Dani Hasabimana, 8 15:20.6 122 Zachary Deaton, 8 19:40.9 127 Jesus Rodruiguez-Torres, 821:58.8 128 Philo Boydston, 7 22:56.7 129 Kosal Chhouy, 7 23:35.4 130 Miles Cummings, 7 23:49.6 Total Time = 1:34:59.3 Total Places = 494 19. D M North 16 Sam Garcia Mejia, 7 14:17.1 110 Josue Aguilar, 8 17:47.1 113 Noe Cruz-Gonzalez, 8 17:56.2 126 Noah Ware, 8 21:35.2 131 Killian Robinson, 8 24:30.9 Total Time = 1:36:06.5 Total Places = 496 TEAM PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME TEAM Top 1 1 Hayden Ibeling, 8 13:31.3 Dallas Center Grimes 2 2 Kade Soellner, 8 13:40.1 Valley 3 3 George Christensen, 7 13:40.6 Valley 4 4 Jinup Diew, 8 13:48.1 Hoover 5 5 Corbin Marzen, 8 13:53.6 Dowling 6 6 Wesley Lietz, 7 13:54.9 Valley 7 7 Dustin Dent, 8 13:55.4 Ankeny Southview 8 8 Tito Kodiaga, 8 13:55.7 Cedar Falls 9 9 Nicholas Barcus, 8 13:56.1 Ankeny Northview 10 10 Levi Crouse, 8 13:58.2 Ankeny Southview 11 11 Nathan Alberico, 8 13:58.4 Valley 12 12 Sam Miller, 7 14:07.6 Cedar Falls 13 13 William Green, 8 14:10.7 Waukee Prairieview 14 14 Mason DeWall, 7 14:11.4 Cedar Falls 15 15 Jackson Pasakarnis, 8 14:12.5 Roosevelt 16 16 Sam Garcia Mejia, 7 14:17.1 D M North 17 17 Noah Hardin, 8 14:18.0 Johnston 18 18 David Stork, 8 14:21.4 Johnston 19 19 Edison Flaherty, 7 14:22.0 Dowling 20 20 Charlie Harbaugh, 8 14:26.5 Waukee 21 21 Nhan Vo, 8 14:28.1 Lincoln 22 22 Yousuf Nasiri, 8 14:28.8 Valley 23 23 Samuel Bailey, 8 14:28.8 Cedar Falls 24 24 Colin Wiltse, 8 14:28.9 Johnston 25 25 Lucas Hogan, 7 14:29.5 Dowling 26 26 Mark Morse, 8 14:29.7 Waukee Prairieview 27 27 Cooper Hiley, 8 14:30.8 Waukee Prairieview 28 28 Aaron Fiornza, 8 14:31.5 Roosevelt 29 29 Callan Hermanson, 8 14:32.6 Dallas Center Grimes 30 30 Kenneth Hoover, 8 14:32.8 Cedar Falls 31 31 Joseph Frandsen, 8 14:33.9 Ames 32 32 Landon Burke, 8 14:35.0 Johnston 33 33 Hudson Lubach, 8 14:35.5 Dallas Center Grimes 34 34 Audi Asokan, 8 14:36.0 Johnston 35 35 Leo Lensing, 8 14:36.3 Valley 36 36 Dylan Skeers, 8 14:36.4 Valley 37 Aythan Hayes, 8 14:36.6 Valley 38 37 Jesse Wilkens, 7 14:37.2 Dallas Center Grimes 39 38 Wilson Brown, 7 14:37.6 Cedar Falls 40 Owen Weiland, 8 14:38.4 Valley 41 39 Will Polley, 7 14:38.5 Dowling 42 40 Tyler Spradling, 7 14:38.9 Roosevelt 43 Charlie Barlage, 8 14:40.0 Valley 44 41 Ryan Iwig, 8 14:41.4 Dallas Center Grimes 45 Logan Ruden, 8 14:43.0 Valley 46 42 Jesse Nicholson, 8 