Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 2, 2023 in LeClaire, IA


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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346 Becky West F3039 262 38/46 180/224 57:13 18:28
148 Caleb Hugaert M3039 263 7/8 83/90 57:13 18:28
86 Tom Erickson M60UP 264 17/18 84/90 57:32 18:34
333 Patricia Tucker F5059 265 39/49 181/224 58:14 18:47
221 Mariah Morse F3039 266 39/46 182/224 58:31 18:53
386 Samantha Morse F0111 267 7/10 183/224 58:43 18:57
2 Allison Adrian F1219 268 19/19 184/224 58:46 18:58
320 Evelyn Sweeney F0111 269 8/10 185/224 58:46 18:58
106 Haley Gabelmann F3039 270 40/46 186/224 58:48 18:59
321 Owen Sweeney M0111 271 7/8 85/90 58:51 18:59
12 Ashley Axtell F2029 272 12/16 187/224 58:56 19:01
13 Jon Axtell M2029 273 6/6 86/90 59:05 19:04
238 Nuong Nguyen F3039 274 41/46 188/224 59:15 19:07
170 Ashley Keppy F3039 275 42/46 189/224 59:17 19:08
184 Nadine Larson F60UP 276 19/23 190/224 59:41 19:16
33 Carol Brooks F60UP 277 20/23 191/224 59:42 19:16
56 Caryn Crouch F60UP 278 21/23 192/224 59:44 19:17
67 Misstie Day F5059 279 40/49 193/224 59:55 19:20
339 Chelsea Vyncke F2029 280 13/16 194/224 1:00:01 19:22
347 Michele Weston F5059 281 41/49 195/224 1:00:27 19:30
101 Jessica Flood F4049 282 52/61 196/224 1:00:41 19:35
269 Carissa Redmond F2029 283 14/16 197/224 1:00:47 19:37
11 Mike Austin M60UP 284 18/18 87/90 1:01:12 19:45
196 Sarah Markham F4049 285 53/61 198/224 1:01:19 19:47
358 Emma Wright F2029 286 15/16 199/224 1:01:23 19:48
365 Ella Brandt F0111 287 9/10 200/224 1:01:24 19:49
366 Holly Brandt F3039 288 43/46 201/224 1:01:30 19:51
357 Jack Woodard M3039 289 8/8 88/90 1:01:31 19:51
5 Jenny Amerine F4049 290 54/61 202/224 1:01:36 19:53
162 Chelsie Jones F3039 291 44/46 203/224 1:02:03 20:01
73 Megan Duran F4049 292 55/61 204/224 1:02:06 20:02
41 Benjamin Burns M4049 293 15/15 89/90 1:02:10 20:04
30 Lily Brandt F0111 294 10/10 205/224 1:02:38 20:13
230 Kim Mulholland F5059 295 42/49 206/224 1:02:39 20:13
301 Sofia Simons F5059 296 43/49 207/224 1:02:51 20:17
343 Kacee Weber F4049 297 56/61 208/224 1:02:59 20:19
90 Lesa Evans F4049 298 57/61 209/224 1:03:37 20:32
160 Traci Johnson F3039 299 45/46 210/224 1:03:49 20:35
47 Rosalie Chadderdon F5059 300 44/49 211/224 1:03:54 20:37
132 Ami Henricksen F5059 301 45/49 212/224 1:03:56 20:38

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