2024 Run Crazy Horse - Marathon Relay Results

                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2024
                          Official Overall Results - Relay
Place Tea No.   Team                                    Category   Gun     Net        
===== === ===== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= 
    1   1   313 Mni Wiconi Runners                      Male       3:05:10 3:04:41 
    2   1   305 Coffee & Cardio Crew                    Coed       3:27:25 3:27:11 
    3   1   318 Quads of Fury                           Female     3:27:36 3:27:34 
    4   1   322 Still Got It                            Masters    3:34:43 3:34:29 
    5   2   317 PIP                                     Coed       3:38:02 3:37:02 
    6   2   324 Team Frogger                            Female     3:45:54 3:45:43 
    7   3   319 Salty Squad                             Coed       3:47:56 3:47:18 
    8   3   314 Muscle Maidens                          Female     3:52:59 3:52:41 
    9   4   306 Diesel                                  Coed       4:00:46 3:59:57 
   10   5   311 Klosterunners                           Coed       4:01:03 4:00:48 
   11   6   326 TEXAS                                   Coed       4:01:29 4:00:49 
   12   2   331 We’ve Gotta Run                         Male       4:04:25 4:03:44 
   13   7   320 Sconnie Hunters                         Coed       4:05:58 4:05:49 
   14   8   307 DNQ Paris '24                           Coed       4:07:13 4:06:13 
   15   3   309 Even Here                               Male       4:09:08 4:09:06 
   16   9   328 The Shin Sprints                        Coed       4:11:18 4:11:03 
   17   4   329 The tough crew                          Male       4:13:29 4:11:49 
   18   5   325 Team Stoodis                            Male       4:12:28 4:12:10 
   19  10   315 Old and Restless                        Coed       4:21:03 4:19:46 
   20  11   303 Cave Runners                            Coed       4:24:25 4:22:54 
   21  12   323 Team Elmore                             Coed       4:35:08 4:34:20 
   22   4   327 The Bone Brigade                        Female     4:36:37 4:36:35 
   23  13   301 2 Legit 2 Quit                          Coed       4:49:06 4:48:42 
   24   5   310 Hippie Hillers                          Female     5:06:42 5:05:03 
   25   6   308 Elizabeths Coffee                       Female     5:19:55 5:18:06 
   26   7   304 Cirque Du Sore Legs                     Female     5:20:31 5:19:03 
   27   2   332 WWW                                     Masters    5:45:13 5:43:30 
   28  14   316 Pharm Phive                             Coed       5:53:06 5:52:00 
   29   8   321 Sole Survivors                          Female     5:55:40 5:55:03 
   30   3   330 Trash Pandas                            Masters    6:33:21 6:31:17 
   31  15   312 Mahpiya Maza                            Coed       6:39:04 6:37:20 

results by Precision Race Results


                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2024
                                 RELAY RESULTS - FEMALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim    
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   318 Quads of Fury                           Female     3:27:34 
    2    2   324 Team Frogger                            Female     3:45:43 
    3    3   314 Muscle Maidens                          Female     3:52:41 
    4    4   327 The Bone Brigade                        Female     4:36:35 
    5    5   310 Hippie Hillers                          Female     5:05:03 
    6    6   308 Elizabeths Coffee                       Female     5:18:06 
    7    7   304 Cirque Du Sore Legs                     Female     5:19:03 
    8    8   321 Sole Survivors                          Female     5:55:03 

                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2024
                                  RELAY RESULTS - MALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim    
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   313 Mni Wiconi Runners                      Male       3:04:41 
    2    2   331 We’ve Gotta Run                         Male       4:03:44 
    3    3   309 Even Here                               Male       4:09:06 
    4    4   329 The tough crew                          Male       4:11:49 
    5    5   325 Team Stoodis                            Male       4:12:10 

                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2024
                                RELAY RESULTS - COED
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim    
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   305 Coffee & Cardio Crew                    Coed       3:27:11 
    2    2   317 PIP                                     Coed       3:37:02 
    3    3   319 Salty Squad                             Coed       3:47:18 
    4    4   306 Diesel                                  Coed       3:59:57 
    5    5   311 Klosterunners                           Coed       4:00:48 
    6    6   326 TEXAS                                   Coed       4:00:49 
    7    7   320 Sconnie Hunters                         Coed       4:05:49 
    8    8   307 DNQ Paris '24                           Coed       4:06:13 
    9    9   328 The Shin Sprints                        Coed       4:11:03 
   10   10   315 Old and Restless                        Coed       4:19:46 
   11   11   303 Cave Runners                            Coed       4:22:54 
   12   12   323 Team Elmore                             Coed       4:34:20 
   13   13   301 2 Legit 2 Quit                          Coed       4:48:42 
   14   14   316 Pharm Phive                             Coed       5:52:00 
   15   15   312 Mahpiya Maza                            Coed       6:37:20 

                            Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2024
                              RELAY RESULTS - MASTERS
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim    
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   322 Still Got It                            Masters    3:34:29 
    2    2   332 WWW                                     Masters    5:43:30 
    3    3   330 Trash Pandas                            Masters    6:31:17