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2018 Run to Rescue - 1 Mile Age Groups--Text Format Results
Run to Rescue Czechland Lake, Prague, NE August 11, 2018 FINISHERS BY AGE GROUP FOR 1 MILE RACE ********** FEMALE OVERALL RESULTS FOR 1M RACE *********** 1 1959 Faith Samek 7 David City NE 7:07 7:07 ********** MALE OVERALL RESULTS FOR 1M RACE *********** 1 349 Kelby Coufal 11 David City NE 6:27 6:27 FEMALE AGE 1 - 10 Place Bib Name Age City Sta Time Pace ===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 1 1959 Faith Samek 7 David City NE 7:07 7:07 2 1876 Rylee Hanke 9 Waverly NE 9:53 9:53 3 1914 Hannah Luebbe 10 Gresham NE 10:21 10:21 4 1883 Hailey Havlovic 6 Malmo NE 11:09 11:09 5 347 Haley Cheshier 10 Bellevue NE 12:38 12:38 6 1997 Alexis Stoltenberg 6 Omaha NE 12:45 12:45 7 338 Ashlyn Brabec 8 Wahoo NE 13:05 13:05 8 1897 Adyson Kadlec 8 Prague NE 14:09 14:09 9 1998 Gwen Stoltenberg 3 Omaha NE 14:11 14:11 10 1965 Lexi Schlake 4 Blue Springs NE 14:36 14:36 11 1911 Hannah Kulek 5 Gretna NE 15:08 15:08 12 1904 Makenna Kovar 9 Prague NE 16:14 16:14 13 340 Evelyn Brabec 4 Wahoo NE 18:06 18:06 14 1962 Ava Schlake 5 Blue Springs NE 18:07 18:07 15 1967 Kaitlyn Schneider 10 David City NE 19:05 19:05 16 13714 Emma Kavan 6 Prague NE 19:58 19:58 FEMALE AGE 11 - 99 Place Bib Name Age City Sta Time Pace ===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 1 1966 Sara Schmid 11 David City NE 7:50 7:50 2 1881 Alyssa Havlovic 11 Malmo NE 8:29 8:29 3 1892 Haley Johnson 13 Prague NE 8:39 8:39 4 1988 Mackennah Spatz 11 Prague NE 9:07 9:07 5 1906 Reese Kozisek 12 Brainard NE 9:15 9:15 6 13724 Abby Johnson 13 Prague NE 9:22 9:22 7 1934 Laura O'Grady 26 Lincoln NE 9:49 9:49 8 1916 Kate Luebbe 12 Gresham NE 10:11 10:11 9 1877 Sydney Hanke 13 Waverly NE 10:28 10:28 10 1878 Alexis Harris 11 Linwood NE 10:49 10:49 11 1886 Lindsey Havlovic 38 Malmo NE 11:05 11:05 12 1996 Emily Steinbach 24 Lincoln NE 11:15 11:15 13 1887 Morgan Havlovic 11 Prague NE 11:44 11:44 14 13680 Miranda Vanek 12 Prague NE 11:50 11:50 15 348 Kelly Cheshier 40 Bellevue NE 12:36 12:36 16 5063 Brooke Havelka 27 Omaha NE 12:45 12:45 17 13726 Jeanne Havelka 30 Prague NE 14:12 14:12 18 1902 Lynn Kohout 38 Omaha NE 14:17 14:17 19 1980 Laurie Smaus 35 David City NE 14:22 14:22 20 305 Melissa Baumert 29 Omaha NE 14:36 14:36 21 327 Sheryl Block 57 Springfield NE 14:37 14:37 22 1909 Carmon Kulek 46 Gretna NE 15:07 15:07 23 1983 Karen Sousek 55 Malmo NE 15:12 15:12 24 1981 Delores Snitily 56 Lincoln NE 15:20 15:20 25 1989 Amy Stanek 52 Ceresco NE 15:46 15:46 26 13718 Loretta Havlovic 56 Lincoln NE 16:38 16:38 27 1929 Shannon Newburn 48 Ceresco NE 17:04 17:04 28 13673 