14:43.7 Cedar Falls 47 43 Paxton Chancellor, 8 14:44.7 Johnston 48 44 Josiah Parrino, 8 14:45.2 Waukee 49 45 Jackson Basler, 8 14:46.3 Dallas Center Grimes 50 46 Max Allan, 7 14:48.6 Johnston 51 Sheamus Irwin, 8 14:50.2 Cedar Falls 52 Henry Kann, 7 14:50.9 Cedar Falls 53 47 Judah Bolles, 7 14:52.2 Ames 54 Drew Songer, 8 14:54.0 Valley 55 48 Lincoln Lawson, 8 14:54.8 Roosevelt 56 49 Owen Garland, 8 14:55.4 Waukee Prairieview 57 50 Booker Bhave, 7 14:58.5 Ames 58 51 Gavin Marrovets, 8 14:59.8 Ankeny Southview 59 52 Lyle Sievers, 8 14:59.9 Roosevelt 60 53 Jeremiah Krah, 8 15:02.3 D M East 61 54 Edison Olsen, 8 15:04.4 Ankeny Southview 62 55 Macintyre Anderson, 7 15:04.5 Ames 63 Luke Goblirsch, 7 15:06.1 Cedar Falls 64 56 Alexander Meza, 8 15:07.3 Dallas Center Grimes 65 Michael Harvey, 7 15:08.0 Dallas Center Grimes 66 57 Nolan Koster, 7 15:09.6 Norwalk 67 58 Payton Warner, 7 15:10.0 Norwalk 68 Jackson Iwig, 8 15:10.1 Dallas Center Grimes 69 Myles Musser, 7 15:10.7 Valley 70 Tandon Sash, 7 15:11.2 Dallas Center Grimes 71 59 Grant Kirkpatrick, 8 15:11.2 Ankeny Northview 72 60 Vincient Meillier, 8 15:11.7 Ankeny Southview 73 Brayton Ellison, 8 15:13.2 Johnston 74 61 Leif Teply, 8 15:16.6 Ames 75 62 Nurlan Nebbe, 7 15:18.1 Ames 76 Kael Schmitt, 8 15:19.0 Cedar Falls 77 Aiden Goodenbour, 8 15:19.8 Cedar Falls 78 Maxwell Berendzen, 8 15:20.3 Cedar Falls 79 63 Brecker Menke, 7 15:20.4 Norwalk 80 64 Dani Hasabimana, 8 15:20.6 D M East 81 65 Colby Gunn, 7 15:20.8 Norwalk 82 66 Brecken Johnson, 8 15:26.7 Ames 83 67 Soren Smith, 8 15:26.9 Ankeny Southview 84 68 Julian Hermann, 7 15:27.7 Roosevelt 85 69 Kai Wagner, 7 15:29.3 Roosevelt 86 Abram Bitner, 8 15:30.8 Roosevelt 87 Abimukunthan Sundaresan, 715:31.9 Cedar Falls 88 Luke Parker, 8 15:33.4 Johnston 89 Kyson Freeze, 7 15:34.1 Valley 90 70 Ber Chamdual, 8 15:36.1 Hoover 91 71 Connor Faas, 8 15:37.4 Marshalltown 92 72 Evan Justice, 7 15:39.9 Hoover 93 Jasper Kingery, 8 15:40.5 Johnston 94 Lincoln Reuter, 7 15:41.1 Valley 95 73 Brooks Giles, 8 15:41.6 Waukee Prairieview 96 74 Henry Johnson, 8 15:42.9 Ankeny Northview 97 Asher Vaughan, 8 15:44.2 Johnston 98 Marcus Johnson, 7 15:44.6 Valley 99 Dakota Grams, 8 15:46.8 Valley 100 Carson Blum, 7 15:47.4 Dallas Center Grimes 101 75 Jack Gilloley, 8 15:48.0 Dowling 102 76 Kyler Johnson, 8 15:48.9 Ankeny Northview 103 77 Brody Gloviak, 8 15:49.0 Ankeny Southview 104 