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Ankeny MS XC Invite Boys B

Ankeny MS XC Invite Boys B

Prairie Ridge - Ankeny, IA

Oct. 8, 2019

60s, windy - perfect
Results by Cal Murdock

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                                  Last updated Oct. 8, 2019 7:32 PM

  1 Johnston                 62    3    7    9   21   22   24   26  13:06.5  0:31.2
  2 Waukee                   84    2    6   18   23   35   37   50  13:11.4  1:00.4
  3 Valley                   94   12   13   17   25   27   32   33  13:16.7  0:15.9
  4 Urbandale               116    1   16   19   39   41   42   44  13:12.0  1:34.9
  5 Dallas Center Grimes    138    5   11   30   45   47   66   71  13:29.0  0:51.2
  6 Southeast Polk          139    8   28   29   31   43   46   48  13:28.2  0:42.0
  7 Ankeny Centennial       155    4   10   38   51   52   57   59  13:35.4  1:05.5
  8 Ankeny                  171   14   15   20   60   62   67   68  13:43.4  1:20.0
  9 Roosevelt               238   36   40   53   54   55   58   61  14:02.8  0:41.3
 10 Ames                    282   34   56   63   64   65   70   74  14:23.5  1:12.3
 11 Marshalltown            338   49   69   72   73   75   77   78  15:13.6  1:52.9
 12 Boone                   398   76   79   80   81   82   83   84  16:28.4  0:56.4

 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston
    3  Logan Brustkern, 7       12:46.9  
    7  Ethan Barker, 8          13:03.1  
    9  Garrett Ness, 7          13:06.9  
   21  Owen Martin, 8           13:17.1  
   22  Zane Yoshida, 8          13:18.1  
   24  Porter Russell, 7        13:23.9  
   26  William Kabamba, 8       13:24.5  
Total Time = 1:05:32.1     Total Places = 62

2. Waukee
    2  Joel Bloomer, 8          12:38.4  
    6  Luke Hayes, 8            13:02.6  
   18  James Johnson, 8         13:14.3  
   23  Christensen Koufax, 8    13:22.8  
   35  Colin Burke, 8           13:38.7  
   37  Grady Deering, 8         13:41.4  
   50  Xander Bingaman, 8       13:57.3  
Total Time = 1:05:56.8     Total Places = 84

3. Valley
   12  Keaton Moll, 8           13:09.8  
   13  Blake Busch, 8           13:10.3  
   17  Alex Wauson, 8           13:13.3  
   25  Grant Armstrong, 8       13:24.1  
   27  Jack Cavan, 8            13:25.7  
   32  Joe Epperly, 8           13:34.3  
   33  Evan Walker, 8           13:34.6  
Total Time = 1:06:23.2     Total Places = 94

4. Urbandale
    1  Blake Smith, 7           12:07.7  
   16  Abe Dinges, 7            13:12.6  
   19  Sean Lin, 7              13:14.9  
   39  Cooper Smith, 7          13:42.0  
   41  Ben Schmidt, 8           13:42.6  
   42  Brolen Kooker, 7         13:45.2  
   44  Blake France, 8          13:46.6  
Total Time = 1:05:59.8     Total Places = 116

5. Dallas Center Grimes
    5  Alex Pries, 8            13:01.8  
   11  Joel Storey, 7           13:09.4  
   30  Elias Arbuckle, 7        13:32.0  
   45  Brogan Fuller, 8         13:48.6  
   47  Hunter Kitt, 8           13:53.0  
   66  Beau Schneider, 8        14:56.1  
   71  Jackson Foy, 7           15:35.4  
Total Time = 1:07:24.8     Total Places = 138

6. Southeast Polk
    8  Wyatt Baker, 7           13:04.6  
   28  Rylan Althof, 8          13:26.6  
   29  Darin Litwiler, 7        13:29.9  
   31  Evan Tollari, 7          13:33.0  
   43  Quinn Whinery, 8         13:46.6  
   46  Rykin Belden, 8          13:52.7  
   48  Nathaniel Moberg, 7      13:53.0  
Total Time = 1:07:20.7     Total Places = 139

