Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 2, 2023 in LeClaire, IA


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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354 Emily Wood F2029 59 1/16 22/224 26:50 8:40
119 Stephanie Grace F3039 60 8/46 23/224 26:51 8:40
228 Ryan Moylan M3039 61 3/8 38/90 27:00 8:43
345 Tim Welch M5059 62 6/18 39/90 27:02 8:44
209 Osvaldo Mendoza M60UP 63 5/18 40/90 27:09 8:46
166 Brian Kelly M5059 64 7/18 41/90 27:18 8:49
372 Cooper Leopard M1219 65 16/17 42/90 27:19 8:49
112 Alexandra Gassman F2029 66 2/16 24/224 27:32 8:53
176 Brian Kopf M60UP 67 6/18 43/90 27:38 8:55
309 Brian Stichter M4049 68 8/15 44/90 27:47 8:58
69 Patrick Decoster M60UP 69 7/18 45/90 27:49 8:59
361 Pamela Zakosek F5059 70 5/49 25/224 27:54 9:00
142 Cota Holst M1219 71 17/17 46/90 28:00 9:02
141 Ashlee Holst F4049 72 5/61 26/224 28:00 9:02
157 Lisa Johnson F5059 73 6/49 27/224 28:11 9:06
270 Erin Rennert F3039 74 9/46 28/224 28:20 9:09
122 Ethan Greuel M0111 75 3/8 47/90 28:25 9:10
123 Michelle Greuel F4049 76 6/61 29/224 28:34 9:13
121 Aaron Greuel M0111 77 4/8 48/90 28:35 9:14
27 Mark Boisen M5059 78 8/18 49/90 28:59 9:21
103 Monica Foley F4049 79 7/61 30/224 29:04 9:23
380 Annabelle Rodriguez F0111 80 2/10 31/224 29:05 9:23
217 Robert Bartley Moore M5059 81 9/18 50/90 29:06 9:24
102 Michael Flores M2029 82 3/6 51/90 29:07 9:24
127 Sheena Harker F3039 83 10/46 32/224 29:08 9:24
199 Tony Martinez M5059 84 10/18 52/90 29:27 9:30
105 Trish Froeschle F60UP 85 1/23 33/224 29:30 9:31
344 Jessica Welch F4049 86 8/61 34/224 29:36 9:33
278 Paula Rivas F3039 87 11/46 35/224 30:01 9:41
45 Samantha Carr F2029 88 3/16 36/224 30:02 9:41
378 Hayley Smith F3039 89 12/46 37/224 30:06 9:43
116 Eleanor Goodin F1219 90 6/19 38/224 30:09 9:44
215 Kim Moeller F4049 91 9/61 39/224 30:12 9:45
145 Samantha Houselog F4049 92 10/61 40/224 30:17 9:46
370 Amanda Bonde F5059 93 7/49 41/224 30:18 9:47
246 Lisa O'Connor F4049 94 11/61 42/224 30:38 9:53
324 Connie Tammaro F5059 95 8/49 43/224 30:39 9:53
336 Julie Verheecke F4049 96 12/61 44/224 30:39 9:53
279 Priscilla Robbins F4049 97 13/61 45/224 30:44 9:55
81 Julie Elliott F5059 98 9/49 46/224 30:55 9:59

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