78 Beau Militello, 8 15:49.2 Waukee Prairieview 105 Hadley Ekart, 8 15:49.9 Roosevelt 106 79 Reid Bodine, 8 15:51.0 Waukee Prairieview 107 Caden Thomason, 8 15:51.3 Valley 108 80 Brant Coleman, 7 15:51.5 Marshalltown 109 Isaac Eischeid, 7 15:51.7 Dallas Center Grimes 110 Isaac Lally, 8 15:51.9 Johnston 111 Rigley Lacquement, 7 15:52.8 Roosevelt 112 Charlie Brandon, 7 15:53.9 Valley 113 Louis Nolte, 8 15:54.4 Cedar Falls 114 Parker Dice, 8 15:54.7 Cedar Falls 115 81 Andrew Goldsberry, 7 15:55.8 Southeast Polk 116 Hayden Weigel, 8 15:56.4 Valley 117 Jace Bohnenkamp, 7 15:56.9 Dallas Center Grimes 118 Cael Bushnell, 8 15:58.3 Dallas Center Grimes 119 82 Ian Moyer, 8 15:58.5 Lincoln 120 Trigg Comfort, 7 15:58.5 Johnston 121 Harrison Chen, 8 15:58.6 Ames 122 83 Cristiano Bojdol, 7 15:58.7 Urbandale 123 Levi Rolling, 8 15:59.3 Ankeny Southview 124 Henry Ohannessian, 7 15:59.5 Dallas Center Grimes 125 Aidan Newcomb, 8 16:00.1 Dallas Center Grimes 126 Landon Carter, 7 16:00.6 Dallas Center Grimes 127 84 Milo Ohorilko, 7 16:01.5 Southeast Polk 128 Grant Richtsmeier, 8 16:01.5 Waukee Prairieview 129 Henry Shellenberger, 8 16:02.1 Valley 130 Ray Moore, 8 16:05.7 Ames 131 Roscoe Miles, 7 16:06.0 Dallas Center Grimes 132 Jubal Vance, 8 16:06.4 Roosevelt 133 85 Noah Chapman, 7 16:06.5 Dowling 134 86 Finnegan Moser, 7 16:06.7 Dowling 135 87 Erick Perdomo-Realegeno, 716:07.8 Urbandale 136 Cade Olson, 7 16:08.9 Dallas Center Grimes 137 88 Jaden Potratz, 8 16:09.0 Southeast Polk 138 Murphy McDonald, 7 16:09.1 Dallas Center Grimes 139 Arlo Sivesind, 8 16:11.5 Ames 140 Grayson Lyddon, 7 16:12.4 Dallas Center Grimes 141 89 Payton Hilliard, 8 16:12.4 Ankeny Northview 142 90 Henry Skinner-Thebo, 8 16:12.6 Ankeny Northview 143 Noah Ressler, 8 16:13.6 Waukee Prairieview 144 Cade Hough, 7 16:15.1 Valley 145 Sebastian Madsen, 8 16:16.2 Ankeny Southview 146 Anson Jewett, 7 16:17.8 Roosevelt 147 Devin Dueker, 8 16:18.4 Ankeny Southview 148 Sawyer Schmidt, 7 16:18.8 Ames 149 Rowan Fulton, 7 16:19.0 Roosevelt 150 91 Brody Argotsinger, 8 16:19.4 Urbandale 151 92 Alex Kuball, 8 16:20.0 Norwalk 152 Adam Scott, 7 16:20.0 Johnston 153 93 Pedro Ortiz, 8 16:20.7 Lincoln 154 Korbin Artist, 7 16:22.6 Dallas Center Grimes 155 Hudson Fricke, 8 16:25.1 Ankeny Southview 156 94 Thomas Dunne, 8 16:26.4 Ankeny Northview 157 Everett Hogrefe, 8 16:29.1 Ankeny Southview 158 Bennett Freiberg, 7 