7. Ankeny Centennial
    4  Caleb Whaley, 8          13:00.7  
   10  Logan Page, 8            13:08.6  
   38  Maxime Janelle, 8        13:41.8  
   51  Owen Lacey, 8            13:59.7  
   52  Brennan Tyler, 8         14:06.2  
   57  Zach Hoffman, 8          14:25.3  
   59  Owen Hovick, 8           14:26.0  
Total Time = 1:07:57.0     Total Places = 155

8. Ankeny
   14  Dominic Hemphill, 8      13:10.8  
   15  Levi Stember, 8          13:11.6  
   20  Brendan Nolin, 8         13:15.3  
   60  Atticus Pottratz, 8      14:28.2  
   62  Cooper Kann, 8           14:30.8  
   67  Carter Danielson, 8      15:05.2  
   68  Caleb Carratt, 8         15:05.9  
Total Time = 1:08:36.7     Total Places = 171

9. Roosevelt
   36  Isaiah LaMark, 7         13:39.1  
   40  Reece Thompson, 8        13:42.3  
   53  Sidney Shide, 7          14:15.4  
   54  Zane Kenny, 8            14:16.5  
   55  Owen Marrett, 7          14:20.4  
   58  Evan Kohlsdorf, 7        14:25.7  
   61  Joe Schiesow, 7          14:30.2  
Total Time = 1:10:13.7     Total Places = 238

10. Ames
   34  Brennen Bhave, 7         13:36.2  
   56  Elio Viatori, 7          14:22.6  
   63  Solomon Strosahl, 7      14:32.6  
   64  Elias Thompson, 7        14:37.3  
   65  Geoffrey Williams, 7     14:48.5  
   70  James Haila, 8           15:20.9  
   74  Garang Kear, 8           15:39.9  
Total Time = 1:11:57.2     Total Places = 282

11. Marshalltown
   49  Salvador Ruiz, 8         13:56.1  
   69  Braden Stewart, 8        15:11.3  
   72  Juan Avalos, 8           15:35.5  
   73  Izaiah Warnell, 7        15:35.8  
   75  Jaden Stanfield, 7       15:49.0  
   77  Jacob Christen, 7        15:55.3  
   78  Juan Luis Garcia, 8      15:59.8  
Total Time = 1:16:07.7     Total Places = 338

12. Boone
   76  Kyler Griffis, 8         15:53.1  
   79  Greyson Buttz, 7         16:14.2  
   80  Owen Schneider, 7        16:36.4  
   81  Spencer Bentson, 8       16:48.4  
   82  Aiden Maher, 7           16:49.5  
   83  Noah Hively, 7           16:50.7  
   84  Isaac Kolacia, 7         17:17.8  
Total Time = 1:22:21.6     Total Places = 398

