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 First Time Out - Contractor License                 HY-TEK's Meet Manager
            Fitchburg Fire Memorial 5K Road Race - 10/19/2024             
                        Firtchburg Fire Department                        
                           Last Completed Event                           
Event 1  Mixed 5000 Meter Run and Walk
    Name                     Age Team                    Avg 1K     Finals
Overall Results Women 5000 Run                                            
  1  #54 Foster, Nicole      W38 Westminster, MA         4:20.6   21:42.97
  2 #144 Tataronis, Julia    W39 Fitchburg, MA           4:34.5   22:52.51
  3  #57 Grady, Caitlin      W31 Leominster, MA          4:35.9   22:59.53
Overall Results Men 5000 Run                                              
  1 #115 Okerman, Jeff       M32 Needham, MA             3:31.3   17:36.38
  2  #49 Elliott, Bill       M51 Holden, MA              3:57.5   19:47.33
  3  #10 Beatty, Chauncey    M29 Fitchburg, MA           4:08.2   20:40.90
Results - Women 5000 Run                                                  
  1 #114 Oconnell, Karen     W44 Fitchburg, MA           4:38.9   23:14.34
  2   #6 Balaguer, Anna      W34 Melrose, MA             4:53.7   24:28.42
  3 #126 Roy, Kalie          W38 Ashburnham, MA          4:54.0   24:29.96
  4 #102 Miola, Jenn         W50 Lunenburg, MA           4:56.3   24:41.39
  5 #191 Lapointe, Sheila    W54 Lunenburg, MA           5:03.4   25:16.92
  6 #175 Ziniei, Bettini     W51 Leon, MA                5:11.9   25:59.18
  7 #120 Quinn, Katie        W36 Leominster, MA          5:22.0   26:49.66
  8  #70 Jusino, Andrea      W47 Fitchburg, MA           5:40.1   28:20.34
  9  #72 Kelly, Joyce        W63 Leominster, MA          5:40.4   28:21.98
 10 #137 Sideleau, Mackenzie W26 Leominster, MA          5:46.8   28:53.62
 11  #65 Hutchens, Madison   W19 Fitchburg, MA           5:47.7   28:58.36
 12 #122 Rinaldi, Katharine  W27 Leominster, MA          5:54.8   29:33.88
 13  #91 Mathieu, Beverley   W65 Sterling, MA            5:55.2   29:35.62
 14   #8 Barrett, Sharaai    W34 Gardner, MA             5:56.6   29:42.97
 15  #26 Chisholm, Courtney  W31 Fitchburg, MA           5:57.1   29:45.16
 16  #32 Cringan, Mary       W69 Fitchburg, MA           6:08.5   30:42.21
 17  #76 Lake, Rachel        W30 Marlboro, MA            6:10.5   30:52.41
 18  #93 Mathieu, Kaylee     W34 Lunenburg, MA           6:10.9   30:54.27
 19 #178 Sullivan, Rebecca   W53 Worcester, MA           6:21.3   31:46.34
 20 #141 Sprague, Katelyn    W31 Leominster, MA          6:21.9   31:49.46
 21  #45 Downey, Haley       W29 Fitchburg, MA           6:23.7   31:58.43
 22  #35 Cyr, Bridget        W61 Fitchburg, MA           6:29.4   32:26.78
 23   #9 Bean, Michelle      W37 Fitchburg, MA           6:34.1   32:50.14
 24  #58 Hamblin, Chloe      W36 Leominster, MA          6:37.3   33:06.13
 25 #179 Hall, Alexandra     W33 Lunenburg, MA           6:37.3   33:06.34
 26  #25 Chevarie, Madi      W26 Athol, MA               6:37.4   33:06.94
 27  #66 Johnson, Amanda     W27 Ashburnham, MA          6:44.7   33:43.24
 28   #7 Banasiak, Melody    W31 Leominster, MA          6:45.4   33:46.96
 29 #160 Garcia, Nathaniel    W8 Leominster, MA          6:55.0   34:34.80
 30  #27 Chisholm, Patty     W62 Sterling, MA            6:59.8   34:58.60
 31  #99 McNeil, Serena      W38 Leominster, MA          6:59.9   34:59.23