Anna Tvrdy 15 Wahoo NE 17:21 17:21 29 13675 Theresa Tvrdy 18 Wahoo NE 17:22 17:22 30 1873 Amanda Hanis 36 Prague NE 17:30 17:30 31 719 Terese Croghan 56 Gretna NE 17:33 17:33 32 13674 Liz Tvrdy 28 Wahoo NE 17:44 17:44 33 626 Jessica Creal 27 Prague NE 17:45 17:45 34 1874 Madison Hanke 18 Waverly NE 18:01 18:01 35 13678 Jeanne Vanek 68 Prague NE 18:02 18:02 36 341 Michelle Brabec 34 Wahoo NE 18:07 18:07 37 1994 Kelly Stava 36 Wahoo NE 18:21 18:21 38 1964 Debra Schlake 35 Blue Springs NE 18:26 18:26 39 1943 Mary Ann Paseka 58 Prague NE 19:05 19:05 40 1982 Carol Sousek 60 Prague NE 19:06 19:06 41 1864 Tracy Dotson 34 Omaha NE 19:08 19:08 42 1896 Teri Johnson 43 Prague NE 19:25 19:25 43 1987 Dani Spatz 32 Prague NE 19:25 19:25 44 1884 Kelly Havlovic 44 Prague NE 19:25 19:25 45 13679 Michelle Vanek 46 Prague NE 20:10 20:10 46 1895 Penny Johnson 53 Prague NE 20:12 20:12 47 1955 Peggy Polacek 55 Lincoln NE 20:24 20:24 48 1865 Patricia Drozda 61 Lincoln NE 20:24 20:24 49 1973 Natalie Schwarz 37 Lincoln NE 20:24 20:24 50 13710 Amber Kavan 29 Prague NE 20:26 20:26 51 13677 Brooke Vanek 24 Prague NE 20:27 20:27 52 13676 Barb Vanek 52 Prague NE 20:27 20:27 53 13669 Victoria Swartz 64 Malmo NE 20:28 20:28 54 330 Zana Bostelman 22 Lincoln NE 20:34 20:34 55 1937 Cheyenne Paseka 23 Wahoo NE 20:34 20:34 56 1957 Christy Prohaska 54 Prague NE 20:39 20:39 57 1941 Kim Paseka 31 Palmyra NE 20:54 20:54 58 1875 Marilyn Hanke 73 Prague NE 20:57 20:57 59 1972 Sherri Schutt 45 Fremont NE 20:58 20:58 60 326 Roxanne Bergman 17 Prague NE 20:59 20:59 61 1991 Danielle Stanislav 38 Prague NE 21:19 21:19 62 1879 Amber Harris 31 Linwood NE 21:19 21:19 63 13727 Cortney Pasek 32 Bellevue NE 21:20 21:20 64 1893 Kaytlin Johnson 22 Prague NE 21:37 21:37 65 1888 Rachelle Havlovic 49 Prague NE 21:37 21:37 66 1894 Kristin Johnson 19 Prague NE 21:38 21:38 67 1974 Shirley Secord 68 Omaha NE 23:18 23:18 68 5179 Amanda Thompson 27 Bellevue NE 23:21 23:21 69 13707 Ashton Webb 29 Omaha NE 23:26 23:26 70 1926 Bev Neumann 54 La Vista NE 23:27 23:27 71 1940 Joyce Paseka 57 Prague NE 23:35 23:35 72 1872 Kendra Gomez 33 Papillion NE 26:10 26:10 73 13685 Jen Vasa 33 Weston NE 26:17 26:17 74 1900 Kristen Kipper 28 Lincoln NE 26:17 26:17 75 13670 Desirae Tepoel 28 Wahoo NE 26:17 26:17 76 1918 Linda Maly 55 Weston NE 27:33 27:33 MALE AGE 1 - 10 Place Bib Name Age City Sta Time Pace ===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 1 1905 Grant Kozisek 9 Brainard NE 7:40 7:40 2 328 Jason Bongers 10 Brainard NE 7:51 7:51 3 1993 Joseph Stava 9 Wahoo NE 8:38 8:38 4 1922 Grayson Meyer 6 Omaha NE 9:26 9:26 5 1861 Beckett Dotson 7 Omaha NE 9:29 9:29 6 1919 Hudson Meiergerd 6 Wahoo