1 1 Blake Smith, 7 12:07.7 Urbandale 2 2 Joel Bloomer, 8 12:38.4 Waukee 3 3 Logan Brustkern, 7 12:46.9 Johnston 4 4 Caleb Whaley, 8 13:00.7 Ankeny Centennial 5 5 Alex Pries, 8 13:01.8 Dallas Center Grimes 6 6 Luke Hayes, 8 13:02.6 Waukee 7 7 Ethan Barker, 8 13:03.1 Johnston 8 8 Wyatt Baker, 7 13:04.6 Southeast Polk 9 9 Garrett Ness, 7 13:06.9 Johnston 10 10 Logan Page, 8 13:08.6 Ankeny Centennial 11 11 Joel Storey, 7 13:09.4 Dallas Center Grimes 12 12 Keaton Moll, 8 13:09.8 Valley 13 13 Blake Busch, 8 13:10.3 Valley 14 14 Dominic Hemphill, 8 13:10.8 Ankeny 15 15 Levi Stember, 8 13:11.6 Ankeny 16 16 Abe Dinges, 7 13:12.6 Urbandale 17 17 Alex Wauson, 8 13:13.3 Valley 18 18 James Johnson, 8 13:14.3 Waukee 19 19 Sean Lin, 7 13:14.9 Urbandale 20 20 Brendan Nolin, 8 13:15.3 Ankeny 21 21 Owen Martin, 8 13:17.1 Johnston 22 22 Zane Yoshida, 8 13:18.1 Johnston 23 23 Christensen Koufax, 8 13:22.8 Waukee 24 24 Porter Russell, 7 13:23.9 Johnston 25 25 Grant Armstrong, 8 13:24.1 Valley 26 26 William Kabamba, 8 13:24.5 Johnston 27 Benjamin Barber, 8 13:24.7 Johnston 28 27 Jack Cavan, 8 13:25.7 Valley 29 28 Rylan Althof, 8 13:26.6 Southeast Polk 30 29 Darin Litwiler, 7 13:29.9 Southeast Polk 31 Carson Tracy, 8 13:31.4 Johnston 32 30 Elias Arbuckle, 7 13:32.0 Dallas Center Grimes 33 31 Evan Tollari, 7 13:33.0 Southeast Polk 34 32 Joe Epperly, 8 13:34.3 Valley 35 33 Evan Walker, 8 13:34.6 Valley 36 34 Brennen Bhave, 7 13:36.2 Ames 37 35 Colin Burke, 8 13:38.7 Waukee 38 36 Isaiah LaMark, 7 13:39.1 Roosevelt 39 37 Grady Deering, 8 13:41.4 Waukee 40 38 Maxime Janelle, 8 13:41.8 Ankeny Centennial 41 Jack Brooks, 8 13:41.9 Johnston 42 39 Cooper Smith, 7 13:42.0 Urbandale 43 40 Reece Thompson, 8 13:42.3 Roosevelt 44 41 Ben Schmidt, 8 13:42.6 Urbandale 45 42 Brolen Kooker, 7 13:45.2 Urbandale 46 43 Quinn Whinery, 8 13:46.6 Southeast Polk 47 44 Blake France, 8 13:46.6 Urbandale 48 Arthur Chen, 7 13:47.5 Johnston 49 Dylan O'Connor, 7 13:47.5 Johnston 50 45 Brogan Fuller, 8 13:48.6 Dallas Center Grimes 51 Carson Cornwell, 8 13:51.3 Johnston 52 46 Rykin Belden, 8 13:52.7 Southeast Polk 53 47 Hunter Kitt, 8 13:53.0 Dallas Center Grimes 54 48 Nathaniel Moberg, 7 13:53.0 Southeast Polk 55 Aydan Albritton, 8 13:54.5 Southeast Polk 56 49 Salvador Ruiz, 8 13:56.1 Marshalltown 57 Ethan Wilke, 8 13:57.0 Urbandale 58 50 Xander Bingaman, 8 13:57.3 Waukee 59 Taylor Beron, 8 13:58.0 Urbandale 60 51 Owen Lacey, 8 13:59.7 Ankeny Centennial 61 Andrew Shannon, 7 14:00.4 Southeast Polk 62 Mitchell Driscoll, 8 14:02.3 Johnston 63 