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Rock Island Junior High Invite - Top 7 Boys Results

                   Rock Island Junior High Invite - 2024

                          BOYS VARSITY TEAM RESULTS
  1. Geneseo Middle School                   
            3    4    5   13   20  (29) (44) =    45
         Kyle Wirth, Will Ehlert, Kellan Courtright, Henry Woodward, Declan
         Gillespie, William Davis, Hunter Olson
  2. Wilson Middle School                    
            1    6    8   10   22  (24) (27) =    47
         Christopher Sivertsen, Derek Nelson, Amos Schwartz, Lucas Hoogheem,
         Malachi Devlin, Beniah Perez, Ayden Long
  3. Glenview Middle School                  
            7    9   11   12   15  (17) (31) =    54
         Connor Adair, Abouzar Fakhri, Jax Tysma, Wisdom Dogbe, Zakaria
         El-Majdoubi, Mazin Abdelbanat, David Cobos
  4. Washington Jh                           
           14   16   19   25   26  (32) (41) =   100
         John Boelens, Oliver Cooley, Jude Muir, Jackson Franks, Malaki Tate,
         Maximus Vroman, Soren Hoffeditz
  5. Cambridge Jr/sr High School             
            2   21   34   39   40  (43)      =   136
         Miles Taylor, Lloyd Martens, Corben Strand, Josiah Hoste, Jj Black,
         Ryan Black
  6. Riverdale Middle School                 
           18   30   33   36   38            =   155
         Ethan Secker, Kamden Palmer, Hayden Davis, Emmett Beveroth, Blaine
  7. John Deere Middle School                
           23   28   35   37   42  (45) (46) =   165
         Brenden Hoffman, Benjamin Fobert, Luis Martinez Hernandez, Ari Fuhr,
         Wisdom Liassidji, Aiden Badillo, Ben Inskeep

           Rock Island Junior High Invite - 2024 - TOP 7 - Boys

Place TmPl Bib   Name                   School                         Gr Time    Pace     
===== ==== ===== ====================== ============================== == ======= ===== 
    1    1  2682 Christopher Sivertsen  Wilson Middle School           8  11:57.6  5:59 
    2    2  2458 Miles Taylor           Cambridge Jr/sr High School    7  12:15.1  6:08 
    3    3  2494 Kyle Wirth             Geneseo Middle School          7  12:17.7  6:09 
    4    4  2487 Will Ehlert            Geneseo Middle School          7  12:17.9  6:09 
    5    5  2484 Kellan Courtright      Geneseo Middle School          7  12:21.6  6:11 
    6    6  2675 Derek Nelson           Wilson Middle School           7  12:28.1  6:15 
    7    7  2508 Connor Adair           Glenview Middle School         8  12:34.1  6:18 
    8    8  2680 Amos Schwartz          Wilson Middle School           7  12:43.0  6:22 
    9    9  2519 Abouzar Fakhri         Glenview Middle School         6  12:45.6  6:23 
   10   10  2670 Lucas Hoogheem         Wilson Middle School           8  12:46.1  6:24 
   11   11  2539 Jax Tysma              Glenview Middle School         6  12:47.0  6:24 
   12   12  2517 Wisdom Dogbe           Glenview Middle School         8  12:48.5  6:25 
   13   13  2495 Henry Woodward         Geneseo Middle School          7  12:49.1  6:25 
   14   14  2643 John Boelens           Washington Jh                  8  12:55.7  6:28 
   15   15  2518 Zakaria El-Majdoubi    Glenview Middle School         7  13:03.9  6:32 
   16   16  2645 Oliver Cooley          Washington Jh                  8  13:08.2  6:35 
   17   17  2506 Mazin Abdelbanat       Glenview Middle School         6  13:08.9  6:35 
   18   18  2622 Ethan Secker           Riverdale Middle School        8  13:09.3  6:35 
   19   19  2650 Jude Muir              Washington Jh                  7  13:15.7  6:38 
   20   20  2490 Declan Gillespie       Geneseo Middle School          7  13:16.1  6:39 
   21   21  2455 Lloyd Martens          Cambridge Jr/sr High School    8  13:18.3  6:40 
   22       2471 Frank Owen             Edison Junior High             8  13:45.3  6:53 
   23   22  2666 Malachi Devlin         Wilson Middle School           8  13:47.9  6:54 
   24   23  2584 Brenden Hoffman        John Deere Middle School       8  13:53.2  6:57 
   25   24  2677 Beniah Perez           Wilson Middle School           6  13:57.1  6:59 
   26   25  2646 Jackson Franks         Washington Jh                  8  13:58.6  7:00 
   27       2634 Jackson Winter         Sherrard High School           8  13:59.7  7:00 
   28   26  2654 Malaki Tate            Washington Jh                  8  14:09.8  7:05 
   29   27  2672 Ayden Long             Wilson Middle School           7  14:11.1  7:06 
   30   28  2580 Benjamin Fobert        John Deere Middle School       7  14:15.9  7:08 
   31   29  2486 William Davis          Geneseo Middle School          8  14:15.9  7:08 
   32   30  2621 Kamden Palmer          Riverdale Middle School        8  14:17.7  7:09 
   33   31  2516 David Cobos            Glenview Middle School         8  14:18.1  7:10 
   34   32  2655 Maximus Vroman         Washington Jh                  7  14:18.3  7:10 
   35   33  2619 Hayden Davis           Riverdale Middle School        6  14:20.4  7:11 
   36   34  2457 Corben Strand          Cambridge Jr/sr High School    7  14:22.0  7:11 
   37   35  2590 Luis Martinez Hernande John Deere Middle School       6  14:23.7  7:12 
   38   36  2618 Emmett Beveroth        Riverdale Middle School        6  14:25.6  7:13 
   39       2629 Larry Bernauer         Sherrard High School           7  14:29.7  7:15 
   40   37  2581 Ari Fuhr               John Deere Middle School       6  14:33.0  7:17 
   41       2631 Aiden Eads             Sherrard High School           8  14:35.2  7:18 
   42       2633 Hunter Shemek          Sherrard High School           8  14:40.5  7:21 
   43   38  2620 Blaine Lofgren         Riverdale Middle School        6  14:48.0  7:24 
   44   39  2454 Josiah Hoste           Cambridge Jr/sr High School    7  14:59.0  7:30 
   45   40  2451 Jj Black               Cambridge Jr/sr High School    6  14:59.0  7:30 
   46   41  2648 Soren Hoffeditz        Washington Jh                  8  15:02.6  7:32 
   47   42  2589 Wisdom Liassidji       John Deere Middle School       7  15:06.9  7:34 
   48   43  2452 Ryan Black             Cambridge Jr/sr High School    UN 15:10.8  7:36 
   49       2469 Mj Jones               Edison Junior High             8  15:24.3  7:43 
   50   44  2491 Hunter Olson           Geneseo Middle School          7  15:27.3  7:44 
   51   45  2577 Aiden Badillo          John Deere Middle School       6  15:49.9  7:55 
   52   46  2586 Ben Inskeep            John Deere Middle School       6  16:05.6  8:03 
   53       2473 Ethan Sierra           Edison Junior High             8  16:39.0  8:20 

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