16:29.4 Cedar Falls 159 Cameron Rolf, 7 16:30.7 Cedar Falls 160 95 Pete Bittok, 8 16:31.1 Waukee 161 James Warby, 7 16:31.5 Cedar Falls 162 96 Levi Kinsey, 8 16:34.1 Urbandale 163 Dominic Hickman, 8 16:34.3 Valley 164 Malcolm Rock, 7 16:34.7 Johnston 165 Xavier Tew, 8 16:35.1 Ankeny Northview 166 97 Gavin Howell, 8 16:35.5 Urbandale 167 Leo Brickley, 7 16:35.6 Roosevelt 168 Garrett Shore, 8 16:37.6 Ankeny Northview 169 Corbin Goodwin, 8 16:37.9 Cedar Falls 170 Weston White, 8 16:37.9 Ankeny Southview 171 Arjith Rajesh, 8 16:39.3 Waukee Prairieview 172 Max Daza, 8 16:40.2 Valley 173 Andy Oelberg, 8 16:41.3 Waukee Prairieview 174 Nolan Larson, 8 16:41.4 Ankeny Southview 175 Harikrishna Pappala, 8 16:42.7 Waukee Prairieview 176 Zakkary Curry, 7 16:43.6 Valley 177 Bobby Zylstra, 8 16:44.5 Waukee Prairieview 178 Elliott Wilkinson, 8 16:45.7 Cedar Falls 179 Omar Aldamak, 7 16:47.8 Cedar Falls 180 Eli Kraayenbrink, 8 16:50.2 Cedar Falls 181 Nate Quiner, 8 16:52.8 Waukee Prairieview 182 William Mills, 8 16:53.0 Johnston 183 Spencer Mayfield, 7 16:53.3 Valley 184 98 Eliiot Heitman, 7 16:53.6 Marshalltown 185 Caleb Mertes, 7 16:55.4 Johnston 186 99 John Steinhelper, 7 16:58.0 Southeast Polk 187 100 Lweso Mpenda, 8 17:03.1 Hoover 188 101 Peyton Willey, 7 17:05.3 Norwalk 189 Johnkely Kolacia, 8 17:06.8 Ames 190 Owen Connelly, 8 17:07.7 Johnston 191 102 Mason Beerends, 7 17:08.5 Norwalk 192 Max McGill, 7 17:09.3 Valley 193 John Mertes, 7 17:09.5 Johnston 194 Joseph Greene, 7 17:09.7 Valley 195 103 Bowen Duer, 7 17:11.0 Southeast Polk 196 104 Ethan Thomas, 7 17:11.0 Southeast Polk 197 Kai Thompson, 7 17:12.0 Johnston 198 Ken Aniunoh, 7 17:12.1 Johnston 199 Foster Rouse, 7 17:12.4 Cedar Falls 200 Joey Wiersma, 7 17:12.6 Johnston 201 Oren Reid, 7 17:12.8 Cedar Falls 202 Rylan Pearson, 8 17:14.2 Waukee Prairieview 203 Tyler Wiemers, 8 17:14.8 Valley 204 105 Ben Wirin, 8 17:16.0 Marshalltown 205 Jd Price, 7 17:18.6 Dallas Center Grimes 206 Jack Shields, 7 17:19.0 Roosevelt 207 Aiden Heide, 8 17:20.4 Ankeny Southview 208 Dakston Piester, 8 17:21.5 Valley 209 Jack Tims, 7 17:21.7 Valley 210 106 Cadyn Valdez, 8 17:21.9 Waukee 211 Gavin Scott, 7 17:25.3 Johnston 212 107 Rowan Johnson, 7 17:25.6 Marshalltown 213 Solomon Schmitz, 7 17:26.1 Cedar Falls 214 Rafay Shaikh, 8 17:27.0 Waukee Prairieview 215 Nase Rippke, 8 17:29.2 Ames 216 Salah Salah, 8 17:30.9 Johnston 217 