Parker Grieving, 7 14:03.4 Johnston 64 Donovan Mathis, 7 14:04.0 Johnston 65 Carter Gearhart, 7 14:05.0 Johnston 66 52 Brennan Tyler, 8 14:06.2 Ankeny Centennial 67 Nate Hammerand, 8 14:09.5 Urbandale 68 53 Sidney Shide, 7 14:15.4 Roosevelt 69 Owen Schipper, 8 14:15.4 Waukee 70 Tyler Hermann, 8 14:15.6 Johnston 71 Evan Lambert, 8 14:16.3 Johnston 72 Jack Imoehl, 8 14:16.3 Waukee 73 54 Zane Kenny, 8 14:16.5 Roosevelt 74 Lucky Pearce, 8 14:17.1 Waukee 75 Jack Riley, 7 14:18.2 Southeast Polk 76 Andrew Maitre, 8 14:20.3 Johnston 77 55 Owen Marrett, 7 14:20.4 Roosevelt 78 Nolan Hunt, 8 14:22.1 Valley 79 56 Elio Viatori, 7 14:22.6 Ames 80 Wrye Downs, 8 14:23.3 Waukee 81 Jett Jacobson, 8 14:23.7 Johnston 82 57 Zach Hoffman, 8 14:25.3 Ankeny Centennial 83 Matt Giles, 8 14:25.5 Urbandale 84 Gauge Beirman, 8 14:25.5 Southeast Polk 85 58 Evan Kohlsdorf, 7 14:25.7 Roosevelt 86 59 Owen Hovick, 8 14:26.0 Ankeny Centennial 87 Carson Blaker, 8 14:26.4 Ankeny Centennial 88 Jacob Forney, 8 14:26.6 Valley 89 Connor Eigeenheer, 8 14:27.0 Waukee 90 60 Atticus Pottratz, 8 14:28.2 Ankeny 91 Aidan Friedel, 8 14:28.6 Waukee 92 61 Joe Schiesow, 7 14:30.2 Roosevelt 93 62 Cooper Kann, 8 14:30.8 Ankeny 94 Cole Clark, 8 14:31.3 Valley 95 Roan Walsmith, 7 14:31.5 Roosevelt 96 63 Solomon Strosahl, 7 14:32.6 Ames 97 Jeffrey Scott, 7 14:34.3 Johnston 98 Tanner Downs, 7 14:34.5 Johnston 99 Cael Brown, 7 14:34.9 Johnston 100 Drew Boeding, 7 14:36.7 Roosevelt 101 64 Elias Thompson, 7 14:37.3 Ames 102 Jackson Temple, 8 14:43.0 Waukee 103 Jack Rogers, 8 14:43.7 Valley 104 65 Geoffrey Williams, 7 14:48.5 Ames 105 Dan Murano, 8 14:49.0 Valley 106 Bodie Wheeler, 8 14:49.4 Johnston 107 Joey Klaiber, 8 14:50.5 Waukee 108 Porter Mendenhall, 8 14:51.4 Waukee 109 Jack Carver, 8 14:51.4 Valley 110 Larson DeBoer, 7 14:53.3 Urbandale 111 Kaden Keomala, 7 14:53.4 Southeast Polk 112 Sawyer Evans, 7 14:53.4 Roosevelt 113 Benjamin Neville, 8 14:53.4 Johnston 114 Ethan Kogan, 8 14:54.2 Johnston 115 Keegan Schenck, 8 14:55.4 Southeast Polk 116 66 Beau Schneider, 8 14:56.1 Dallas Center Grimes 117 Caden Barnings, 8 14:56.7 Valley 118 Samuel McAlister, 8 14:58.0 Johnston 119 Aidan Douglas, 8 14:58.3 Southeast Polk 120 Bryce Faber, 7 14:58.9 Johnston 121 Wyatt Gibson, 7 14:59.8 Southeast Polk 122 Preston Schnoor, 8 15:00.3 Waukee 123 Brad Mauer, 7 15:00.6 Southeast Polk 124 Ty Walker, 8 15:01.1 Ankeny Centennial 125 Zachary Scothorn, 8 15:04.2 Johnston 126 67 Carter Danielson, 8 15:05.2 Ankeny 127 68 Caleb Carratt, 8 15:05.9 Ankeny 128 Ethan