NE 10:09 10:09 7 1995 Ryan Stava 6 Wahoo NE 10:46 10:46 8 1931 Hudson Niven 6 Weston NE 11:10 11:10 9 13725 Max Arps 10 Linwood NE 11:20 11:20 10 13690 Cooper Wadas 6 Columbus NE 12:17 12:17 11 342 Justice Brammer 7 Malmo NE 12:17 12:17 12 1992 Owen States 10 Malmo NE 12:18 12:18 13 1968 Noah Schneider 7 David City NE 13:03 13:03 14 1942 Lucas Paseka 5 Lincoln NE 14:11 14:11 15 1939 Isaac Paseka 3 Lincoln NE 14:14 14:14 16 1903 Marshall Kohout 3 Omaha NE 14:17 14:17 17 1979 Jase Smaus 5 David City NE 14:22 14:22 18 1921 Noah Meiergerd 4 Wahoo NE 14:27 14:27 19 1930 Haydn Niven 4 Weston NE 15:02 15:02 20 1880 Jackson Harris 9 Linwood NE 16:15 16:15 21 1999 Isaac Stoltenberg 9 Omaha NE 17:20 17:20 22 1863 Thayer Dotson 5 Omaha NE 19:08 19:08 MALE AGE 11 - 99 Place Bib Name Age City Sta Time Pace ===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 1 349 Kelby Coufal 11 David City NE 6:27 6:27 2 1960 Tylar Samek 20 David City NE 6:34 6:34 3 1869 Austin Frana 12 Malmo NE 6:59 6:59 4 1899 Shane Keeling 42 David City NE 7:17 7:17 5 1970 Jackson Schutt 11 Fremont NE 7:19 7:19 6 329 Justin Bongers 11 Brainard NE 7:41 7:41 7 1870 Kale Glasshoff 11 Brainard NE 7:51 7:51 8 5050 Reid Glasshoff 13 Brainard NE 7:52 7:52 9 1947 Dalton Pokorney 11 Shelby NE 7:54 7:54 10 1862 Brendan Dotson 38 Omaha NE 9:29 9:29 11 13672 Noah Thompson 12 Lincoln NE 9:38 9:38 12 1985 Nathan Sousek 27 Malmo NE 9:49 9:49 13 345 Cyrus Cheshier 12 Omaha NE 10:20 10:20 14 346 Eric Cheshier 46 Bellevue NE 12:39 12:39 15 1938 Eric Paseka 31 Lincoln NE 14:14 14:14 16 1920 Nathan Meiergerd 35 Wahoo NE 14:26 14:26 17 1882 Andy Havlovic 37 Malmo NE 14:35 14:35 18 1933 Mark Niven 43 Weston NE 15:03 15:03 19 1990 Steve Stanek 55 Ceresco NE 15:45 15:45 20 13719 Dallen Havlovic 54 Lincoln NE 16:38 16:38 21 5057 Cash Hanis 11 Prague NE 17:30 17:30 22 1901 John Kohout 38 Omaha NE 17:40 17:40 23 1908 Gary Kratky 71 Omaha NE 17:43 17:43 24 344 Travis Burbach 22 Kearney NE 17:45 17:45 25 343 David Burbach 25 Lincoln NE 17:45 17:45 26 1961 Wyatt Schake 24 Amherst NE 17:46 17:46 27 2000 Gaylen Swartz 65 Malmo NE 20:31 20:31 28 1958 Doug Prohaska 54 Prague NE 20:39 20:39 29 1969 Rick Schneider 41 David City NE 20:48 20:48 30 1944 Ron Paseka 71 Prague NE 20:55 20:55 31 320 Jim Bergman 50 Prague NE 20:58 20:58 32 1971 Jeff Schutt 46 Fremont NE 20:59 20:59 33 745 Tyler Croghan 27 Schuyler NE 21:19 21:19 34 13689 Al Vybiral 57 Wahoo NE 21:35 21:35 35 1935 Trent Ortmeier 22 Omaha NE 21:36 21:36 36 13671 Brandon Thompson 30 Bellevue NE 23:00 23:00 37 1928 Paul Neumann 56 La Vista NE 23:21 23:21 38 1927 Nick Neumann 30 Omaha NE 23:26 23:26 39 1871 Eric Gomez 32 Papillion NE 26:19 26:19