Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 2, 2023 in LeClaire, IA


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

384 Morgan Helgerson F3039 218 31/46 142/224 48:16 15:34
355 Linda Wood F5059 219 30/49 143/224 49:08 15:51
356 Tom Wood M5059 220 17/18 77/90 49:09 15:52
260 Bernie Ponce M60UP 221 13/18 78/90 49:33 15:59
187 Joanna Lochner F4049 222 37/61 144/224 49:36 16:00
261 Ema Portillo F0111 223 5/10 145/224 49:42 16:02
262 Rosalva Portillo F4049 224 38/61 146/224 49:51 16:05
351 Karmen Wilkinson F5059 225 31/49 147/224 50:07 16:10
311 Kris Stilson F5059 226 32/49 148/224 50:08 16:11
29 William Brackett M5059 227 18/18 79/90 50:35 16:19
296 Hilary Shaw F5059 228 33/49 149/224 50:36 16:20
62 Melinda Damhoff F60UP 229 15/23 150/224 51:30 16:37
205 Loren McFate M60UP 230 14/18 80/90 51:47 16:43
307 Patti Stepp-Mcfate F5059 231 34/49 151/224 51:49 16:43
368 Jenny Culp F4049 232 39/61 152/224 51:52 16:44
291 Catherine Schaver F4049 233 40/61 153/224 51:59 16:46
222 Jessica Motto F4049 234 41/61 154/224 52:21 16:54
38 Candace Buikema F5059 235 35/49 155/224 52:49 17:03
389 Amanda Treanor F4049 236 42/61 156/224 53:37 17:18
100 Kate Fleetwood F4049 237 43/61 157/224 53:37 17:18
125 Heather Gritton F4049 238 44/61 158/224 53:54 17:23
318 Joseph Swanson M60UP 239 15/18 81/90 53:59 17:25
97 Tara Ferencik F5059 240 36/49 159/224 54:08 17:28
64 Susan Damon F5059 241 37/49 160/224 54:08 17:28
212 Tara Miller F4049 242 45/61 161/224 54:21 17:32
91 Vickie Everly F4049 243 46/61 162/224 54:22 17:33
377 Dawn Biba F4049 244 47/61 163/224 54:23 17:33
165 Terry Kahler M60UP 245 16/18 82/90 54:42 17:39
193 Alexa Mahoney F2029 246 11/16 164/224 54:44 17:40
194 Johnna Mahoney F5059 247 38/49 165/224 54:45 17:40
299 Stephanie Shook F3039 248 32/46 166/224 55:14 17:49
298 Kaylee Shook F0111 249 6/10 167/224 55:14 17:49
51 Laurie Conard F60UP 250 16/23 168/224 55:54 18:02
44 Nanette Carnicle F60UP 251 17/23 169/224 55:58 18:04
275 Tonya Rickertsen F4049 252 48/61 170/224 56:11 18:08
107 Amber Galey F3039 253 33/46 171/224 56:12 18:08
22 Jennifer Bertling F3039 254 34/46 172/224 56:22 18:11
233 Libby Neilson F4049 255 49/61 173/224 56:24 18:12
240 Kristine Nichols F4049 256 50/61 174/224 56:25 18:12
213 Ashley Mitchell F3039 257 35/46 175/224 57:08 18:26

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