Tollari, 7 15:05.9 Southeast Polk 129 Cooper Bernstein, 7 15:06.5 Southeast Polk 130 Aydin McNeley, 8 15:07.0 Southeast Polk 131 Cameron P White, 7 15:08.6 Johnston 132 Harrison Jensen, 8 15:09.6 Ankeny Centennial 133 Richard Mansour, 8 15:10.3 Johnston 134 69 Braden Stewart, 8 15:11.3 Marshalltown 135 Joel Langebartels, 7 15:16.0 Roosevelt 136 Garrett Rohden, 7 15:16.1 Johnston 137 Reese Smith, 7 15:16.2 Johnston 138 70 James Haila, 8 15:20.9 Ames 139 Andrew Bogue, 7 15:24.6 Johnston 140 Jalen Taha, 8 15:24.8 Waukee 141 Gavin Boliver, 8 15:27.4 Johnston 142 Owen Kouba, 8 15:30.0 Valley 143 Ben Lundy, 8 15:30.4 Roosevelt 144 Mason Stevermer, 8 15:31.1 Valley 145 Evan Kluesner, 8 15:31.9 Urbandale 146 Trent Seifert, 8 15:33.4 Valley 147 71 Jackson Foy, 7 15:35.4 Dallas Center Grimes 148 Jaden Stover, 8 15:35.5 Ankeny 149 72 Juan Avalos, 8 15:35.5 Marshalltown 150 Michael Conaway, 8 15:35.6 Ankeny Centennial 151 73 Izaiah Warnell, 7 15:35.8 Marshalltown 152 Joel Svedja, 7 15:36.0 Urbandale 153 Colton Ballard, 8 15:38.8 Roosevelt 154 74 Garang Kear, 8 15:39.9 Ames 155 Matthew Mikles, 8 15:41.3 Johnston 156 Adam Gregory, 8 15:42.3 Valley 157 Jacob Hogan, 8 15:43.3 Ankeny 158 Roy Newton, 8 15:44.2 Valley 159 Blane Forinash, 7 15:44.7 Urbandale 160 Karson Johnson, 8 15:45.6 Waukee 161 Raghav Sureshbabu, 8 15:46.6 Valley 162 Tyler Scroggins, 8 15:46.8 Ankeny Centennial 163 Cam Seitz, 7 15:46.9 Roosevelt 164 Grady Fees, 8 15:48.1 Southeast Polk 165 75 Jaden Stanfield, 7 15:49.0 Marshalltown 166 Collin Stapleton, 8 15:50.3 Ankeny Centennial 167 Hans David, 8 15:53.0 Roosevelt 168 76 Kyler Griffis, 8 15:53.1 Boone 169 Gavin Knudsen, 8 15:53.6 Johnston 170 77 Jacob Christen, 7 15:55.3 Marshalltown 171 Kathir Kalyanaraman, 7 15:57.0 Johnston 172 Kolson O'Donnell, 8 15:57.3 Urbandale 173 Riley Brauckman, 8 15:57.5 Waukee 174 78 Juan Luis Garcia, 8 15:59.8 Marshalltown 175 Frank McEvoy, 8 15:59.9 Valley 176 Alex Gatiba, 8 15:59.9 Ames 177 Owen Hamann, 8 16:02.5 Urbandale 178 Emmett Bartels, 7 16:02.7 Southeast Polk 179 Din Terzic, 8 16:04.2 Urbandale 180 Zach Glynn, 7 16:04.6 Urbandale 181 Jordan Sc Heid, 7 16:05.1 Marshalltown 182 Noah Yeager, 8 16:05.3 Ankeny 183 Aydean Bejtovic, 7 16:05.6 Johnston 184 Garrett Galvin, 8 16:06.7 Ames 185 Mateo Holcomb, 7 16:08.3 Urbandale 186 Nathan Wanat, 8 16:10.4 Dallas Center Grimes 187 Jon Hudak, 8 16:11.4 Urbandale 188 Henry Brennan, 8 16:12.3 Ankeny 189 Carson Ibeling, 7 16:13.7 Dallas Center Grimes 190 79 Greyson Buttz, 7 16:14.2 Boone 191 Jonah Gerjets, 8 