Padmadeesh Kandirelli, 8 17:32.3 Waukee Prairieview 218 Zander Schafer, 7 17:33.1 Valley 219 Max Hutchens, 7 17:33.7 Cedar Falls 220 Garin Hoover, 7 17:35.0 Dallas Center Grimes 221 Ben Schuele, 7 17:35.9 Ames 222 Alex Kampman, 7 17:36.4 Dallas Center Grimes 223 Quinn Barker, 8 17:36.9 Waukee Prairieview 224 108 Henry Thompson, 8 17:39.0 Urbandale 225 Walker Gardner, 7 17:41.5 Cedar Falls 226 Jceon Wright, 7 17:42.9 Roosevelt 227 Cullen Senephansiri, 8 17:46.0 Dallas Center Grimes 228 109 Peter Seberger, 7 17:46.3 Marshalltown 229 110 Josue Aguilar, 8 17:47.1 D M North 230 Kinnon Parker, 7 17:48.2 Johnston 231 Lucan Knaack, 7 17:50.6 Dallas Center Grimes 232 111 Trig Mumm, 8 17:53.4 Waukee 233 August Ballard, 7 17:53.8 Johnston 234 Gryffin Kearns, 7 17:54.2 Cedar Falls 235 112 Alexis Reyes-Gonzalez, 7 17:55.5 Urbandale 236 113 Noe Cruz-Gonzalez, 8 17:56.2 D M North 237 Blayton Anderson, 7 17:57.6 Norwalk 238 Jack Carlat, 8 17:57.9 Ames 239 Jacob Howe, 7 18:03.9 Johnston 240 Simon Pauls, 8 18:04.1 Cedar Falls 241 David Chen, 8 18:05.7 Ames 242 Zachary McQuide, 7 18:07.8 Dallas Center Grimes 243 Parker Allen, 7 18:10.1 Norwalk 244 Grayson Wiedmann, 7 18:11.1 Norwalk 245 114 Peter Hoven, 7 18:12.2 Marshalltown 246 115 Carlos Carmona, 7 18:12.5 Lincoln 247 Carter Boydstun, 7 18:12.7 Marshalltown 248 Ashton Lauter, 8 18:15.3 Ames 249 Marc Herrold, 7 18:16.9 Cedar Falls 250 Vaibhav Lokeshwaran, 8 18:20.9 Ankeny Northview 251 Jace Edwards, 8 18:22.8 Valley 252 Anthonhy Demeulenaere, 8 18:23.3 Ankeny Southview 253 Jake Burggraaf, 8 18:23.8 Waukee Prairieview 254 116 Nathan Alayola-Fisher, 8 18:23.9 Southeast Polk 255 Jude Orngard, 7 18:24.5 Ames 256 Vihann Koganti, 8 18:29.1 Roosevelt 257 117 Bryan Cardenas, 8 18:30.8 Hoover 258 Emerson Black, 8 18:31.2 Urbandale 259 Keith Haag, 8 18:31.5 Ankeny Northview 260 Ryan Faidley, 8 18:33.0 Ankeny Northview 261 Parker Dewey, 8 18:33.7 Urbandale 262 Silas O'Neill, 7 18:35.2 Cedar Falls 263 Blake Schuman, 8 18:35.7 Urbandale 264 Mason Weydert, 8 18:36.2 Cedar Falls 265 118 Benjamin Musa, 8 18:36.6 Hoover 266 Liem Huynh, 8 18:37.3 Johnston 267 Will Franks, 8 18:40.0 Roosevelt 268 Taten Carter, 7 18:44.7 Cedar Falls 269 Dalton Baldwin, 7 18:48.1 Southeast Polk 270 Zechariah Klaas, 8 18:51.0 Marshalltown 271 Theodore Lewis, 7 18:52.3 Marshalltown 272 Josh Schmidt, 7 18:54.9 Cedar Falls 273 James Anderson, 7 18:56.3 