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2023 Nebraska State Fair Marathon - Marathon Relay Results

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 26, 2023
                             Grand Island, NE
                     Official Overall Results - Relay
Place Tea No.   Team                                    Category   10k     20 Mile Gun     Time    Pace     
===== === ===== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= ======= ======= ===== 
    1   1   301 Aerobically Challenged                  COED         51:03 2:28:08 3:04:55 3:04:51  7:05 
    2   2   317 Team Get-er-Run                         COED         53:58 2:44:26 3:27:32 3:27:15  7:57 
    3   3   316 Team Boss                               COED       1:01:09 2:50:02 3:36:44 3:36:17  8:18 
    4   4   303 GIX Jog-istics                          COED         52:03 2:49:34 3:38:54 3:38:36  8:23 
    5   1   321 Worst Pace Scenario                     MALE         55:12 2:57:39 3:43:04 3:42:34  8:32 
    6   1   312 Sandhillers                             FEMALE       56:17 2:54:41 3:46:14 3:45:13  8:38 
    7   5   307 Live Well PT- Running from Rehab        COED         56:17 2:46:23 3:45:49 3:45:22  8:39 
    8   6   308 Not really runners                      COED         51:03 2:53:38 3:46:12 3:46:05  8:40 
    9   7   302 Ancient Vikings                         COED         56:46 2:57:31 3:53:50 3:53:20  8:57 
   10   8   319 Walleye                                 COED         52:55 3:01:32 3:54:56 3:54:47  9:00 
   11   9   315 Swaggerer                               COED       1:04:21 3:01:33 3:57:29 3:56:24  9:04 
   12   2   313 SCHUMACHER                              MALE       1:05:33 3:04:08 3:59:14 3:58:42  9:09 
   13  10   304 Grand Island Dermatology                COED         59:33 3:06:49 4:00:33 3:59:50  9:12 
   14  11   306 Live Well PT - Chafing the Dream        COED         56:12 3:06:58 4:10:45 4:10:14  9:36 
   15   2   311 Running for Carbs & Margs               FEMALE     1:01:59 3:04:20 4:11:17 4:11:07  9:38 
   16  12   318 Triple B +T                             COED       1:11:51 3:20:55 4:19:10 4:18:49  9:56 
   17   3   309 Only running for a girls night out      FEMALE     1:14:21 3:31:33 4:29:07 4:28:36 10:18 
   18   4   320 We thought they said Rum                FEMALE     1:18:47 3:37:34 4:40:49 4:40:20 10:45 
   19  13   305 Grateful Tread Kim Julie Gordon Ann     COED       1:03:33 3:45:46 5:00:13 4:59:30 11:29 
   20   5   310 Rabid Runners                           FEMALE     1:10:49 4:18:46 5:41:52 5:41:20 13:05 

results by Precision Race Results LLC, Omaha, NE


           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 26, 2023
                             Grand Island, NE

                          RELAY RESULTS - FEMALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   10k     20 Mile Gun     Time    Pace     
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= ======= ======= ===== 
    1    1   312 Sandhillers                             FEMALE       56:17 2:54:41 3:46:14 3:45:13  8:38 
    2    2   311 Running for Carbs & Margs               FEMALE     1:01:59 3:04:20 4:11:17 4:11:07  9:38 
    3    3   309 Only running for a girls night out      FEMALE     1:14:21 3:31:33 4:29:07 4:28:36 10:18 
    4    4   320 We thought they said Rum                FEMALE     1:18:47 3:37:34 4:40:49 4:40:20 10:45 
    5    5   310 Rabid Runners                           FEMALE     1:10:49 4:18:46 5:41:52 5:41:20 13:05 

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 26, 2023
                             Grand Island, NE

                           RELAY RESULTS - MALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   10k     20 Mile Gun     Time    Pace     
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= ======= ======= ===== 
    1    1   321 Worst Pace Scenario                     MALE         55:12 2:57:39 3:43:04 3:42:34  8:32 
    2    2   313 SCHUMACHER                              MALE       1:05:33 3:04:08 3:59:14 3:58:42  9:09 

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 26, 2023
                             Grand Island, NE

                           RELAY RESULTS - COED
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   10k     20 Mile Gun     Time    Pace     
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= ======= ======= ===== 
    1    1   301 Aerobically Challenged                  COED         51:03 2:28:08 3:04:55 3:04:51  7:05 
    2    2   317 Team Get-er-Run                         COED         53:58 2:44:26 3:27:32 3:27:15  7:57 
    3    3   316 Team Boss                               COED       1:01:09 2:50:02 3:36:44 3:36:17  8:18 
    4    4   303 GIX Jog-istics                          COED         52:03 2:49:34 3:38:54 3:38:36  8:23 
    5    5   307 Live Well PT- Running from Rehab        COED         56:17 2:46:23 3:45:49 3:45:22  8:39 
    6    6   308 Not really runners                      COED         51:03 2:53:38 3:46:12 3:46:05  8:40 
    7    7   302 Ancient Vikings                         COED         56:46 2:57:31 3:53:50 3:53:20  8:57 
    8    8   319 Walleye                                 COED         52:55 3:01:32 3:54:56 3:54:47  9:00 
    9    9   315 Swaggerer                               COED       1:04:21 3:01:33 3:57:29 3:56:24  9:04 
   10   10   304 Grand Island Dermatology                COED         59:33 3:06:49 4:00:33 3:59:50  9:12 
   11   11   306 Live Well PT - Chafing the Dream        COED         56:12 3:06:58 4:10:45 4:10:14  9:36 
   12   12   318 Triple B +T                             COED       1:11:51 3:20:55 4:19:10 4:18:49  9:56 
   13   13   305 Grateful Tread Kim Julie Gordon Ann     COED       1:03:33 3:45:46 5:00:13 4:59:30 11:29