 32 #130 Saczawa, Nicole     W53 New Ipswich, MA         7:01.6   35:07.96
 33  #13 Boxell, Jennifer    W28 Fitchburg, MA           7:03.0   35:14.64
 34 #100 Melanson, Kathy     W49 Fitchburg, MA           7:05.7   35:28.49
 35 #106 Murphy, Elizabeth   W45 Athol, MA               7:09.4   35:46.72
 36 #158 Wysocki, Alexandra  W42 Athol, MA               7:12.6   36:02.84
 37  #59 Hamburger, Ruth     W47 Lunenburg, MA           7:22.3   36:51.51
 38 #101 Melanson, Paulette  W72 Leominster, MA          7:22.6   36:52.68
 39   #3 Alber, Jordan       W27 Barre, MA               7:22.9   36:54.16
 40  #44 Dolan, Evelyn       W64 Fitchburg, MA           7:27.0   37:14.92
 41  #67 Johnson, Katie      W26 Winchendon, MA          7:27.4   37:16.62
 42  #61 Hewitt, Avery       W19 Fitchburg, MA           7:43.3   38:36.47
 43 #163 O’connell, Ella      W7 Fitchburg, MA           7:43.3   38:36.51
 44 #186 Chandler, Tammi     W54 Fitchburg, MA           7:44.5   38:42.30
 45 #132 Sanpietro, Grace    W25 Marlborough, MA         7:47.0   38:54.56
 46  #48 Dunner, Janet       W41 Leominster, MA          7:52.8   39:23.64
 47  #62 Hewitt, Chloe       W16 Fitchburg, MA           7:54.7   39:33.49
 48 #107 Nash, Anastasia     W22 Clinton, MA             7:55.4   39:36.85
 49  #11 Berlinger, Sarah    W47 Ashby, MA               7:56.5   39:42.34
 50  #60 hernandez munoz, Fr W29 fitchburg, MA           8:20.0   41:39.95
 51  #55 Garcia, Sara        W44 Leominster, MA          8:20.4   41:41.96
 52 #194 Thalheiner, Heidi   W41 Townsend, MA            8:21.3   41:46.46
 53  #24 Chesson, Veronica   W37 Fitchy, MA              8:26.8   42:13.67
 54 #138 Silvio, Stefanie    W38 Clinton, MA             8:50.1   44:10.54
 55 #110 Needham, Jill       W52 Fitchburg, MA           9:02.2   45:10.84
 56  #43 Dohr, Anagret       W19 Orange, MA              9:05.2   45:25.85
 57 #167 Linehan, Lisa       W41 Fitchburg, MA           9:05.9   45:29.11
 58  #36 David, Kay Kourouni W53 Orange, MA              9:12.6   46:02.76
 59  #63 Hoeske, Liz         W51 Shirley, MA             9:39.1   48:15.37
 60 #104 Morrison, Kelly     W51 Fitchburg, MA           9:39.1   48:15.45
 61 #142 Stone, Becky        W57 Leominster, MA          9:44.4   48:42.03
 62 #151 Toomey, Roxanne     W59 Leominster, MA          9:44.5   48:42.51
 63  #34 Croteau, Melissa    W34 Fitchburg, MA           9:48.1   49:00.20
 64 #155 Wells, Shelley      W45 Westminster, MA         9:48.5   49:02.27
 65 #125 Roy, Brenda         W69 Fitchburg, MA           9:48.5   49:02.32
 66 #116 Orsini, Susan       W32 Fitchburg, MA           9:51.8   49:18.74
 67  #16 Brooks, Courtney    W31 Fitchburg, MA           9:51.8   49:18.79
 68 #133 Sarasin, Dianne     W57 Fitchburg, MA          10:01.4   50:06.78
 69  #97 McCue, Marsha       W63 Fitchburg, MA          10:01.5   50:07.19
 70  #21 Caley, Cassandra    W36 Fitchburg, MA          10:01.6   50:07.60
 71 #135 Sell, Carly         W22 Ashburnham, MA         10:03.3   50:16.35
 72 #185 Sutton, Haley       W29 San Diego, CA          10:39.5   53:17.19
 73 #149 Thibeault, Deborah  W65 Nashua, MA             10:49.4   54:06.98
 74  #84 Lizotte, Rose       W82 Fitchburg, MA          10:52.7   54:23.10
 75 #139 Sorila, Donna       W59 Fitchburg, MA          10:53.5   54:27.07
 76  #82 Libby, Tina         W59 Shelton, MA            10:53.8   54:28.80
 77 #174 Quirk, Kimberly     W22 Fitchburg, MA          11:01.1   55:05.27