Ames 274 Gabe Moyle, 8 18:59.8 Ankeny Northview 275 Cooper Halvorson, 7 19:06.7 Cedar Falls 276 Harrison Shepherd, 7 19:09.4 Urbandale 277 Wes Carlson, 8 19:12.6 Ankeny Southview 278 Jonah Southammavong, 8 19:13.1 Waukee Prairieview 279 Anthony Bandiero, 8 19:13.5 Valley 280 Will Brecht, 8 19:20.3 Waukee Prairieview 281 Samuel Kendrick, 8 19:22.1 Urbandale 282 Hudson Buhrow, 7 19:23.2 Norwalk 283 119 Pryderi Ramirez, 8 19:25.9 Lincoln 284 Drake Morfitt, 7 19:26.4 Cedar Falls 285 Jackson Reese, 7 19:28.9 Norwalk 286 120 Dj Lemons, 8 19:33.8 Hoover 287 Samuel Yao, 7 19:38.1 Ames 288 121 Tyrus McCuller, 7 19:40.0 Lincoln 289 122 Zachary Deaton, 8 19:40.9 D M East 290 Marshall Gochanour, 7 19:42.2 Norwalk 291 Luke Brecht, 8 19:45.9 Waukee Prairieview 292 Emmitt Wilson, 7 19:46.2 Southeast Polk 293 123 Beckett Showalter, 8 19:47.1 Waukee 294 William Czerniewski, 8 19:51.5 Marshalltown 295 Asher Dobbs, 7 19:52.6 Marshalltown 296 Elliot Young, 7 19:59.4 Marshalltown 297 Jackson Godfrey, 7 19:59.5 Marshalltown 298 Declan Meloy, 8 20:01.8 Marshalltown 299 Jackson Baber, 8 20:02.2 Cedar Falls 300 Ryker Mullikin, 7 20:06.4 Valley 301 Levi Thiele, 8 20:13.9 Ankeny Northview 302 Ben Bruns, 8 20:16.2 Ankeny Northview 303 124 Brody Osterhaus, 8 20:16.6 Lincoln 304 Eric Lein, 7 20:17.2 Lincoln 305 William Harris, 7 20:21.5 Johnston 306 125 Nishchal Nandimandalam, 820:27.0 Waukee 307 Gavin DeVries, 7 20:30.2 Cedar Falls 308 Jackson Underwood, 7 20:33.3 Urbandale 309 Kenan Nguyn, 8 20:39.1 Ankeny Southview 310 Fehim Muharemovic, 8 20:45.0 Valley 311 Brennan Kerr, 7 20:45.8 Norwalk 312 Sameer Ali, 8 20:46.6 Ankeny Southview 313 Jonas Taylor, 8 20:56.3 Marshalltown 314 Kaleb Carter, 8 20:57.2 Marshalltown 315 Paul Meierotto, 8 20:58.3 Valley 316 Levi Kimble, 7 21:03.3 Urbandale 317 Jacob Spraque, 8 21:07.8 Waukee 318 Declan Bubon, 8 21:13.6 Ankeny Southview 319 Erick Corona, 8 21:20.0 Ankeny Northview 320 Brantly Beelner, 7 21:20.3 Ames 321 Zade Jacobsen, 8 21:24.3 Valley 322 Quinlan Pals, 8 21:25.0 Marshalltown 323 Cameron Robinson, 8 21:25.2 Hoover 324 Andrew Caes, 7 21:27.0 Lincoln 325 Alexander Johnson, 8 21:28.9 Johnston 326 Christian Rushing, 8 21:34.4 Valley 327 126 Noah Ware, 8 21:35.2 D M North 328 Antonio Sanchez, 8 21:35.7 Lincoln 329 Jaylon Pedraza, 8 21:38.6 Ankeny Southview 330 Theo Vander Zanden, 7 21:48.7 Cedar Falls 331 Kaden Bartz, 7 21:55.0 Lincoln 