2024 Steps for STEM 5K Run/Walk

5K Overall--Searchable Format


May 25, 2024 in Papillion, NE

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5K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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362 Eric Chatham M1929 4 2/10 4/30 18:11 18:10 5:51
505 Katie Fitzsimmons F3039 5 1/4 1/25 18:26 18:25 5:56
373 Elijah Clarke M1929 6 3/10 5/30 21:32 21:30 6:56
813 June Yamamoto F0118 7 1/6 2/25 22:07 22:04 7:06
651 Joseph McAvoy M6099 8 1/6 6/30 25:02 24:59 8:03
320 Donald Carter M4049 11 1/4 9/30 25:07 25:02 8:04
499 David Farris M3039 9 2/4 7/30 25:08 25:02 8:04
551 Tyler Hopping M1929 10 4/10 8/30 25:07 25:02 8:04
537 Robin Higley F6099 12 1/2 3/25 27:00 26:57 8:41
517 Ruth Greska F0118 13 2/6 4/25 27:09 27:07 8:44
627 Lucian Mahoney M0118 14 2/2 10/30 27:21 27:19 8:48
724 Jesse Schmidt M4049 15 2/4 11/30 27:33 27:25 8:50
812 Jim Windsand M6099 16 2/6 12/30 27:28 27:27 8:50
428 Dawson Deberry M1929 17 5/10 13/30 27:49 27:40 8:55
679 John Rieker M4049 18 3/4 14/30 27:55 27:49 8:57
272 Brandon Albin M3039 19 3/4 15/30 28:09 28:06 9:03
656 Joelle McKamy F0118 20 3/6 5/25 29:41 29:35 9:32
606 Phong Ly M1929 21 6/10 16/30 32:10 32:06 10:20
283 River Butts F0118 22 4/6 6/25 32:52 32:52 10:35
790 Joy Trimble F0118 23 5/6 7/25 32:53 32:53 10:35
816 Lily Zhang F1929 24 1/4 8/25 33:05 33:01 10:38
815 Rachel Yamamoto F4049 25 1/4 9/25 33:29 33:22 10:45
366 Ashley Cherney F3039 26 2/4 10/25 34:42 34:35 11:08
446 Shonna Dorsey F4049 27 2/4 11/25 34:59 34:47 11:12
526 Robert Gunderson M1929 28 7/10 17/30 36:46 36:41 11:49
527 James Harvey M5059 29 1/4 18/30 36:46 36:41 11:49
760 John Stoll M6099 30 3/6 19/30 37:07 36:55 11:53
367 Kirstie Ciesielski F5059 31 1/5 12/25 39:30 39:23 12:41
588 Katrina Jorgensen F4049 32 3/4 13/25 41:03 40:54 13:10
404 Dallas Croft M3039 33 4/4 20/30 41:15 41:06 13:14
402 Rosina Clarke F5059 34 2/5 14/25 42:12 42:01 13:32
798 Tim Wilson M6099 35 4/6 21/30 42:38 42:36 13:43
387 John Clarke M5059 36 2/4 22/30 44:06 43:55 14:08
742 Alexander Sobczyk M1929 37 8/10 23/30 46:06 45:55 14:47
370 Amanda Clarke F1929 38 2/4 15/25 46:15 46:02 14:49
383 Isabel Clarke F1929 39 3/4 16/25 46:15 46:03 14:49
515 Jacqueline Glassman F3039 40 3/4 17/25 49:47 49:32 15:57
806 Deborah Windsand F6099 41 2/2 18/25 50:38 50:23 16:13
279 Raschel Andres F5059 43 3/5 20/25 51:27 51:14 16:30
657 Becky Miralles F4049 42 4/4 19/25 51:27 51:14 16:30

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