 78  #12 Bolam, Tiffany      W29 Fitchburg, MA          11:01.2   55:05.75
 79  #18 Brousseau, Karen    W64 Fitchburg, MA          11:22.8   56:53.64
 80  #79 Leger, Barbara      W68 Leominster, MA         11:22.8   56:53.81
 81  #39 DeLisle, Angela     W50 Fitchburg, MA          11:40.5   58:22.23
 82  #56 Goss, Kathleen      W50 Fitchburg, MA          11:40.6   58:22.91
 83  #47 Dugas, Kimberly     W56 Fitchburg, MA          11:41.1   58:25.42
 84  #41 Despres, Nancy      W56 Fitchburg, MA          11:41.2   58:25.64
 85   #2 Aho, Lisa           W48 Townsend, MA           11:41.4   58:26.86
 86 #121 Quirk, Julie        W53 Fitchburg, MA          11:45.9   58:49.14
 87  #29 Cote, Deborah       W60 Ashburnham, MA         11:46.1   58:50.19
 88 #150 Thompson, Denise    W64 Westminster, MA        11:46.4   58:51.65
 89  #71 Keating, Paula      W57 Leominster, MA         11:46.6   58:52.57
 90 #183 Sutton, Jennifer    W54 Victorville, CA        11:48.2   59:00.80
 91 #147 Thibaudeau, Karin   W54 Fitchburg, MA          11:57.6   59:47.76
 92 #146 Thibaudeau, Diane   W78 Gardner, MA            11:57.7   59:48.36
 93 #145 Thibaudeau, Andrea  W44 Leominster, MA         11:57.8   59:48.67
 94  #81 Leger, Karen        W77 Leominster, MA         12:38.3 1:03:11.45
 95  #31 Courtemanche, Lynne W68 Fitchburg, MA          12:38.4 1:03:11.98
 96 #123 Roach, Robin        W69 Lunenburg, MA          12:38.5 1:03:12.13
Results - Men 5000 Run                                                    
  1 #119 Provencher, Michael M24 Fitchburg, MA           4:28.2   22:20.79
  2  #90 Martin, John        M48 Milford, MA             4:35.9   22:59.13
  3 #157 Winagain, Berny     M29 Worcester, MA           4:36.6   23:02.57
  4 #154 Wells, Cathal       M18 Fitchburg, MA           4:42.4   23:31.81
  5 #124 Rodriguez, Yibran   M30 Lawrence, MA            4:45.4   23:46.83
  6 #153 Vaillette, Jeffrey  M48 Leominster, MA          4:47.2   23:55.55
  7 #156 Wilson, Michael     M35 Fitchburg, MA           4:50.5   24:12.43
  8  #64 Hollums, Kenneth    M35 Leominster, MA          4:50.9   24:14.15
  9  #50 Farr, Thomas        M21 Princeton, MA           4:51.1   24:15.19
 10  #46 Downey, Timothy     M30 Fitchburg, MA           4:55.3   24:36.19
 11 #170 Berlinger, Matthew  M15 Ashby, MA               4:55.9   24:39.52
 12 #136 Shope, James        M70 Sterling, MA            4:59.4   24:56.68
 13  #42 DiCairano, Nicholas M26 Boston, MA              5:00.0   24:59.82
 14  #74 Kushmerek, Michael  M38 Fitchburg, MA           5:00.1   25:00.45
 15 #189 Thibeaut, Drew      M24 Fitchburg, MA           5:07.4   25:36.85
 16  #15 Broderick, Kole     M19 Gill, MA                5:10.3   25:51.31
 17 #105 Motyka, Daniel      M22 Fitchburg, MA           5:10.8   25:53.85
 18 #164 Ruggiero, Frank     M65 Lunenburg, MA           5:11.6   25:57.56
 19  #87 Maffeo, Nick        M23 Leominster, MA          5:12.7   26:03.17
 20  #38 Davis, Bobby        M23 Leominster, MA          5:12.7   26:03.29
 21  #92 Mathieu, Joshua     M36 Lunenburg, MA           5:13.2   26:05.70
 22  #95 Mayo, Stephen       M58 Fitchburg, MA           5:13.2   26:05.76
 23  #28 Cormier, Zac        M26 Fitchburg, MA           5:23.2   26:55.63
 24 #111 Notenboom, Nick     M21 Methuen, MA             5:23.8   26:58.56
 25 #129 Ryan, Sean          M51 Leominster, MA          5:23.8   26:58.63
 26 #166 McDermott, Robert   M64 Fitchburg, MA           5:24.7   27:03.16
 27  #94 Matias, Josue       M27 Fitchburg, MA           5:25.7   27:08.44