332 127 Jesus Rodruiguez-Torres, 821:58.8 D M East 333 Asher Riggs, 8 21:59.2 Cedar Falls 334 Carlos Franco, 8 22:01.8 Hoover 335 Cooper Stammerman, 8 22:03.9 Ankeny Southview 336 Kael Wilson, 8 22:08.0 Lincoln 337 Wes Gordon, 7 22:11.0 Ames 338 Zack Elmore, 8 22:11.1 Johnston 339 Xayden Dameron, 7 22:18.1 Lincoln 340 Avaneesh Vairamatti, 8 22:19.2 Waukee 341 Liam Sudoy, 7 22:20.8 Ames 342 Damien Kurovski, 8 22:26.7 Southeast Polk 343 Justin Salguero, 8 22:28.4 Lincoln 344 Jevin Stewart, 8 22:31.8 Ankeny Southview 345 Mason Froehle, 7 22:32.7 Urbandale 346 Jack Huey, 7 22:34.9 Cedar Falls 347 Nate Coosner, 8 22:35.4 Valley 348 Cayden Keigan, 7 22:37.1 Hoover 349 Viraj Moharle, 8 22:49.3 Johnston 350 128 Philo Boydston, 7 22:56.7 D M East 351 Jordan Evans, 8 22:56.9 Ames 352 Charlie Thompson, 8 22:58.8 Valley 353 Aiden Frost, 7 23:03.3 Cedar Falls 354 Easton White, 7 23:05.5 Cedar Falls 355 Ethan Buxton, 8 23:05.9 Ankeny Southview 356 Brock Peterson, 7 23:12.0 Johnston 357 Dane Christensen, 7 23:12.5 Valley 358 Smaran Tipparthy, 8 23:13.1 Waukee 359 Charlie Sadler, 7 23:16.1 Norwalk 360 Robert Vrba, 8 23:33.6 Lincoln 361 129 Kosal Chhouy, 7 23:35.4 D M East 362 Jude Tyrell, 7 23:44.3 Valley 363 Sawyer Lowe, 8 23:45.0 Norwalk 364 Dawson Kelch, 8 23:47.9 Urbandale 365 Liam Davidson, 7 23:48.2 Urbandale 366 Henry Bunce, 8 23:48.3 Urbandale 367 Aiden Barber, 8 23:48.4 Valley 368 130 Miles Cummings, 7 23:49.6 D M East 369 Carter Mumm, 7 23:55.2 Johnston 370 Nahayo(Chris Bryton, 8 23:56.0 Hoover 371 Owen Eckard, 7 24:00.7 Johnston 372 Xavier Mason, 7 24:11.1 Lincoln 373 131 Killian Robinson, 8 24:30.9 D M North 374 Fortino CarrilloVazquez, 724:50.2 Marshalltown 375 Jett Kuker, 7 24:55.1 Cedar Falls 376 Brady Kaszubowski, 8 24:57.9 Waukee Prairieview 377 Nicholas Mentzer, 8 24:57.9 Cedar Falls 378 Christopher Aguirre, 7 24:58.6 Urbandale 379 Dinero Jackman, 7 26:09.6 Lincoln 380 Simon Vanlalthanthuama, 726:44.3 Urbandale 381 Dailyn Mustin, 7 26:56.4 Hoover 382 Koen Davenport, 8 26:59.0 Cedar Falls 383 Brandon Jarillo, 8 27:21.5 Lincoln 384 Eric Poole, 8 27:37.1 Ankeny Southview 385 Bruce Keelinig, 8 28:22.1 Marshalltown 386 Nguyen Pham, 8 29:06.6 Lincoln 387 Dakota Rush, 7 29:06.7 Lincoln 388 Ben Powell, 8 31:12.5 Urbandale 389 Carson Hines, 8 34:23.1 Urbandale 390 Owen Serfling, 7 34:30.6 Hoover
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