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Southeast Conference XC Championships - Middle School Boys Results

                     Southeast Conference XC Championships
                          Thursday October 17th, 2024
                           Elks Fairview Golf Course

                        MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS TEAM RESULTS
  1. Fort Madison                            
            3    4    9   13   16  (17) (21) =    45
         Cavin Denney, Logan McClure, Zach Hermes, Colton Tripp, Jaxon Pesch,
         Kian Koering, Jace Menke
  2. Washington Community School District    
            1    5   10   18   19  (24) (30) =    53
         Jack Shepherd, Hudson Turner, Logan Hoback, Lucas Atilano, Caleb Wise,
         Mitchell Mei, Luke Schmitz
  3. Fairfield                               
            8   11   14   20   22  (27) (29) =    75
         Elijah Hamilton, Elisha Vander Linden, Jordan Miller, Kalen Patterson,
         Liam Dowds-Robins, Quimby Scotton, Jack Lynch
  4. Burlington                              
            7   12   15   25   26            =    85
         Evan Huebner, Mason Burghoffer, Isaiah Engstrom, Ryder Douglas,
         Khameil Zigler
  5. Keokuk High School                      
            2    6   23   28   31  (32)      =    90
         Sam Higbie, Kyan Campbell, Brandon Johnson, Jeffree Arthur, Jj Stevens,
         Simon Gorden

                     Southeast Conference XC Championships
                          Thursday October 17th, 2024
                           Elks Fairview Golf Course

Place TmPl Bib   Name                    School                                   Class Time    Pace     
===== ==== ===== ======================= ======================================== ===== ======= ===== 
    1    1  4933 Jack Shepherd           Washington Community School District     8     11:31.9  5:46 
    2    2  4841 Sam Higbie              Keokuk High School                       8     11:36.1  5:49 
    3    3  4809 Cavin Denney            Fort Madison                             8     12:20.3  6:11 
    4       4886 Kylan Parrish           Mt. Pleasant                             8     12:31.0  6:16 
    5    4  4816 Logan McClure           Fort Madison                             8     12:33.3  6:17 
    6    5  4934 Hudson Turner           Washington Community School District     7     12:34.1  6:17 
    7    6  4839 Kyan Campbell           Keokuk High School                       8     12:57.0  6:29 
    8    7  4356 Evan Huebner            Burlington                               8     12:58.6  6:30 
    9    8  4802 Elijah Hamilton         Fairfield                                8     13:20.7  6:41 
   10    9  4812 Zach Hermes             Fort Madison                             8     13:28.8  6:45 
   11   10  4930 Logan Hoback            Washington Community School District     8     13:29.5  6:45 
   12   11  4807 Elisha Vander Linden    Fairfield                                7     13:29.7  6:45 
   13   12  4353 Mason Burghoffer        Burlington                               7     13:32.6  6:47 
   14   13  4823 Colton Tripp            Fort Madison                             8     13:34.0  6:47 
   15   14  4804 Jordan Miller           Fairfield                                8     13:35.6  6:48 
   16   15  4355 Isaiah Engstrom         Burlington                               8     13:37.1  6:49 
   17   16  4820 Jaxon Pesch             Fort Madison                             7     13:58.9  7:00 
   18   17  4814 Kian Koering            Fort Madison                             8     14:01.9  7:01 
   19   18  4929 Lucas Atilano           Washington Community School District     7     14:08.9  7:05 
   20   19  4935 Caleb Wise              Washington Community School District     8     14:17.3  7:09 
   21   20  4805 Kalen Patterson         Fairfield                                7     14:19.4  7:10 
   22   21  4818 Jace Menke              Fort Madison                             7     14:23.4  7:12 
   23   22  4801 Liam Dowds-Robins       Fairfield                                7     14:23.8  7:12 
   24   23  4842 Brandon Johnson         Keokuk High School                       8     14:26.4  7:14 
   25   24  4931 Mitchell Mei            Washington Community School District     7     14:37.3  7:19 
   26       4819 Himnesh Patel           Fort Madison                             7     14:37.6  7:19 
   27   25  4354 Ryder Douglas           Burlington                               7     14:49.4  7:25 
   28       4897 Aluck Khamphalinovoung  Ottumwa                                  8     15:15.1  7:38 
   29   26  4358 Khameil Zigler          Burlington                               7     15:21.3  7:41 
   30       4827 Reid Zeh                Fort Madison                             8     15:33.6  7:47 
   31   27  4806 Quimby Scotton          Fairfield                                8     15:57.6  7:59 
   32   28  4838 Jeffree Arthur          Keokuk High School                       8     16:38.3  8:20 
   33   29  4803 Jack Lynch              Fairfield                                7     16:48.3  8:25 
   34       4896 Kaden Haines            Ottumwa                                  8     17:09.7  8:35 
   35       4884 Max Bengal              Mt. Pleasant                             7     17:17.7  8:39 
   36   30  4932 Luke Schmitz            Washington Community School District     7     17:50.1  8:56 
   37       4400 Josh Abraham            Fairfield                                7     18:29.4  9:15 
   38   31  4847 Jj Stevens              Keokuk High School                       7     19:31.4  9:46 
   39       4885 Cameron Clark           Mt. Pleasant                             7     21:49.5 10:55 
   40   32  4840 Simon Gorden            Keokuk High School                       8     23:49.4 11:55