16:14.6 Ankeny Centennial 192 Nik Hudak, 8 16:14.6 Urbandale 193 Juan Reyes, 8 16:15.3 Waukee 194 Owen Smith, 8 16:17.4 Ankeny 195 Zachary Peters, 7 16:17.3 Ames 196 Isaiah Haveman, 7 16:17.6 Ames 197 Youssef Bouguerra, 7 16:17.8 Johnston 198 Elisha McGee, 7 16:18.2 Johnston 199 Sam Pawlowski, 7 16:18.8 Urbandale 200 Drew Sonberg, 7 16:19.9 Dallas Center Grimes 201 Caleb Kusserow, 8 16:22.3 Marshalltown 202 Tyke Remster, 8 16:25.8 Southeast Polk 203 Collin Tewes, 7 16:29.6 Southeast Polk 204 Stephen Walters, 7 16:31.6 Urbandale 205 Tyler Brumm, 8 16:32.7 Ankeny 206 Sawyer Chopskie, 8 16:34.1 Ames 207 Ryan Johnson, 8 16:35.1 Valley 208 Oaklee Keomala, 7 16:36.0 Southeast Polk 209 80 Owen Schneider, 7 16:36.4 Boone 210 Nick Meyer, 8 16:36.9 Ankeny 211 Alex Eichhorn, 8 16:40.2 Ames 212 Gavin Gehringer, 7 16:40.6 Urbandale 213 Eddie Bouchard, 8 16:41.0 Southeast Polk 214 Kyran Stanfield, 8 16:45.5 Marshalltown 215 Alex Imig, 8 16:46.8 Valley 216 Jack Meyer, 8 16:48.3 Ankeny Centennial 217 81 Spencer Bentson, 8 16:48.4 Boone 218 82 Aiden Maher, 7 16:49.5 Boone 219 83 Noah Hively, 7 16:50.7 Boone 220 Brock Johnson, 7 16:51.1 Southeast Polk 221 Henry Charlton, 7 16:51.4 Roosevelt 222 Mason Moyer, 8 16:52.6 Marshalltown 223 Sam Woods, 7 16:52.9 Urbandale 224 Spencer Kameen, 8 16:53.5 Ankeny Centennial 225 Eric Zmolek, 8 16:54.8 Ames 226 Carson Snyder, 8 16:56.5 Marshalltown 227 Bennett Niepert, 7 16:57.4 Roosevelt 228 Nabil Sajid, 8 16:58.3 Waukee 229 Joel Chan, 8 16:59.3 Roosevelt 230 Daniel Block, 8 16:59.9 Ankeny 231 Jensen Petrak, 7 17:01.0 Dallas Center Grimes 232 Mason Ballagh, 7 17:02.8 Southeast Polk 233 Griffin Nye, 8 17:03.3 Ankeny 234 Reed Swartz, 8 17:03.6 Marshalltown 235 John Berg, 8 17:03.7 Valley 236 Izaiah Wilder, 7 17:04.1 Marshalltown 237 Harvey Haggas, 8 17:05.5 Ames 238 Leonaro Ruiz, 8 17:06.2 Marshalltown 239 Isaac Benscoter, 7 17:06.2 Marshalltown 240 Alec Isenhart, 7 17:06.2 Dallas Center Grimes 241 John LaMasters, 8 17:07.9 Valley 242 Charles Larson, 8 17:10.5 Valley 243 Nathaniel Danielson, 8 17:11.2 Valley 244 Kenneth Uitermarkt, 7 17:13.1 Urbandale 245 Drew Hensen, 8 17:13.9 Ankeny 246 Malakai Vance, 7 17:15.6 Urbandale 247 Nicholas Coleman, 7 17:16.3 Johnston 248 Jacob Pallister, 8 17:17.0 Waukee 249 84 Isaac Kolacia, 7 17:17.8 Boone 250 Todd Rasmussen, 8 17:22.4 Boone 251 Anthony Lebo, 8 17:24.3 Ankeny 252 Dabi Rios, 8 17:25.9 Marshalltown 253 Tyson Hathaway, 8 17:26.0 Valley 254 Cameron Roach, 8 17:27.3 Waukee 255 John Schindel, 8 17:29.3 Ames 256 Nick Romans, 8 17:29.6 