 28  #78 Lee, David          M43 Littleton, MA           5:27.2   27:16.03
 29  #98 McCue, Sean         M24 Fitchburg, MA           5:33.9   27:49.53
 30  #53 Foss, Bill          M67 Fitchburg, MA           5:36.1   28:00.48
 31  #22 Carroll, Jameson    M24 Fitchburg, MA           5:43.4   28:36.80
 32  #14 Brassard, James     M49 Fitchburg, MA           5:48.4   29:01.57
 33 #117 Payne, Norman       M55 Fitchburg, MA           5:53.9   29:29.43
 34  #75 LaBossiere, Michael M40 Pepperell, MA           5:55.9   29:39.35
 35 #173 Dunner, Gary        M70 Leominster, MA          5:57.4   29:47.00
 36 #103 Mola, Tyler         M24 Leominster, MA          6:04.7   30:23.29
 37  #86 Lucia, Nick           M West Brookfield, MA     6:07.2   30:35.73
 38 #177 Black, Chris        M21 Baldwinville, MA        6:07.3   30:36.06
 39 #162 Mathieu, Liam        M6 Lumenburg, MA           6:11.0   30:54.73
 40  #68 Jones, Adrian       M41 westminster, MA         6:17.1   31:25.42
 41 #159 Bean, Luca           M7 Fitchburg, MA           6:34.1   32:50.15
 42  #73 Kimber, Jeremy      M34 Fitchburg, MA           6:35.2   32:55.69
 43  #20 Byrne, Brendan      M26 Fitchburg, MA           6:35.2   32:55.70
 44 #172 Lombardo, Frank     M54 Lunenburg, MA           6:37.2   33:05.83
 45  #96 Mayo, Stephen.      M83 Hopkinton, MA           6:46.2   33:50.85
 46 #112 O’connell, Michael  M46 Fitchburg, MA           6:56.6   34:42.98
 47 #143 Stone, Harry        M33 Leominster, MA          7:02.5   35:12.51
 48 #109 Nastasi, Nicholas   M26 Stow, MA                7:05.2   35:25.92
 49 #176 Hylton, Josiah      M20 Pittsfield, MA          7:06.1   35:30.18
 50 #184 Chandler, Austin    M24 San Diego, CA           7:42.3   38:31.22
 51  #23 Charon, Colton      M20 Fitchburg, MA           7:54.4   39:31.72
 52 #169 Berlinger, John     M48 Ashby, MA               7:56.5   39:42.24
 53  #89 Marcotte, Joshua    M18 Barre, MA               8:02.8   40:13.57
 54  #85 Lucca, Ryan         M18 Hampstead, MA           8:02.9   40:14.42
 55 #171 Truxler, Edward     M64 Fitchburg, MA           8:04.6   40:23.01
 56 #190 Roy, Ryan            M7 Fitchburg, MA           8:19.1   41:35.47
 57 #108 Nason, Tyler        M19 Holden, MA              8:32.7   42:43.18
 58  #37 David, Nigel        M61 Orange, MA              9:20.2   46:40.75
 59 #161 Keiselbach, Gabriel M12 Leominster, MA          9:43.9   48:39.45
 60  #33 Croteau, Douglas    M36 Fitchburg, MA           9:48.0   48:59.77
 61  #19 Bruno, Gregory      M57 Leominster, MA          9:49.0   49:04.96
 62 #128 Roy, Patrick        M44 Fitchburg, MA           9:52.2   49:20.65
 63 #127 Roy, Kevin          M69 Fitchburg, MA           9:52.3   49:21.20
 64 #140 Sorila, Gary        M59 Fitchburg, MA          10:33.8   52:48.63
 65 #182 Chandler, Michael   M53 Fitchburg, MA          10:33.9   52:49.50
 66 #180 Fernandez, Kaqi     M29 Quincy, MA             10:39.4   53:17.02
 67 #168 Proulx, Dale        M57 Lunenburg, MA          11:00.0   55:00.00
 68  #80 Leger, Gary         M60 Leominster, MA         11:20.5   56:42.19
 69  #17 Brousseau, Gary     M63 Fitchburg, MA          11:21.4   56:46.85
 70  #40 DeLisle, Corey      M50 Fitchburg, MA          11:41.4   58:26.97
 71   #1 Aho, Joshua         M52 Townsend, MA           11:41.6   58:27.58
 72  #30 Cote, James         M63 Ashburnham, MA         11:46.3   58:51.46
 73 #181 Sutton, Dan         M55 Victorville, CA        11:48.4   59:01.78