Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 2, 2023 in LeClaire, IA


5K - Results

105 Trish Froeschle F60UP 85 1/23 33/224 29:30 9:31
294 Marianne Schroeder F60UP 109 2/23 55/224 31:20 10:07
68 Clara Decoster F60UP 114 3/23 59/224 32:05 10:21
287 Kathryn Rutledge F60UP 146 4/23 81/224 35:46 11:33
360 Vicky Wyffels F60UP 150 5/23 84/224 36:16 11:42
21 Jean Bermel F60UP 153 6/23 87/224 36:48 11:53
155 Denise Jensen F60UP 158 7/23 91/224 37:23 12:04
256 Jean Pfeiffer F60UP 159 8/23 92/224 37:24 12:04
247 Margo Olson F60UP 176 9/23 107/224 40:11 12:58
158 Melanie Johnson F60UP 180 10/23 111/224 40:58 13:13
327 Brenda Thomas F60UP 181 11/23 112/224 41:15 13:19
385 Nancy Shell F60UP 187 12/23 117/224 42:59 13:52
139 Clara Hoffman F60UP 191 13/23 121/224 44:00 14:12
237 Nancy Nelson F60UP 196 14/23 124/224 45:02 14:32
62 Melinda Damhoff F60UP 229 15/23 150/224 51:30 16:37
51 Laurie Conard F60UP 250 16/23 168/224 55:54 18:02
44 Nanette Carnicle F60UP 251 17/23 169/224 55:58 18:04
232 Karen Murphy F60UP 258 18/23 176/224 57:10 18:27
184 Nadine Larson F60UP 276 19/23 190/224 59:41 19:16
33 Carol Brooks F60UP 277 20/23 191/224 59:42 19:16
56 Caryn Crouch F60UP 278 21/23 192/224 59:44 19:17
244 Madonna Novak F60UP 303 22/23 214/224 1:04:51 20:55
281 Jean Roeder F60UP 305 23/23 216/224 1:05:47 21:14
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