Ankeny Centennial 257 Christian Fouraker, 8 17:31.6 Ankeny Centennial 258 Ari Herrera, 7 17:31.7 Marshalltown 259 Jones Drury, 8 17:34.8 Ames 260 Jayden Johnson, 7 17:40.8 Southeast Polk 261 Tyler Brown, 8 17:44.3 Ankeny 262 Ethan Auxier, 7 17:47.6 Urbandale 263 Parker Rorstrom, 7 17:47.9 Johnston 264 Riley Wells, 8 17:49.0 Valley 265 Niall Sharma, 8 17:51.3 Valley 266 Jack Franks, 7 17:51.8 Roosevelt 267 Austin Hook, 8 17:53.6 Ankeny Centennial 268 Gabe Gobin, 7 17:55.5 Southeast Polk 269 Harrison Orngard, 7 17:55.6 Ames 270 Amal Choudhury, 7 17:59.6 Urbandale 271 Luke Brekke, 7 17:59.8 Ames 272 Obadiah Northway, 7 18:12.4 Ames 273 Carter Verhoeven, 8 18:13.7 Ames 274 John Kacmarynski, 7 18:17.1 Johnston 275 Soren Shirtcliff, 7 18:18.1 Ames 276 Nile Butler, 8 18:26.8 Marshalltown 277 Damien Porter, 7 18:28.2 Marshalltown 278 Austin Allen, 8 18:28.3 Valley 279 Isael Villagomez, 8 18:32.2 Marshalltown 280 Creighton Cassady, 8 18:36.0 Southeast Polk 281 Isaac Reed, 7 18:41.3 Southeast Polk 282 Buck Pattinson, 7 18:53.6 Johnston 283 Calder Shogren-Knaak, 7 18:59.1 Ames 284 Isaac Young, 7 19:06.9 Marshalltown 285 Ethan DeBrower, 7 19:13.8 Southeast Polk 286 James Xing, 7 19:15.5 Ames 287 Richard Saw, 7 19:16.0 Ames 288 Milo Reinhart, 7 19:17.6 Boone 289 Kager Kramer, 7 19:20.4 Marshalltown 290 Wyatt French, 8 19:22.9 Boone 291 Docken Haas, 8 19:50.5 Waukee 292 Cade Taylor, 8 19:50.6 Ames 293 Landon Stanley, 7 19:52.7 Marshalltown 294 Noah Nicholson, 8 19:53.5 Ames 295 Chase Mueller, 7 19:53.8 Boone 296 Matt Hammerand, 8 19:59.7 Urbandale 297 Neel Majumdar, 7 20:03.4 Ames 298 Caleb Nash, 8 20:05.8 Urbandale 299 Ethan Stanley, 8 20:08.8 Johnston 300 Nigel Flagge, 8 20:17.8 Ames 301 Gavin Knudsen, 8 20:29.0 Valley 302 Caleb Sheldon, 8 20:35.4 Ames 303 Liam Metcalf, 8 20:44.6 Ames 304 Kaleb Winn, 8 21:05.4 Valley 305 Owen Anderson, 7 21:09.8 Southeast Polk 306 Cadyn Crawford, 8 21:26.6 Boone 307 Jack Baitinger, 7 22:10.9 Urbandale 308 Aneesh Shrotriya, 8 22:58.4 Ames 309 Andrew Derrick, 8 23:05.3 Waukee 310 Saif Chaudrey, 8 23:07.4 Urbandale 311 Brodey Shelley, 8 23:07.5 Waukee 312 Ashton Richey, 7 23:07.9 Ames 313 Landon Redmond, 7 23:14.4 Ames 314 Miguel Quinones, 7 23:41.3 Marshalltown 315 Jack Kidd, 8 23:45.5 Dallas Center Grimes 316 Max Kostner, 8 23:50.3 Boone 317 Ross Bergeson, 8 24:15.2 Ames 318 Joeseph Hehr, 8 24:22.1 Ames 319 Jonas Hutson, 8 24:29.4 Ames 320 Hudson Lybarger, 8 26:21.4 Urbandale 321 John Shriver, 8 26:47.1 Ames

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